Yea or nay, the DNC will place Hilary at the top of the ballot to replace a mentally decrepit Biden? Why/why not?

Yea or nay, the DNC will place Hilary at the top of the ballot to replace a mentally decrepit Biden? Why/why not?

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Yea and she will win and we can finally be done with this failure of a president that we have now.

>why not
Because she’s under 70,000 investigations

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No, she's not running, mongo

Doesn't matter they will lose.

You make me laugh, user.

>Yea or nay, the DNC will place Hilary at the top of the ballot to replace a mentally decrepit Biden? Why/why not?

Why swap old decrepit old bitch for another?

I'm gonna say Yea.

Tara Reade shit is credible, no getting away from that.

Women never lie. Liberal logic. Oh wait it's Biden. Well that is just Joe being Joe. Fuck the dems.

>Yea or nay, the DNC will place Hilary at the top of the ballot to replace a mentally decrepit Biden?
>Why/why not?
It's her turn


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>They never thought she would lose
and Payback is a little bitch.

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I'd vote for Hillary if she showed her feet


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To shield her from jail?

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Imagine the smell

>ywn be Hillary's personal foot rest

>Yea or nay, the DNC will place Hilary at the top of the ballot to replace a mentally decrepit Biden? Why/why not?

I get what you're saying, but Hillary can't win. Make it Michelle Obama.

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They've definitely considered it. Hilary would probably go for it. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Biden the nom, put her on the VP ticket then got him to stand aside for health issues.

It'd unquestionably further destroy the republican tradition of the US at a time when it's already in pretty dire straits, though.

Nay. Sensible Dems know that insulated DC types overestimate her popularity and always have. Radical left hated her last time for what she did to Bernie, this time they're rabid so if they think Hillary will win over far left rather than Biden they're just wrong.

There is no candidate who can beat Trump right now, Dems need to do a 180, concede this election and start working with Trump to prove that there's more to them than TDS hysteria, corruption and criminals before 2024.

Can you investigate someone who is running for president?

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God I would be in heaven

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He can't win, either

Lol worked out great in 2016. Thanks for nominating a pedo with severe dementia. We appreciate the easy win you handed us

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user, top kek credentials for busting out the T.P. reference.

Michelle Obama would probably be very popular. Downside would be admitting that the role of President can be played by someone with no experience and thus a complete puppet if it's politically expedient to do so.

No. They won't replace Biden at all.
If they did, democrats would lose faith in the electoral system for their candidate. Whole party would implode, they'd be securing Trumps victory.
They're in a really bad spot.

What a great time to be alive lol you thought the breakdowns were good last time

Fuck user. Nice get

Hope you're right, user. We need four more years of keeping the SJWs out of power.

Replace a person with no mental coherence with a person who has a body an mind falling apart with kuru disease