The Pentagon footage corroborates Bob Lazars story.
Something very interesting... way back in the 80's He said that when UFO's in high speed mode, they rotate 90 degrees and fly belly first, then the pentagon release Footage of a UFO, rotating 90 degrees..... and flying belly first.......
He explains it about 15 - 17 minute mark on this video...
when you're standing next to an AYYYY take a selfie otherwise FUCK OFF
Gavin Gray
Over 100,000 billion stars in the galaxy. Hundreds of billions of galaxies in the observable universe. What is the chance of life occuring? What is the chance of life creating technology? What is the chance of life creating unified civilization? What is the chance of life becoming interstellar? What is the ratio of benevolent civilizations vs malevolent civilizations? Which type of civilization would prosper more on average? Why does the media almost always portray ETs as negative? How do you unify a divided world? Would a malevolent civilization allow a divided world to prosper? Would a technologically inferior civilization(Earth) be any threat to a malevolent one? Would a benevolent civilization allow a malevolent one to conquer worlds freely? Would a malevolent civilization take worlds hostage to their advantage? Would a world even know they are hostages? How do you keep the secret hidden? How do you prevent losing the war? Who controls the bombs? How do you save a world without destroying it?
Samuel Butler
Gabriel Sanchez
Who cares about UFOs you glowniggers. Stop using obvious fakes to distract from real issues.
People have time on their hands? The Navy basically said "we have no idea, halp us guiz" in 2017.
Christopher Hall
I only belived bob lazar after Joe rogan had tht Air force pilot on. I dont think he saw aliens though, I think they government just has more tech than we know, We know from history the secret government tech is 30-40 years ahead of what the public know.
Ian Murphy
What an insufferable fucking faggot. I wish I had no reason to discuss politics, of all things.
Looks like some phony bullshit an 8th grader could make in his basement. Complete and total fucking bullshit. 1/10. They tried. Fucking Jews.
Colton Phillips
this was captured by an air force fighter jet and was corroborated by his colleagues who were on the flight with him. It is most likely a secret government program
Jason Turner
if it's a secret us program its unbelievable technology
Ayden Sullivan
UFOs != extra terrestrials
Tyler Brooks
> Irrefutable evidence that OP IS A FAGGOT
Daniel Wood
That isnt the point, the point is that the speed that the vehicle changes momentum implies gravity propulsion which is the technology aliens would use 100% and is the technology that Bob Lazar claims aliens would use
Gabriel Hill
Who gives a fuck about a bunch of spaceniggers when glowniggers are the real problem?
maybe but we know from history the government has tech 30-40 years ahead of what the public and normal army have.
Bob lazar has been saying this for the 90s and i believe that the government has access to a new element that we don't know of that lets them have air craft like this. He says he saw aliens or what looked like aliens and I believe that he believes he saw that. But I suspect it was his imagination. He also claims to have saw an aircraft like in the vid.
I didnt believe Bob though until I heard about this guy
Anyway this is the least of are worries the US is in a cold war with China and when they go to war with Iran in the next 4 years that will be the major catalyst for it to get heated
Gavin Garcia
if we have gravity drive we eon the nuclear standoff
Christopher Young
i'm not inclined to believe that the US has this technology and just isn't using it for some reason. we could colonize the stars with that. it would put america permanently ahead of other countries, probably to such an extent that anyone else would be a footnote in history