Reminder that capitalism tempered by nationalism is the true white man's economic system. Everyone "pro-white" who attacks capitalism is a slimy leftist who wants white taxes to go to minorities.
Reminder that capitalism tempered by nationalism is the true white man's economic system...
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Capitalists are one of the main drivers of mass immigration. still better than communists though
Reminder that social tempered by nationalism is the true white man's economic system. Everyone "pro-white" who attacks socialism is a slimy kike who wants white resources to go to jews.
In a White socialist country there would be no minorities
stfu Snow-brit
>who attacks socialism is a slimy kike who wants white resources to go to jews
Strawman harder you commie faggot, not a penny of hard earned white money should go to other groups including jews.
>Capitalists are one of the main drivers of mass immigration
I specifically said capitalism tempered by nationalism.
>Strawman harder you commie faggot
I literally changed two words in your statement. Why do defend capitalists? What are capitalists doing for you, or for whites? Capitalists do shit like fund mass immigration NGOs. Where are the capitalists funding white interest groups?
Okay boomer. National Socialism is the only option for the White Man and gapitalist kikes get the fucking rope.
Why do you want your taxes to pay child support for Shaneequa's 15th baby?
Why do you want the jew Carl Icahn to get richer? We can do this all day.
Capitalism was invented by the white man and is one of the big reasons why we dominate the Earth along with high IQ and technological progress. Cope harder.
>Why do you want the jew Carl Icahn to get richer?
I don't.
I still want to know, why are you okay with whites paying into a socialist system when there are currently tons of minorities who will be net takers of that money?
Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin. The problems we're facing currently are due to the greed (and malevolence) of kikes who see the economy as the be all end all. Capitalism has its merits, but it can be perverted by the Jew. You know what can't be perverted by the Jew? The third position.
>I still want to know, why are you okay with whites paying into a socialist system when there are currently tons of minorities who will be net takers of that money?
Because I don't give a shit about the solvency of this Jewish system. Whites benefits from social welfare as well and if it were up to you, you would take their benefits just to spite minorities. What I care about, is that whites that need help at the moment can get it.
>Whites benefits from social welfare as well
Not when they're the ones fucking paying for all of it. You haven't thought this through.
>I specifically said capitalism tempered by nationalism.
So national socialism? Whats the point in calling it capitalism at that point? Capitalism is just an offshoot of (((enlightenment))) classical liberalism which is judeo-masonic at its core.
Capitalism is inhumane and therefore by your own argument anti-white.
Capitalist don't care about their nation. Only about their capital.
Whites pay more than taxes, but taxes are a small amount compared to the national debt. The US government is 24 trillion in debt, it's debt, and a debt that continues to grow for a reason. It's not being paid off.
>So national socialism?
No, national capitalism.
>Whats the point in calling it capitalism at that point?
Because white men can privately own their own means of production, keep private property and keep the fruits of their labor - and not have it taxed away to give to welfare ghetto queens, or to Israel as foreign aid. White money made by white men staying in white pockets.
>National Capitalism
Capitalism is international dummy. Wtf do you think is causing Globalization right now??
>Capitalism is inhumane
Not even close to as inhumane as the mass starvation and death that always occurs under socialism and communism. Only an anti-white would wish that kind of horrible death on a white country.
Explain how opening up social welfare programs paid for by white taxes in a country with millions of non whites isn't going ot become a giant financial cucking apparatus.
So explain to me why it's always Zionist
Greed exists in any economic system, the important part of capitalism is freedom to buy and sell. This does not mean we need to or should cuck our own producers by importing cheaper and less quality goods or cuck our workers by importing slaves. Greed is not good, it must be called out and destroyed as degenerate. Favor local or die.
>Wtf do you think is causing Globalization right now??
Globalism. Which is strongly linked to communism and the idea of erasing borders and removing our differences.
Capitalism enshrines the idea of private property, which in a collective sense is related to citizens owning their country: nationalism. IT belongs to them. Not to the world, not to the UN, etc.
You're a bootlicker for supporting the hoarding of wealth by a handful of billionaire oligarchs.
It's not. Capitalism is an economic system. It has nothing to do with middle eastern diplomacy at all. Fuck the entire middle east including Israel and Palestine and every other arab country.
>Explain how opening up social welfare programs paid for by white taxes in a country with millions of non whites isn't going ot become a giant financial cucking apparatus.
I just said the social welfare programs aren't paid for the costs of them are just added to the national debt. Whites aren't paying for the the welfare programs. We're expected to eventually pay for them but that's never going to happen.
You're a communist which makes you the biggest bootlicker in human history. And you're an anti-white cuck for supporting a system that would tax whites and transfer their wealth to Shaneequa and her 15+ babies in the ghetto.
Also re-read the OP I said capitalism tempered by nationalism, not globalist capitalism.
Shut up, kid. The adults are talking.
Go play in traffic, faggot.
>Capitalism enshrines the idea of private property, which in a collective sense is related to citizens owning their country: nationalism. IT belongs to them. Not to the world, not to the UN, etc.
That's completely wrong. Globalism is being driven by the development of capitalist industries across the world, especially the second and third-world.
>We're expected to eventually pay for them but that's never going to happen.
Impossible. Eventually something has to give. You can't go into unlimited debt forever, only a lunatic would believe this.
Every government expenditure now on social programs or anything else is a future tax dropped on white people.
>Globalism is being driven by the development of capitalist industries across the world
So temper capitalism with nationalism as I said in the OP. Fucking learn to read or don't bother posting.
Communism is the most globalist anti-borders one-world system that has ever existed, communism is globalism on steroids.
Very true, however, you are not a capitalist unless you own a business. Otherwise, you're just a wage slave.
And even if you do own a business, it is nearly impossible to compete in today's market.
Regulated Capitalism with a salary cap is the way to go. Spread the wealth.
You just agreed with me.
I'm saying you can't temper Capitalism with nationalism. That was called Neoconservatism. Capitalism in part is the transnational pursuit of capital.
I disagree but that's good enough of an opinion that I wouldn't gas you. You need to realize the strength of community and collective will, though. A national socialist system absolutely would not tolerate dopeheads and freeloaders, it does however respect workers and their contributions to the nation.
>lol watch me swerve your question cuz im smrt like dat
>lol why does yu liek da j00 hurr hurr
Fuck off you pleb
Daily reminder to go back to lift.
More like I asked him the same kind of loaded question as he asked me, but apparently it flew over your head.