China Shows their Hand

Or they overplayed their hand. So it looks like the only reason they buy up land in other countries and send their people over is to hold that country hostage through economic means and then use that as leverage when they get their fee fees hurt.

This is an declaration of war and their purpose was to invade every country. All chinks should be deported from every single country they occupy. Every Chinaman or woman is an agent working for the state as law from 2014

>China’s New National Security Law

Attached: land down under.jpg (587x634, 107.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn look at that insectoid

> deported
No. Chinks need to be rounded up, put into shipping containers, doors welded shut and dropped into the sea.

Time for governments around the world to round up all chinks in their countries and hold them hostage. Kill 5 a day until the CCP surrenders.

I know a Chinkess hag through a few degrees of separation who "scouts property" in the countryside meant for Australians and buys/sells it for Chinese millionaires. Literally a chink ethnocentric traitor giving land that belongs to us away to her yellow masters. How do we stop these hags bros? The SJW establishment is so fucking pozzed, it's not even leftwing anymore it's just a fasciculating venom paralysing the country to stop it reacting to nonwhites looting it's resources

bat soup diet does wonders

Attached: hu-xijin.jpg (1365x2048, 1.21M)

Big businesses benefit from open chinese markets and boomers love that only hostile rich foreigners can buy their 500k shacks. Corporations and boomers IS the government so no one will ever do anything about China. China literally legalizes stealing intellectual property from foreign companies and our corrupt corporations still go there for short term gains.

>How do we stop these hags bros?

Whip em good.

Attached: Aussie vs ccp agents.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

And maybe beat the shit out of them.

Attached: Australia Asian attack university.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

>So it looks like the only reason they buy up land in other countries and send their people over is to hold that country hostage through economic means
It's worse than that.
They've been committing fraud the whole time, being communists, their money is actually worth nothing, they just print it off like funny money and go throwing it around to people who don't know any better or bribe officials to screw over their people.

The last thing you want to do is prevent rich Chinamen from buying property in the west.

It's a constant source of income for you Australians as it is for us Brits. Every time there is a shock to the economy, Chinamen buy up property in London and New York. They throw billions into our economies this way

They don't live in the buildings either, they just leave them to rot basically. They buy mansions in Chelsea, London for millions which literally sits there and falls apart from dilapidation after 5 years

I don't think any of you realise how much money comes out of China, and how scared the Chinese government is of wealth leaving their country and going to the west. In fact over the years they've put in ever increasing authoritarian measures in place to prevent the flow of capital out of China

But whatever, muh chinks right?

The reason why western governments let them do this is to bleed China dry basically, China doesn't want this

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They are like Jews but more retarded.

Daily reminder to spread this article everywhere fellow Australians. Everywhere.

Social media, comment sections, the works. Our communist adjacent politicians will never stand up to China unless the Australian people show genuine rage.

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>But whatever, muh chinks right?

btfo chink. Their people are literal soulless ants that do the bidding of the CCP and get put in universities to give countries money. Chink people are like a commodity/currency.

Thats why the Chink Ambassador for Australia threatened to pull them out of Australia universities and crash the economy.

Attached: aussie vs ccp spies.webm (720x720, 2.64M)

I can't even tell what's happening, that's terrible footage.

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>Have you seen anything that gives you a high degree of confidence that this originated from Wuhan Institute of Virology?
>Yes I have.
>WHO should be ashamed, they are like the PR of China
>Is this not a natural occurring virus? We'll see.
>What makes you think this came from the Wuhan Lab? I'm not allowed to tell you that.

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Nothing will get better. This shit hurts people on the left but they would rather not be "racist" than stop something that hurts them too

Chinkoids aren't human, they are yellow monkeys with an insect-like mentality. We should just gas or nuke China and do everyone a favor

Attached: RandomChinkDevastation.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

I always admired Australia for being a true meme country, founded by criminals, lost a war against emus, has citys covered in cobwebs and cute creatures. Don't let chinks ruin your country.

>Thats why the Chink Ambassador for Australia threatened to pull them out of Australia universities and crash the economy.

So? Let him do it. I'm sure all those Chinese studying in Australia will really love the CCP after being forced to go back home without an economic future

The guy is just full of wind

Liberal and Labor have turned this country in to a Kmart for the chinks.

>Chink people are like a commodity/currency.

They are, so why not collect their money?

>Time for governments around the world to round up all chinks in their countries and hold them hostage. Kill 5 a day until the CCP surrenders.

Kek, like the chinks would care. They have no emotions, they're soulless godless worker drones. They need to be eradicated for the good of the planet

China is afraid. The world genuinely starting to realize how little their money and production means and that they aren't as necessary for it as previously thought. They are no longer untouchable and on the verge of being turned into a glass floor for this shit. Chinks better step fucking lightly the next few years. The rest of the world is tired of their shit.


USA knew for years. They were funding it.

That webm is fucking hilarious, gets me everytime. The chink of the bike getting beamed by the telephone pole...kek. Just imagine these insectoids in an actual war piloting fighter jets or driving 70 ton tanks...they'd be more danger to themselves than us.

>Let a foreign entity increase the price of housing in your country so your own people cant afford to live there
You should be skinned alive.

>China is afraid.

They have fucked Canada as well. Trudeau shipped billions worth of PPE equipment in January leaving Canada vulnerable and unprepared.

Attached: theresa tam.jpg (344x366, 28.32K)

>Liberal and Labor have turned this country in to a Kmart for the chinks.

If your politicians cut off the iron ore supply to the chinks their economy would die overnight. something like 70% of their iron ore comes from WA mines

China needs your iron ore and other shit.

Just stop selling it to them. Sell it to 'murica.

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Usually, I would never shill a New York journalist but I have no problem shilling for this guy,
Nigga goes HARD against a Chankoro!
>Chinese people pay no attention to the lies of their propagandists
I wish I knew about him a long time ago, he has a hate hard on for those slant eyes, you can just tell it AND he cites all of his sources usually with 3 sources of information in a pastebin usually in based archive(dot) mod like an old school journalist was taught to.

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Yea I'm not denying that. Trudeau is a piece of shit and I hate my liberal country for voting him in again. Shit all I can do about that, doesn't change the fact China is going to get anally destroyed in the coming months and they are fucking terrified of what the world will do to them. But nice pilpul attempt memeflag. Stay on topic next time.

Australia is so fucking cucked, they were prisoners from the start, and prisoners to this day
, somethings never change do they.

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Absolutely unacceptable. I encourage all Australians to boycott Chinese products immediately.

Disgusted by what the Chinese government and media has been saying about Australia lately. They were getting testy before Coronavirus as well because we stand up to their South China Sea tyranny.

These people are now officially your enemy. Wake up to that reality right now. Every chinese product you buy is giving money to the enemy. Every chinese national-run business you buy from gives money to the enemy. Every chinese owned piece of land you rent gives money to the enemy.

These people want to kill you and consider your life nothing - gum on the bottom of their shoe - their words.


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Nice pic related

Australia is a lost cause. IF they would actually be worth something they would be lynching chinks in the streets by now, meanwhile, the most they will do is write a letter, which will Chinese use to wipe their asses.

Dude people have been saying "X overplayed their hand this time!!!!" for fucking over 100 years now, the only time it caused anything was after Hitler "overplayed his hand" about 6 times (up to invading the USSR).
Nothing ever happens, except when it's Whites.