Ted Kaczynski was based

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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Fuck you queer

and will continue to be an even bigger and more irreversible problem the more we wait. The longer it grows, the more harm it does to humanity and the longer it will take to reverse. Indeed he was right

Industry is necessary for advanced technology, which is necessary for Earth life to spread to the rest of the universe.






Indeed, he truly had an amazing mind. Too bad we are going in the complete opposition direction. The future will be devastating and the Elites will keep consolidating power at the expanse of everyone else

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From where the "Earth life" appeared? Monkeys? Kek!

those who doubted Ted will be punished.

yes frog, single-celled monkeys.

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>Earth life to spread to the rest of the universe.

So life has the philosophy of a cancer cell?
"Expansion for the sake of expansion?"

>150 IQ
>can't figure out it's the fucking Jews

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>Ted Kaczynski was based

He was also /fa/ it seems.

No, that is capitalism.
Expansion for the sake of getting multiple baskets.

>150 IQ
It's 168, actually

Smash your computer then.

>80 IQ
>Can't figure out that Jews are just Saudi holograms like the 150s can

so how to fix? I red his manifest a long time ago and as far as I understood we need a fucking miracle to reverse the Industrial Revolution....
Will corona chan do? I don't think so.

He was just another intelligent person who didn't know shit outside of their field of work but people still hail him as a genius because he went to Harvard. Truth is, he was insane and didn't know shit about sociology. The idea that technology is what is making people depressed is fucking retarded. What's making people more depressed is the erosion of religious values and the nuclear family as well a lack of struggle and purpose in modern society.

His argument that technology would inevitably lead to a totalitarian government is retarded too. Technology is just a tool like a gun, it can be used by governments to oppress but it can also be used by freedom fighters to rebel. What's more is that we are living in the most liberal era ever, a thousand years ago not a single civilian could say something bad about their government without fear of being punished.

We shouldn't curb technological progress and thereby remove any chance of human immortality and reaching other plants because some literal schizo said so.

Chad 168 IQ Primitivist vs Virgin Transhumanist

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Just wait for the next paradigm shift dummy.

One figures out it’s the Jews at 169 IQ though

On anti-tech rev. all of his propositions fit very well into the JQ.

Lol have you actually read his works? Do you watch porn?

>Will corona chan do? I don't think so.

To think that we as a species can maintain this level of material extorsion on the planet is utter folly.
One day or other we are all going to see how a paper castle tumbles beneath the rain.
Technology is just that. It´s a means devoid of personality. An empty shell. Fools will praise it. Wise men will understand it´s flaws.

>Smash your computer then.
Will it help reverse the Industrial Revolution?

Stop using your computer then. Fuck off, go live in the woods.

>The Under-Man is unconvertible. He will not bow to the new truth, because he knows that the new truth is not for him. Why should he work for a higher civilization, when even the present civilization is beyond his powers ? What the Under-Man wants is, not progress, but regress regress to more primitive conditions in which he would be at home. In fact, the more he grasps the significance of the new eugenic truth, the uglier grows his mood. So long as all men believed all men potentially equal, the Under-Man could delude himself into thinking that changed circumstances might raise him to the top. Now that nature herself proclaims him irremediably inferior, his hatred of superiority knows no bounds.

>This hatred he has always instinctively felt. Envy and resentment of superiority have ever been the badges of base minds. Yet never have these badges been so fiercely flaunted, so defiantly worn, as today. This explains the seeming paradox that, just when the character of superiority becomes supremely manifest, the cry for levelling "equality" rises supremely shrill. The Under- Man revolts against progress! Nature herself having decreed him uncivilizable, the Under-Man declares war on civilization.

>These are not pretty facts. But we had better face them, lest they face us, and catch us unawares. Let us, then, understand once and for all that we have among us a rebel army the vast host of the unadaptable, the incapable, the envious, the discontented, filled with instinctive hatred of civilization and progress, and ready on the instant to rise in revolt.
---Stoddard, Lothrop: Revolt Against Civilization, the Menace of the Under-Man. 1922

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I read his manifesto and I find that several times a week I encounter discussions or ethical problems that he explained in detail. Especially the early chapters about left wing psychology, the power process and the inferiority complex.
Ted was right.

Professor Uncle Ted is truly a prophet and a visionary.
His works should be taught to school children and we should take his ideas seriously.

The world will be a better place because Ted Kaczynski existed. He may have saved the human race.

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>Implying the "earth life" this user wanted to spread to the Univers was single-celled organisms.
I am sure you can do better.
Thanks for the compliment from your meme btw.

>erosion of religious values and the nuclear family
You have a very shallow understanding of what Technology is. Technology is not just what you use to shitpost on Yas Forums. Technology is everything that has made it possible for us to cope with the limitations of biology.

Tampons are technology and birth control is technology; all which has resulted in the destruction of the nuclear family and the rise of Feminism, women entering the workforce for instance.

Ted was waaaay ahead of his time, dude

Those quotes look like the average Capitalistic subhuman who read Nietzsche once trying to capture true meaning.

"Let us grow for the sake of growing. Let us infect the whole world with our filth." Would be a great translation.


WHere's the second page Sven? I need to know if he promotes nofap or not

Here you go Fernando

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>, but simply...
simply what ? aAAAAAHHH
look at the time
... cliffhanger !???
now ???


>the erosion of religious values and the nuclear family as well a lack of struggle and purpose in modern society.

And what socio-political context do you think was necessary for the erosion of religious values and the nuclear family? That's right, technological civilization.

>His argument that technology would inevitably lead to a totalitarian government is retarded too. Technology is just a tool like a gun, it can be used by governments to oppress but it can also be used by freedom fighters to rebel. What's more is that we are living in the most liberal era ever, a thousand years ago not a single civilian could say something bad about their government without fear of being punished.
Ever heard of the social credit system in China? If yo haven't, you better look into it, because it is the future of the West.

>We shouldn't curb technological progress and thereby remove any chance of human immortality and reaching other plants because some literal schizo said so.



Finally you said something smart Ulf. But it won't help Swedistan anyway.

And the third world primitive proves Stoddard right 100 years later. Thanks, Pedro.
So go eschew all technology and return to your mud hut in Somalia, or try to join the tribe on the Sentinel Island. The dream is real.

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Technocracy is Jewish cope, daily reminder. The biggest proponent of it are all Jewish (Eliezer Yudkowsky, Ray Kurzweil)

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yeah but I believe It has to happen before a certain point. Every generation is becoming more and more dependant on technology. I mean even today almost no one would survive at their own without “organization-dependent technology” now imagine zoomers trying to survive at their own. There will be a point of no return, and we are probably not far from it.


keep lurking

Fixed it for you.

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Thank you, based Sergio