Man shoots postal worker because she didn't want to deal with his aggressive dog

>An Indiana man charged with murdering a U.S. postal worker this week admitted he confronted her because his mail delivery had been suspended due to his “aggressive dog,” prosecutors said.
>Tony Cushingberry-Mays, 21, was charged with second-degree murder, assaulting a federal employee, and discharging a firearm during a crime for the death of Angela Summers, a 45-year-old postal worker who was gunned down Monday afternoon during her mail delivery route in east Indianapolis, according to the United States District Court of Southern Indiana.
a witness who spoke to WTHR said Cushingberry-Mays was allegedly upset about not getting his COVID-19 stimulus check when he confronted Summers.
>Summers, however, could not deliver his mail “because she was having a problem with the dog at his residence,” the complaint said, adding that Summers had reported “several issues” with the dog, which had resulted in mail being held.
>The postal worker’s response triggered an argument, escalating to the point that Summers had to use pepper spray on the 21-year-old.
>“Cushingberry-Mays then pulled his handgun from the right side of his waistband (no holster), pointed his handgun at the letter carrier, and fired one shot at the letter carrier,” the criminal complaint states. “He acknowledged the mace was not deadly but led to discomfort from his asthma.”
>According to the complaint, Cushingberry-Mays admitted in a Tuesday interview with police that he ran away after shooting Summers, first going to his aunt’s house before hiding the gun in the garage at his mother’s. He told authorities “he did not mean to kill the letter carrier but wanted to scare her,” according to court documents.

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That postal worker was a racist bitch. She just didn’t want the young man of color to enjoy his much needed stimulus check. His dog was probably starving and he just wanted to buy some puppy chow.

glad to see that even a pandemic can't stop our genocide

I bet they'll blame guns for America's nigger problem yet again

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>my asthma!
Blacks are so fragile. Every single one of them is born with some medical issue.

It's a fucking ape

What breed was it. Let me guess. Dog of peace (shitbull)?

>“he did not mean to kill the letter carrier but wanted to scare her,”
>shot her five time

nigger logic

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_igs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon

You racists don’t understand. He was waiting for his acceptance to Harvard. He was going to be an Astro scientist and now he will just be the ward of the state.

All their moms smoke while pregnant

>based man fights the fed

Whats the issue?
He killed a glowie

Yes, and a lot more than just tobacco.

I wonder what breed of dog it was...

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Fuck this dumb cunt. She has pitmom written all over her face. Bet you she votes for nigger gibs and diversity. Nothing of value lost except the cash to keep this filthy coon alive for another 50 years. FUUUUCK!

>I just wanted to scare her by shooting her in the fucking head
How do niggers think these dumb shit excuses will get them out of trouble.

They read celebrity mags and it works there

>be femailman
>hate dogs
>won't hand over man's property
>mace him instead
>man draws weapon
>clean shoot
>free to go
>coroner extracts bullet
>wait a minute
>no stamp on it
>man jailed for life

One less roastie and nigger

of course, a dumb fuckin nigger

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The only way to fix a beast like the one described on the pic is with lead

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On the bright side, one less pitbull statistic.

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You can pick up your mail from the post office if it can't be delivered you fucking retard

What's with niggers and asthma? Every nigger I have ever seen that had been hosed with OC always complains about "muh asthma, nigga. I can't breef, bruh." Like no shit you can't breathe, you dumb chimp.

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Does this nigger get life in prison for shooting a federal worker?

Hopefully they just put him down, like the nigger dog.

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their lungs are bred for high capacity
The effect of OC is rapid evacuation
Basically its a short stroking cylinder and leads to them suffocating
Spray longer to ensure death
Then spray your balls for not having a gun


Geezuz that Damn Trump did IT again.
Orange man RACIST
If Trump hadn't promised the Covid-Bux
NONE of this would have happened.
Pfft. Giving niggers money knowing they just kill each other over it.
> on second thought