Why do we elect sociopaths pol?

Why do we elect sociopaths pol?

Look at her dead cold bitch sociopath eyes

Why do we trust our rights to a sociopath with a slit?

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many people at the end of the day are gunna feel real shitty as the Gov. laughs in all your stupid fat faces as all courts tell y'all to fuck off back to the lockdown. SCOTUS won't even address the case.
Screencap this.

Only screencap this is "gunna" get is for a cringe compilation friendo

Why do men vote women into power?

>Why do we elect sociopaths pol?
As much as 70% of American electorate vote based upon whatever name sounds the most familiar to them, and the remaining 30% are ruled through mob rule. This is why Democracies always fail.
When voting rights were restricted to white male landowners over the age of 25, elections were actually based upon merit.

TLDR:Female voters.

>votes to sue gov.
Wat. Sue the Federal Government? States rights bitch its your problem.

>When voting rights were restricted to white male landowners over the age of 25, elections were actually based upon merit.
this is the only demographic that should actually have a voice anyway

Fucking stupid ass.

uh, did you miss what just happened

smug lamppost decorations are in this year

Sociopaths get shit done. The mistake was voting for a clam.

Honestly the land owner thing but not the age thing. Reason being, nobody holds more liability for their governments actions than those that literally own a piece of the land in which is governed. Problem is all it would do is cause those who hold wealth to purchase land(property) to buy it all up concentrating power of the vote, which would the lead to them selling small pieces to their friends for nothing just to give them a vote. Its too easy to manipulate and locks out a large portion of the population.
Really what we need to do is begin to hold those we vote to power accountable and enforce limit terms. Government representation was never meant to be a career choice.

It has more than one meaning you know. Plus has anyone been sued in the past 4 years besides the feds and trump? Gut reaction MY BAD.

Not a sociopath more like a woman who refuses to admit she was wrong

>House votes to sue the governor

She didn’t get there legitimately.



No you're right, in our current political landscape is easy to presume what you did. I shouldn't have attacked you fren.

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That's a man in drag

She's never going to fuck you, incel.

Its all good. Today has been stressful for everyone.

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Michigan state congress, Michigan's government has three branches like the federal government.




They've been brainwashed into thinking men and women are exactly the same, just like brainwashing them that all people are the same.

I'm sorry you're a kissless virgin, user. I haz sad. :(

Is that Caitlyn Jenner?

This was a feel good exchange and I'm blessed to have witnessed it. I hope the both of you have a nice day and be of good cheer.

Why are people up there so excited to die for Jewish shareholders?

Don't be a moron. SCOTUS will rule that the lockdowns were unconstitutional but they'll let the whole thing get tied up in the various levels of the courts until their eventually ruling is moot.

The state legislature is suing the governor.

Ever heard of the South, asshole? It's in the USA.

Only allow the head of household vote. They get one vote for each adult in their household, along with 1/4 of a vote for each child in their household who has never been in trouble with the legal system. This keeps family members from cancelling out each others votes and discourages anyone other than the head of household (typically the working age male) from spending time on politics that could be better spent on family life.

You're an idiot. This falls within the welfare clause.