Where does AVALANCHE fall on the political spectrum?

where does AVALANCHE fall on the political spectrum?

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deranged libtards

RWDS with a funny token black bear

They are eco terrorists... definitely far left

They are ecoterrorists.

Based Kaszynskiites

yeah but left or right?

Eco-terrorists are far left by definition.

Far left over all, but individually
Cloud - apolitical
Tifa - Moderate left
Barrett - Black Nationalist and radical left
Aerith - Moderate Right
Red 13 - Conservative Right
Cait Sith - A stuffed toy that brought a robotic moogle to life with magic, so probably far right
Vincent - Conservative Right

Biggs, Jessie and Wedge are just a competent and likable version of antifa members

barrett is a black nationalist?

The Nazis were ecoterrorists though.

Far Left. Basically Ancom

kaczynski was far left?


Cant be deranged when they are correct about Shinra killing the planet. They wouldn't be left because they dont mind using guns for arms.

I'm playing the original FF7 right now.
Is there any way I can get rid of this annoying loud nigger?

Attached: nigger.jpg (269x187, 5.58K)

fucking zoomer

He's one of the best characters, right up there with Cid and Yuffie.

It depends if you consider Shinra a private company or the government. He had a job working for the space program, but it’s unclear whether that’s more akin to NASA or Space-X in the world of FFVII. In any case because of his experiences he does a complete 180 and turns against them, so depending on your interpretation he’s either vehemently anti-government, or anti-corporation

>barrett's black, and therefore a black nationalist

Yeah, I don't want a big fat angry nigger in my team though.

No. There is plenty of historical precedent for ecoterrorism from both the left and right.

That's why ecological values are sometimes mapped on a wholly separate axis.

It's a company. Midgar = Tokyo. Tokyo electric power company TEPCO = Shinra Electric Power Company

>not enjoying the nips making a mockery of loud angry niggers

Why are you trying to compare our political map with people who live in a land of monsters and dragons and the earth being a literal living thing just stop faggot

Then go with Tifa. Once out of Midgar you rarely have to stay with any single member other than Cloud.

In the original FF7 they were based eco terrorists. Their only political agenda was stopping giga kikes from literally sucking the life out of the planet. Now they flipped the script. You know that first mission where you blow up that Mako reactor? Well apparently now you go there to stop Shinra from... Blowing up their own reactor. Don't ask me how it makes sense or how they plan on making the rest of the story work.

FF7 nerds please correct me if I'm wrong.

But they control every aspect of the citizen’s lives in Midgar and apparently throughout most of the world. They control just about everything a traditional government controls. In what way are they not acting as a government?

>Tifa - Moderate left
>Aerith - Moderate Right
Switch them around and its more accurate

Wtf is this true?
I was planning on buying the game.
If the story is changed I’m not touching this shit

>Well apparently now you go there to stop Shinra from... Blowing up their own reactor.
Negative. They’re still eco terrorists trying to blow up the reactor, only in this version they’re not very good at it, so their bomb goes off and basically does nothing, like some sparks fly out. The higher ups at Shinra have been watching them the whole time- allowing those to go on, and when they see the bomb doesn’t work they blow it up themselves. I’m guessing to make Avalanche look like the bad guys? Dunno- I stopped playing after you get to the bar in sector 7

>Don't ask me how it makes sense or how they plan on making the rest of the story work.
Because destroying the reactor gives ShinRa the opportunity to play victim.

>I’m guessing to make Avalanche look like the bad guys?
Yes, user, its basically the final fantasy version of "whatcha doin rabbi?"

Point taken. I guess they are effectively both. Don't remember the game making it clear if they have shareholders or if president shinra just controlled everything as a king basically.

>You know that first mission where you blow up that Mako reactor? Well apparently now you go there to stop Shinra from... Blowing up their own reactor.
Shinra frames your group for the bombing to win more public support. In the original you do a terrorist attack that kills a bunch of innocent people. When I first played it after 9/11 I kinda knew they couldn’t get away with that plot point today.

>FF7 nerds please correct me if I'm wrong.
I wouldn't know, I REFUSE to play that remake trash.

Al Qaeda style terrorists.