She's a school counselor in Chicago

Megan Franklin works for CPS (Chicago Public Schools).

looks like she's on here:

Attached: Screenshot_20200430-141038_Twitter.jpg (1439x859, 230.47K)

Other urls found in this thread: Parent Power Guide.pdf

Nigger who teaches niggers. Why should I care?

Who gives a shit? Some of you retards somehow say even dumber shit here and I don't think they should have their personal shit leaked.
Sticks and stones, my friend.

>Fucking 110 Likes
>Works in education. Types like a retard. Chicago. Big surprise.

Destroy everyone who stands in your way

Get her fired.

the fact that someone who writes "ppl" has a job in education is more blackpilling than the amount of likes on the tweet.

This is exactly what we want. Their hatred in full view of our children. Our kids in high school. It will create a generation of ultra nationalist whites. We must indoctrinate all white youngsters to protect their race.

I spam high school discords and social media with this stuff whenever possible. Grow their hate like seedlings.

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I know the names of my grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, and some sides of my family back to 800 AD - and the name of my father even..

to win

Don't report it. Archive it. Screencap and time stamp it. Archives have been removing shit.

Well, somebody needs to whip all the nogs in Hell, so they stay busy.

Always archive shit like this so they can't delete it
>the "white ppl" tweet:
>CPS tweet:
>Last name:

>you don’t have ancestors
>they’re in hell
Pick one

the replies are hilarious
so much "Moors taught you people how to bathe" nonsense. Africans are certifiably retarded and they have latched onto weird conspiracy theories about why they're actually the most brilliant people on earth and only evil whiteness has held them back

>Be whitoid
>Try to use black magic to jinx black gf
>Get spooked by Baron
>Bitch found death on her bathtub
LMAOing at white people.

Attached: IMG_20200430_182121.jpg (720x1130, 296.75K)

she has selfies all over her TL too.

twitter threads should be fucking banned

Attached: 1587031932825.jpg (784x349, 32.72K)

I had a teacher who was white and fat as hell who used to prey on black students and cuck her black husband with dozens of high school basketball players. She literally was so “woke” she ruined the lives of almost everyone she touched when found out. She went to court and actually kept her job. If the roles were reversed she would have got life in prison.

She might have been the most based teacher I ever met, a bunch of her basketball players she preyed on commuted suicide or are in jail now, including her former husband.

It’s not just Chicago

Based and honkypilled

>White people betrayed their ancestors, now they’re in hell

White people are exotic and rare, everyone else is retarded jealous inbreds.

Truth hurts.

Wow, imagine not being able to trace your paternal lineage back 1,000 years to know which Teutonic Knight you descend from...

Your grandfather wouldn't be able to pass down his sword that's been handed down generationally to the first born male. That would truly suck...

Shut up faggot.
They started the game. No reason for it to be a one way street.

should have her bosses names, numbers and emails - Parent Power Guide.pdf

chicago niggers are a rare breed of filth. i hope that coronachan wipes them out

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I mean she can talk shit. But my family has kept the severed hand of our earliest traceable ancestor, apparently he lost it in battle in 1530ish.... He kept it for good luck and it has been "handed" down ever since and kept in a nice little reliquary that has a leather bound book with all of my families names, births, marriages, debtors, and important info in it.

It's really cool to see my 3x great grandfather talk about his boat trip to America, even if it is in German.

Why is her avatar gay tiger food?

On one hand I agree wholeheartedly, but on the other I just like getting myself angry.

Fucking Chicago public schools, I swear. That whole state (save for Northwestern and UofChicago) is a disaster on every level.

Working for the school system is very blackpilling, seeing all these black people with bullshit masters that can't write a proper sentence in professional communications. The only positive is watching dumb white women get called a bitch by some black kid and have nothing happen because punishing blacks is racist lmao.