Female vikings

Reminder that all entertainment media is pozzed. No. Exception.

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Well of course. The only reason Ubi put a white blonde lead in there is because you at least get to kill Christians.

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nigga it's about selling copies, more and more women play videogames now, they like having their own female character that's all... it's a videogame not an hiperreallistic 9th century viking simulator you incel freak

Viking women turn me on.

stfu Swedish cuck,
Isnt your own country filled with your women being none stooped anally violated by shitskins?
You dont have any room to talk. Fix your government before complaining about vidya

You can read history as opposite from AC games, as for good and evil guys.

This is true for 13 years already. Ubisoft employs marxists.

Kek. This is absolutely true. Someone make a mod where you get to play as an anglo saxon and btfo paganfags

There were women who were Vikings though.

There weren't, it's a lie based on a few dug up graves but there was no actually physical proof any of those women saw combat

Yas Forums

Why can't women also kill and slaughter? Sorry not everyone is pozzed christ cuck like yourself.

Women belong at home being women, not larping as men you faggot simp, you homos are exactly the same as trannies, trying hard to be the opposite sex

There were female viking warriors you dunce. I figured you would know that but apparently you're so cucked you can't even remember who your wives were.

>Has about 2 million shitskin in his country in the last decade or so despite having a population pool of only 10 million
>Has time to worry about women in vidya

Swedes deserve somalis.

There were, I’ve seen documentaries about it.

CEV sounds based AF

At least they're all white. I was expecting vikangz

Either you're underage or illiterate

>calls others cucks
>believes women can be strong and manly like men

most historians agree that there were indeed female viking warriors. but like said there's no physical evidence

Tfw my bloodline is Viking and Anglo-Saxon due to the heathen army invading england.

I’m cool either way desu


Le stronk shieldmaiden, at least there's no niggers so far, r-right?

In popular fiction, skjaldmær are portrayed as front line soldiers able to go spear to spear with other bigger male soldiers. In reality, they were the very last line of defense, and most likely if their men were all killed would surrender and became slave wives of the conquerors who killed all of their former husbands, that's how the world actually works.

>most historians agree
>no physical evidence
No they fucking don't, pop history journalists write articles about how there must have been female viking because some noble women were buried with swords and shields. However there's evidence they were ever wounded in combat nor has anything ever been written about women fighting alongside men. Stop being fucking retarded.

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*no evidence

Yeah just wait till the proportions are out the window. Look forward to 1/4 female combatants just like it was in bf5 multiplayer. Its fucking retarded, you retard

>playing video games

l2code and make your own and sell it to bugmen.

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>female Vikings in vidya bad because not realistic
>female with huge boobies in vidya good even tho not realistic

Viking women were real, though.

That franchise has done that for a while. The characters aren’t normal humans, they’re part of some anti-Illuminati murder cult with superhuman abilities. It’s fantasy and it’s fine. The games don’t pretend to be historically accurate either, with wildly stylized designs.

>Propaganda is ok in these contexts, goy! STOP QUESTIONING US

kys moshe

KJV is better.
>inb4 pagan satanic cathcult shills