I'm a pedophile

I'm a pedophile.
Debate me.

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What's to debate? Lolis is good, old hags is trash.
That grap is bullshit though. Complete granny lover nonsense

Nah, I'll just hang you.

Why would anyone? Do you debate with the mentally ill?

What do you think about this?

>I'm a pedophile.

Call joe or 911

>Literal who flag
Try it, third world nigger.

Pedo is attraction to like 3 years olds retard.
Hebophilia is attraction to like teens and for most of recorded history was completely fucking normal.
If youre a pedo fucking kill yourself

>I'm a pedophile.
Reporting you to the FBI. Hope you get ass raped every day for the rest of your life in prison.

>Doesn't have an argument
>Deflects with insults
Wew lad, calm down.

Why bother? You get the rope.


Up until the late 1800's the age of consent in your country was 10. That was changed by radical jewish-christian feminists.

Not really an insult.

What is the fbi going to do in the UK?

Okay, mutt.

>In Bongland

nice try cuck

Just post a risqué pic and get banned already.. It's inevitable with your kind.

My point still stands.

What do you think about this Image?

Attached: History of Aoc.png (2628x308, 120.3K)

Sir, may I inquire as to which kingdom on earth you belong to?

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Go back to Pakistan, faggot

I aint clicking that shit nigga

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It's paedophile you nonce.

The Yas Forums server link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Alex Jones this week, JOIN BEFORE WE CLOSE THE INVITES

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>(((social purity movement)))

child rape is not up for debate
Kill yourself

imagine actually wanting to kill someone for wanting to sleep with a 17 yr old girl.

I think actually white knights like this need to be butchered in the most brutal way imaginable.

Why are you attracted to larva if they’re not fully developed yet?

>I'm a pedophile
>exterminate me

>He thinks pedophilia and child rape are the same
Mutt education, everyone.

So does mine.

>uk calling anyone else third world


btw the correct term isn't pedo because pedo's are attracted to pre pubescent children.

Okay. What's the topic?

Behave or you'll get another Dresden.

this just in--17 year olds are now prepubescent children.
kill yourself, pedophile defender

At what age do you find them atractive?

>I'm a pedophile.
You wrong.

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No it doesn't. You failed to make an argument.

>differnce betwwen pedophilia and lolicon
Checked right out. Lolicon means pedophile. What do yuo think "Lolita complex" means?Fucking hell, I hare illiterate westerners who don'r know what words mean
30 months to12 years, all lolis is good.
Yes, only preteens are good

Bruh your country is literally made up of the worst of my country.

Consensual sex with a teen girl is fine. Their brains are fully developed by that age anyway. It becomes an issue if it’s rape etc.

children can't consent.
kill yourself.

uh, okay what about.

What are your thoughts on the Pedophile Information Exchange's outline for age of consent reform? Does relegating statutory rape above the age of 4 to civil court still leave adequate protection for children from abuse? Is the added burden on victims to prove a lack of consent potentially too burdensome for the justice system to manage? Would it not also lead to financial exploitation of minor attracted persons by victim actors?

It's YouTube.. Unless you're downloading, sharing, or storing hxc cp, you'll be fine. Your cowardice saved you from a retarded video though, so celebrate that win.

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thought australia was made up of chinks? make up your mind, muhammad.

Personally I'm both.

9 is too young
13 is a bit early but good if you plan to start a family with her. 14 and she's gonna start hopping on random dicks if she's not provided with a man.

Girls asrtart being doable around 30 months and are best around 8 years
Is feminist rage not an argument?

nah just straight to the chopping block

Your stance on pedophilia.

Between 11 to 14 is patrician taste, and virtually all men are attracted to them. Most of them secretly.
>inb4 hurr durr pedo

How do fathers feel when their spawn goes through age 8-13?
>8 - literally an annoying little shit
>9 - huh she's play with girl shit, cool i guess
>10 - hmm
>11 - what is going on?
>12 - is this normal?
>13 - Hnnnnnnnngggggg

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Hi Achmed

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Prove it.

You're not going to be president Biden, and you can't win a debate.

Okay since this is a debate, how about I take the pro-pedophile stance and you take the anti?

Oi! You got a loicense for that?

Having a harem of pregnant 15-year-olds is the most based thing ever
Anyone who disagrees with me is low T, a soiboi or a virginal pensioner


Do you happen to be familiar with any of these symbols?

Attached: MAIN-logos.jpg (615x409, 28.15K)

When did I post that?

Pedophilia is possibly the most studied and well understood mental illness in the field of psychology. Pedophilia is pretty much an offshoot of sociopathy (since you don’t care about harming kids) and Pedophiles are known to score much lower on IQ tests than the general population. So you’re sadistic and retarded. Also most pedophiles were exposed to pornographic content at a young age and their lusting only got worse from there according to interviews pedophiles admitted in. So there is literally no point in debating you, you’re mentally ill and pretending that you’re not will only feed your illness and you can prevented and cured (with a bullet of course).

How far do think a Glock could go inside your mouth? Half the length of the barrel maybe or all the way?

Try it, fag.

You know your whole server chatlogs got leaked in #ProjectWhispers today?



What would you do if a 35 year old guy banged your 14 year old daughter?

Would you feel the exact same way if your daughter banged someone her same age at age 20?

Pedophila hysteria has unironically made everyone into retards. More often than not it's societal pressure and not the sexual act itself that leads to traumatization.

My argument is that there is no point debating with mentally ill people. You should seek some help. Wanting to fuck toddlers is not normal. What's so hard to understand? You don't need to reply to every comment. I made a point, you made yours I guess by saying you are a pedophile. End of story.

Based, pedo's get the bullet.

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>reddit spacing

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>Pedophilia is possibly the most poorly studied
fixed that for you.
>is pretty much an offshoot of sociopathy (since you don’t care about harming kids)
Children are rarely harmed by sex with adults.

All the zoomers, who were razed and brainwashed by the feminists, don’t have the capacity to think.

I wont. You should be killed.

Nigga that pink one just the good humor logo

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The difference between sexual activity and rape is consent; consent requires both desire and understanding. Below a certain age, children are too young to truly understand sexual activity, its importance, and its dangers. This is true for many things, and is why a minor's legal guardian has authority to enter them into legally binding arrangements while the minor does not. This is supported by observed physiological differences between an adult brain and one of a child or adolescent. Thus children are incapable of providing you with consent and pedophilia is therefore a desire rape.

Top right was the logo of an ice cream. Not sure if it still exists and i can't remember the name.

Anything below 9 months in the womb or above 13 years outside the womb is fine.

A foetus is not even considered human so it is essentially just a sex toy.

And anything above 13 years outside the womb has a fully developed female brain and is probably a whore already.

>Hurr durr pedophilia is a mental illness
200 years of (((western social norms))) doesn't get rid of 10,000 years of human biology.

Typical response.


of course it is some tranny garbage

>african flag
How are you here?

lolis, ok
pedo, public execution

Fuck off Ahmed

Why is it a mental illness? Because (((they))) told you it is?

That's a loaded question because some girls develop younger than others. Last year I spent a night at a cabin hanging out with a girl I knew to be a friends daughter. I'm glad I didn't fuck her because I later found out she was 15. She looked like a fully grown woman though and was DTF but I didn't out of respect for her father.

Consent is literally just where we decide to draw the line, though. We can decide that 7 is an age good enough for consent if we decided. It's entirely a social construct hence you can't "prove" it scientifically.

Comparing it to a legal contract is something only a virgin would say and I'm not even going to respond to that.

Day of the rake incoming.

Protip: the whole "well I could abort it in Colorado no problem, so why can't I rape it" defense probably won't hold up in court if you cut a fetus out a woman then fuck it.

koreans are both the jews and niggers of Asia.

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You didn't spell it in Queen's English though. "Paedophile." So you're probably an American using a VPN.

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Teenage girls are often retarded roasties who have no idea what they're doing most of the time and lack the experience that separates them from fully competent adults

The anti-pedophiles can't come up with any arguments or reason. They act like violent savages when presented with scientific evidence.

Based lazy negro


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Jews raised aoc and promoted the idea of working women to reduce our birthrates.
All men desire teens, anyone who says he doesn't is lying.
The teen years it's when the girls are the most fertile.

I'm British, I just think the British way of spelling it looks retarded.

It's easier to just call them minor attracted persons since that covers the entire spectrum.

Kill yourself, pedo.

>t. nigger

ill help him hang you