Just one edit makes this game look much better

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Big Chungus

Vikings got their faggot asses raped in like a century though lol, vikings are literally the most worthless and inconsequential group of people on planet Earth

I can smell your jealousy

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>seething bong
>t. bong-mutt
cope harder

Post the real version because I don't know anything about gaming

>a century
They literally took over you country.

what game is that?

abridged history of the vikings
>vikings show up at a small coastal village/monastary
>if they outnumbered the locals, that grabbed what they could and ran for their boats before reinforcements showed up
>if they were outnumbered by the locals, they put their weapons away and became merchants

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Incosequential? I think you need to read more than just one wikipedia page about some random battle, or the very end. Everything has an end, but they certainly weren't push-overs. You don't get kings to submit to the danegeld with just raiding insignificant fishing villages. Although effects wise, all of it was incidental, until they learned to take advantage of it.
Norsemen of Iceland pretty much founded the first European republican constitution since classical times.
Danelaw also left several marks in British Administrative systems, so I dont think they were for naugh.

The fact that people call all Norse "Vikings" after so many centuries speaks to how traumatized and butthurt the culture was because of some raiding along their coasts.

Vikings have been around since the time before Kiev Rus. They would portage down rivers and raid whatever they found. It’s only when the west found out about Vikings it became big in historical records. They were around forever, they just didn’t fuck with major dynasties until they got more population and riches.

or that the rest of the norse culture of dried fish and rotten shark was inconsequential to the rest of europe

at this point in time the AC series devolved from a story against assasins vs organizations into a shitty Open world games with parkour and a hidden blade.

There's a definitive difference between Viking and a Barbary pirate for example, and these are societal.

Be taught you to build cities and proper seamanship. Be thankful

Didnt they fuck their way into ye olde britain? Like raided and then fucked enough that their children inherited lands and eventually became nobles and what not?

Modern Britain, France, and Russia wouldn't exist if it weren't for vikings.

A lot of the major Scandinavian kings were raised abroad due to friendship-bonds with other kings. Mostly England.
They loved to settle though, plenty of old norse names arround Britain. Many ending with "by" and "thing"

this is like saying america wouldn't exist without pirates

There wouldn't be a crown in Russia or Britain for certain without the Vikings influence. No king of England. No Kiev Rus.



I'd play either version because I'm not some retarded bong or butt hurt christqueer



The name was pretty unisex back in viking age Scandinavia, Sven.
You'll see males with the name and so forth.
Only during these recent times did it turn into a feminine one.

A viking is a pirate/outlaw/highwayman/thief from Denmark
You are confusing this with armies led by Scandinavian nobility.
Not the same thing.

You're wrong, O'Shea.
Might need to brush up on your historical knowledge.

You're not a viking, your ancestors are the pussies who stayed home while all the strong warriors went and settled in other countries and interbred with their populations. That's why modern Scandinavians are the most megacucked people of the white race.

>doesn't realize all the people of the British Isles, Ireland, and Normandy are all viking mutts and that he's a betacuck homestayer descendant