Why don't you gun rights people understand that the second amendment is NOT absolute

Why don't you gun rights people understand that the second amendment is NOT absolute.
You couldn't own a cannon in 1776, you couldn't own a battleship in 1940 and you shouldn't be able to own an AR-15 Assault Rifle today!

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>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776
Yes you could

Didn’t read
What do you not understand about shall not infringe?

Only if you were in a state run militia, but that weaponry was generally exclusive to the military.

Good luck overthrowing the govt with your dildo, Susan.

False. There was never any legislation against privately owning a cannon.


The same as a rifle. Some low energy bate. But i bet your just a retarded chill

>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776,
Yeah you could.
> you couldn't own a battleship in 1940
Yeah you could. Expensive, but legal.
>and you shouldn't be able to own an AR-15 Assault Rifle
By definition, AR-15's are not assault rifles, AR's are not select-fire.

>Only if you were in a state run militia, but that weaponry was generally exclusive to the military.
Wrong. Many cannons were owned by individuals.

>Why don't you gun rights people understand that the second amendment is NOT absolute.
>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776, you couldn't own a battleship in 1940 and you shouldn't be able to own an AR-15 Assault Rifle today!

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> you couldn’t own a battleship
No but hemingway had his own asw flotilla.

don't tell me what i can own commie

what were Letters of Marque..?

Oi Vey You just can own guns goys! Thats bad only jews can own guns thats good! Turn in your guys goys, not you Tyrone and Jamal and Jartavious!

t. OP Kikeberg Nosenstienowitz

Militia regulars are all men aged 18 or older in the entire state.

My ancestor brought a armed ship with him Into the revolutionary army even in Britannia you could own cannons

>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776, you couldn't own a battleship
I hope you're being sarcastic because both those thing are flat out wrong. Especially during the revolutionary war the majority of the rebels naval power was privately owned privateering and merchant ships.

>seemingly nobody

said the fag

also one of the band members from iron maiden owns and fly's a B52 bomber

>State run militia
>State run
No. Militias were not run by the state and still aren't. You'll never be a woman and apparently you'll never understand what the founding fathers fought so hard for.

Ok. Citizenship is also only allowed for people like those when it was written too.

>doesn't know what militia means

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Fuck you

>having guns means you have small peepee
>haha showed those fascists. now for my hourly glass of soý milk! glug glug glug

Any a Ablebodied man aged 17-45? (Which was likely because people died earlier then anyway)

OP is a retard

Privately owned ships regularly had cannon as did private forts and trading posts on the frontier and local militia groups. it was completely unregulated, but fairly expensive.


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dilate and cope tranny shill. You will never be woman and you are wrong dude.

You can own a cannon, read up retard.

Wrong. Free Englishman owned frigates, cannons, you name it and Americans now own mortars, tanks, cannons, helicopters etc.

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American civilians actually did own battleships then...

No computers back then so freedom of speech is only the quill pen, parchment and a literal printing press.

An excellent argument I guess those of us that have guns will have to give them up. Mine were, unfortunately, lost in a tragic boating accident off the coast of Florida

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I don't give a single damn about what the Constitution says, even if your argument was correct. Gun ownership above and beyond that which we are currently allowed to exercise is moral, and laws that restrict it are inherently immoral in nature. We all have three rights that cannot morally be infringed upon; the right to continue living, the right to choose to live in a manner of our choice, and the right to own property and pursue activities that facilitate the prior two. These are the three basic natural rights, from which all other rights may be derived. One of those derivative rights is the right to self defense. Unless I can preserve my life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness against attempts to take it, I do not really have those rights- I simply exercise them while I am able. Therefore the right to self defense exists.

Given that self-defense is a moral right, the tool used to effect it does not alter the morality of the equation. If a woman puts a spoon through her would-be-rapist's eye and kills him, she is in the right. If she saws him in half with a .50 she mounted to the dining table, she is still in the right- because the moral realities of the situation remained unchanged. In both cases, she is merely defending herself against aggression.

Therefore, civilians may own guns for the express purpose of self-defense against any threat they believe may endanger their three core rights, and this use constitutes a valid reason for civilian gun ownership. Get fucked commie scum.

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You dumb nigger even Thomas Jefferson owned an assault rifle thefederalistpapers.org/founders/jefferson/thomas-jeffersons-assault-rifle-the-girardoni-air-rifle/amp

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Did you tee this up just for me?

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Wow, is this satire? Everything OP mentioned was inversely correct.

To be wrong is one thing, but to be inversely correct is as if to say, up is down, to win is to lose, to exist is not to exist...

Is it April 1st?

The opposite of everything in the OP is the real truth.

>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776

You can own a functional battleship or a tank
you just have to pay the weapons tax on it

My great grandfather killed commies in Croatia.
My grandfather killed commies in Korea.
My father killed commies in Vietnam.
I can't wait to kill commies.


>you shouldn't be able to own an AR-15 Assault Rifle today!

I'm SURE that CRIMINALS will own them, though... it's just that "law abiding" people would OBEY THE LAW.

As for me... GOT, MASK?

/me just received Guy Fawkes mask, had to wear a mask at the grocery store, so i wore THAT one! Got a few comments, too. But people know I'm PROTESTING THIS SHUTOWN AND MASK SHIT!

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>laughs in free market
where'd you go op?

soon friend. soon.

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My Grandpa threw commies out of helicopters.
told some crazy stories and would laugh and then grandma would scold him for talking about it. Met Pinochet personally in his later years.

I miss grandpa and grandma

Not familiar with the details, but as an outside observer...
Seems pretty absolute.
How else could this exist?

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>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776
I can own one now, i can own grenades, machine guns, "silencers" and tanks. You might want to do some research kid
>inb4 cuck stamps
I paid a lawyer $500 to set up my trust, a $200 stamp per weapon is pennies

Only if the first amendment becomes limited to the printing press, town hall meetings, and Christian sects

I'll see your argument, and raise you one Bell AH-1 Cobra. Suck on some 20 mike mike, faggot.

I'm sorry. Did you say something, slave?

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I watched a show on some american way back when that blew up his private island when his private armory exploded

>You couldn't own a cannon in 1776
Yes you could, you can even own warships and lease them to the government.

I'm sorry, but the first amendment was clearly not written with modern assault religions in mind. You're going to need to apply for a permit if you want to practice Mormonism.

Have you never heard of privateering?

legalize all drugs
legalize all guns
fuck feds
fuck doctors
and most of all,
fuck jannies

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What the fuck are you talking about? Private citizens owned canon and every other weapon used in battle. They also owned fully armed naval vessels - ever heard of a 'privateer' ship?

First reply & your already back peddling. I should be able to own a fucking F16 if I could afford it. We're about to clear this all up shortly. Get fucked faggot.

>couldn’t own a cannon
op are you retarded?

Get a load of this faggot. Doesn't even know about the cannon plow.

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no really, is OP fucking retarded?
The cannon arg is one of the most common responses. The fucking founders responded say "Yes you can own a cannon!"

Swords into plowshares into cannons. Like it.





Guys,.. i think the tranny joined the 41%

He was getting BTFO so hard that he looked in the mirror crying and realized he would never pass even wearing a dress after chopping off his dick and he took the noble way out of his misery.

And 3000yrs from now a team of alien archaeologists looking for memes will uncover his skeleton and file it under "Males".


That’s great and all, but niggers and other peeps with a terrible grasp on how to live in society probably shouldn’t have them. If you aren’t polite/smart enough to know that you shouldn’t play your sailfoam at full blast on the bus, than you should not have a gun.

Not at all, many of the canons were actually donated from private colonists.