Be canadian

>be canadian
>never get shot

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>be shot
>never get canadian

>never Canadian
>be get shot

Umm is this bait?

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>be canadian
>never afford luxury soups

>be assm*ricunt
>get motherfucking WA$TED by a negro
Fuck kikes

>never be
>get canadian shot


How can you not tell?

Diet Coke and diet cheeseburgers. How can maple niggers even compete?

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Canada is better than United Burgers of Fatmerica,
but Donald Trunk is cooler than Justin Trudeau, unfortunately
If we had a cool prime minister instead of a dildo boy we would be the master country

Wrong pic

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>Be Canadian
>Get genocided (quietly and politely)

is that photoshopped?

>never shot canadian
>be sad

Rather get shot in America than "live" in a dystopian UK-tier shithole where I get replaced instead.

Die fartass

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He's Canadian

> be Canadian
>speak slow and polite
>never gets laid

Fuck you Americans.

>be canada
>ban AR style rifles because some guy used one 30 years ago in a mass shooting
>also because its used in other countries

get me out of this godforsaken hellhole of a failed (((melting pot)))


Why does Trudy have a habsburg jaw?

>be canadian
>be canadian
As bad as it gets

>be Canadian
>get decapitated and eaten by crazy schizo man
>police stand outside scared for hours

>be Canadian
>get shot
>police take nearly 12 hours to get shooter


thank god they won't ban actual military rifles like my garbage rod mosin

now i just need to ship a crate of ammo from fucking quebec

Because that’s what a real man looks like. Not some fat cheeto ass that lets his retard voters continue to be armed rednecks.

>be canadian
>never get shot
sucks, if I was canadian I'd want to be shot

"cool prime minister" material people don't have the effort in them to navigate the political system and become PM. You need to have a party, solicit support, run candidates, and form government - only then can you be PM. Politically passionate people also tend to be the most lacking in critical skills needed to make it this far.
We're always gonna be stuck with a UN-loving duopoly of either kikes or neocons.

7/10 would buy

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do you know how hard is to take down armed gunmen when the country only equips you with a hockey stick and white guilt?