Pastor Steven Anderson's Video Exposing Holohoax

The view count for this vid on liveleak has been frozen at 2,491 for the last several months. How can this be anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Same reason Trump has never had the most retweeted posts, yet obama has like 3 of the top 20.

Mossad controlls everything about the way the world looks and responds to anything. They want it to appear as if the holohoax is a fringe view just in case one of their cattle stumble upon the proofs.

Same reason this thread drops like a rock instead of attracting posters. Most acticity on Yas Forums is done between 30 or so actors who reply to eachother. These shills create the illusion of community and build a false consensus so when you enter a thread when they're present, you would think there are several truth blind leftists in it. But when theyre pressed with arguments you will understand they do nothing but run counterintelligence and avoid truth at any cost.




The internet at large is completely dominated by paid actors. Facebook, youtube, resdit, etc. Anywhere you go, you will fins nothing but counter intelligence being run in an effort to suppress the truth.

They will lie, insult, agitate, say your facts are rumors, refit facts to alternate theories, claim authority, use intentionally broken logic so arguing is confusing, change the subject, unreasonably demand the complete solutions during investigations etc.

everything but actually argue with sincerity and be open to the truth.

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final year America was declaring war on so called Axis powers.

also 1942 is the date the concentration camps were designated, including the year kikes were designated the yellow yid star to identify them.

1942 being the start of the holohoax.

check it out

That crazy idiot.

>a nigger lover

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You're probably right, but I find it interesting that they chose to freeze the number instead of letting it rise slowly, thus making their manipulation obvious. I've long thought that if the masses ever do get redpilled on the Holohoax it will be due to the "Streisand effect"; deliberately looking into something simply because they are told the are not allowed to.

>kikes are sliding the board real fast to bury this thread
Here is some useful knowledge to keep you all sharp. Study history, and do it from contemporary sources rather than summary books by authors who they themselves have probably never read. Here's the entire human history in order. Focusing only on the most important aspects.

Iliad, Odyssey
History of the Peloponnesian War
Hellenica, Anabasis, Education of Cyrus, Symposium, Memorabilia, Economics, Apology of Socrates, Horsemanship, On Cavalry, Hiero, Hunting
Histories, Early Rome
Germania, Annals, Histories
Origins and Deeds of the Goths
The Prince, Discourses on Livy, Florentine Histories
>Famiano Strada
History of the Low Country Wars
>Dante Alighieri
Monarchy, Divine Comedy
>Michel de Montaigne
Complete Works. Focus on Historical
Ethics, Theological-Political Treatise, Hebrew Grammar, Emendation of the Intellect
Politics drawn from Scripture, History of Protestant Churches, Exposition of the Doctrine of Catholic Church
>George Washington
Diaries, Journals, Rules of Civility, Farewell Address (Constitution/Declaration)
>Davy Crocket
Life of Davy Crocket
>Frederick II King of Prussia
Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, Posthumous works
>Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
200 years together, The Gulag Archipelago
>JF Kennedy
Profiles in Courage

Then move on to improving practical knowledge on the world. Again- no jewish textbooks. Read directly from the minds of the innovators.

Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
Faraday's Chemical Manipulation
Descartes La Geometrie
Newton's Principia Mathematica
Antoine Lavoisier's Elementary Treatise on Chemistry
>Art and Architecture
Vitruvius' De architectura
Alberti's De re aedificatoria, De Pictura
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instrument

the number is important symbolism to them. see


get saved frens

in fact to keep it on only the most important texts, I should have removed everything from Xenophon except Hellenica and Anabasis. Possibly the Education of Cyrus


Good list. Only list on Yas Forums I approve of.

Most of the book megas and lists have serious flaws. Like peloponnesian war, but missing its sequel hellenica. Or containing tons of filler you have to navigate through such as germs guns and steel by some jew, or how to get angry at kikes and waste your time by useful idiot.


I feel bad for this nigger loving christkike
>finding how that you have heeb blood
There must be so much cognitive dissonance that his mind is broke
I would rather have wagon burner blood from my ancestors being frontiersmen

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>divide and conquer


George Soros is anti-Tech Censorship. Ben Shapiro doesn't like that. Soros bad. SOROS. BAD.

Daily Wire pro-Facebook Article:

New York Times anti-Facebook Article:

Everyone is related to Moses.

>Family Trees: Tracing the World's Ancestors

>All Presidents are Related

"Jews" of Today =/= Jews of the Bible

Marching to Zion (Judaism/Zionist Christians Exposed)

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>he thinks anderson is a christian
He denies the need for repentance. He's lukewarm and won't go to heaven.

His racial and religious views are irrelevant to the vid topic and you know it. The vid is a great primer for normies on the subject as it shows the Holohoax was mathematically and logistically impossible. He even encourages viewers not to take his word for it and research the matter for themselves.

When did he say this? Proof? Also jewishfables com made me laff.

You know damn well that’s a lie. He’s one of the best biblical teachers out there and he constantly talks of the need for repentance. Be gone you sinner!

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Take your meds.

>His racial and religious views are irrelevant to the vid topic
Don't watch christkikery, nigger
Never will
I believe it to be poison to my pagan soul

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Ah, it was one of the major whiteboard presentations that he made to his congregation after he found out he had jew blood. I may take time to find it later but I'm looking for Chankoro quotes on them lying about Coronavirus right now.

>and he constantly talks of the need for repentance
No, he denies it in multiple videos. He thinks repentance or turning from sin is "works".
>Isaiah 55:7
>Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

His definition of "repentance" is believing, but they're two different actions.
>Mark 1:15
>And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Just because he says some red pilled things doesn't mean he's truly one of God's children.


>You want to know what the real Holocaust is? The real burnt offering will be when all of these Jews, who don't believe in Jesus Christ, go to hell

kike is a term that means people who despise the crucifix.

you are a kike.