
>Crashed the stock market
>Cratered oil
>Put 26 million on unemployment and wrecked the economy.
>Starved millions of Yemenis
>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
>Destabilized Syria
>Trying to start a war with China
>Mishandled the coronavirus outbreak probably leading to 100-200K dead Americans
>Still no wall
>Swamp hasn't been drained

Still tired of winning MAGAtards?

Attached: 1587869482327.jpg (1152x1055, 167.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

don't forget he told America to drink bleach

they are so deep in the brainwash its no use
trump is obvious controlled opposition
the perfect puppy for (((them)))

Attached: controlled opposition.jpg (1415x827, 115.54K)

still voting for trump :^)

how come you haven't injected lysol? you voting for someone who doesn't know what they're talking about?

Man if it bothers you, maybe you should protest


You left out his biggest achievement. He passed "Israel loyalty laws" in 2017. I welcome every single trumpkike to google it.

>Still tired of winning MAGAtards?
4 more years of cope incoming

presidents ussually go all out on their 2nd term in office.
its well known

>Tried to start a war with Iran by killing their general
And it worked out pretty well >Destabilized Syria
That was Obama
>Starved millions of Yemenis
That was Obama
>Trying to start a war with China
By not kissing their ass?
>everything about corona
Implying that any other president could have done a better job, which you know is bullshit
> >Still no wall
>Swamp hasn't been drained
I will grant you these

>Still tired of winning MAGAtards?
193 Article III judges appointed

I'm truly ashamed at how I feel watching you deal with your misery.

Attached: frog-gigging-5.jpg (744x1000, 103.86K)

All we want is to see you seethe.

Literally every country in the world got hit by corona. What was he supposed to do different?
> Although the US President undoubtedly got the wrong end of the stick, it has emerged that one company really is hoping to trial a new ultraviolet light therapy which it claims can ‘disinfect’ the lungs.
> Colorado-based Aytu BioScience says it has carried out successful early tests of its ‘Healight’ technology which delivers intermittent ultraviolet light through a tube in the throat, directly to the lungs.
>The company itself terms the process ‘injectable disinfectant’ and it is likely to be the origin of President Trump’s comments.

Yep, still voting for him. Enjoy the next four years of your God Trump, faggot.

Trump is that extra kind of stupid

Attached: 1582680831302.jpg (2560x1467, 202.27K)

Nuking China would be a start.

>Voting or inherently supporting Biden
>Inherently supporting Hillary
Inject lysol and kys. Imagine what the Democraps would've done to his character had he NOT overreacted, and their just as much pushing this.
I blame Democrats for turning NYC's healthcare system into a joke.
>8% mortality rate, with 100,000+ infected in NYC alone
Are you kidding me you pasta-guzzling italimutts?!?!
Here in Florida we have 20,000 total infected and a 2% mortality rate.

What does it feel like, day to day, to be so emotional and demoralized that you have no free will any longer and merely react to your environment out of anger and hatred with no clarity of thought?
Because that's what you are doing right now.

Attached: china-chan-hero.jpg (1080x648, 141K)

>holding on to trump appointing whoever's Jared Kushner tells him to as some kind of victory
This is the final cope of migapedes. I wonder how many suicides we're going to hear about when trump's campaign ends.

AND we have more population, Disney World, Miami, and College kid filled beaches. Seriously, wouldn't be so bad if Democrats weren't so incompetent.

>Still tired of winning MAGAtards?
I thought I would get tired of winning, but it’s addicting.

Attached: 075CF434-46C1-428C-A114-E6D99FB65F4A.jpg (1500x1850, 762.69K)

Yes, tired of CCP shills like you on POL
Please go poke pooh with a stick the crap he keeps you fed with (yeah you love that stick pooh goo) is boring low tier bait.

anger and hatred? think i give a shit about your shitty ass country? keep beliving trump is your friend buddy and keep beliving in daddy government


Attached: shill redpill.png (680x576, 321.73K)

I'd like to point out that UV light therapy is no different then chemo


You are angry and hateful. It is all over your words, and choice of vernacular.
I pity you.

going to the beach is probably the best thing you can do. overload on vitamin D and plenty of humid air.

>Put 26 million on unemployment

Its 30 million now.

Coronavirus did this dumbass, not Trump.

>t. seething tranny faggot
Stop disappointing your family and kill yourself.

right memes:
>here are humorous and relatable portrayal of issues but encouraging to fix our problems

left memes:
>drink bleach, kys, destroy culture and collapse society

nah those are people coming back from being permanent neets to get their stimulus

Kek that image has heavy memetic potential


Why is this so common these days? My whole live it's been "addictive" but recently, in the last 10 years or so it seems that people are insisting on using "addicting" instead, which to my ear when it's spoken to me, sounds awkward as hell.