What will happen to all the women who fell for the onlyfans meme when they get old and have to get real jobs?

what will happen to all the women who fell for the onlyfans meme when they get old and have to get real jobs?

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>implying all jobs won't be replaced by robots in ten years


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>implying onlyfans won't have a pension program by then

Whomever develops the app/program that scans for nudes of your potential dating partner will be wealthy. An entire generation of men desperately seek a woman who at least isn't nude on the internet somewhere. Sadly it is becoming alot to ask.

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we'll fap to their milf stuff then.

>Jewish pimps will financially support used up whores

If women are too stupid to save the thousands they are getting for being whores, then they deserve whatever fate they end up with

They will be married to some beta cuck by then.
Or they will live the "cool wine aunt" life until they an hero

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They'll be fine. Few companies will turn them down, and there are plenty of cucked men.

They'll find some simp to marry and raise his half black kids.

>ever get a real job
they'll be fine user

>late daughter
her daughter's dead?
>prostituting a family member
Pretty sure that's illegal.

Men want to look, women want to show.

Women aren't supposed to work.

Will be hired normally like other people. They're millionaires thouk by that time.

They realize that being a vile bottom-barrel whore solidifies their status as eternal cats-are-cute!!1!!-singles until they die while blaming everyone else for not being a vile bottom-barrel whore

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Someone needs to create a site which lists all the whores and there names so men can look up girls their dating to make sure

>late daughter
Wtf. That's the most fucked up thing I've seen in a month of being on Yas Forums in quarantine

Probably nothing, grandma

They’ll have enough of your cash to live comfortably for life.


Diong illegal shit for money is literally every woman's hobby, pasttime and occupation unless they have a man to keep them in check. Why do you think all child-porn/sex slavery is run by wimmin?

>I care about what happens when they get old
L0Lno fgt pls

They'll settle for a simp and start the whole process all over again.

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Considering the successful girls on that site are making $10,000-$50,000 a month I'd imagine they'd already be retired by then.

She's no longer a family member, she's dead lol

They probably spend twice as much in a month.

>is run by wimmin?
Go on

>Okay, this is epic.

Women would protest that shit so hard and say it's slut-shaming. Women always push the anti-shaming meme, because it artificially keeps them attractive, while also enticing good girls to be sluts and broken like them. Women hate other women, especially those who aren't sluts. Women also hate when men warn other men to be wary of the town bike.

women will rarely ever suffer consequences for their actions as long as cucks/simps continue to exist in such large numbers

the late aspect is what transforms this to another level

their black boyfriends will dump em in a ditch

They will be dead.

So where do I find threads with a stream of leaked onlyfans pics?

Then push more simp-shaming memes or movements. Just when the word simp replaced white knight, it made an impact and made roasties panic because their paypigs would leave.

they vote for more socialism so everyone can be as poor and miserable as they are

How are these whores not getting leaked anyway? Surely the moment they upload their shit box online it should be all over the internet on porn sites etc etc

Any Yas Forums thread that mentions girlfriends/wives/exes, because they're all fake and pushed by Mindgeek.

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Or go to /soc/, because it's literally a trafficking board where mods protect camwhores for their website galleries.

Even has a hexagram hanging from the roof. (((inconspicuous)))

>implying older women can't sell their bodies

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This shut down has proved most of the only real jobs are shit no one cares to scrutinize for, like food services

>power Lich captured on camera

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