What does Yas Forums think about parents that always put you down?

What does Yas Forums think about parents that always put you down?

I'm 25, and at 18 my dad kicked me out for having a bong, ever since I've lived on my own but I remain contact with him. I only do it because we are blood and he always took care of me.

But he's always putting me down telling me that there's tons of people that have their own houses at 25, and that I'm terrible with my money. He never says anything positive, but he still enjoys my company for some reason.

I'm not nagging, but I feel like having someone always put me down like that on top of having a demanding job that pays well but has shit hours, is making feel like a void of energy.

What does everyone believe a man should do about a pushy father? I do appreciate he's alive and we are in contact, it's just I don't have many friends even though I try, and to have family put me down like that makes me feel leadless.

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dad's like that are usually failures that don't want their sons to be failures also. they just don't know how to not be cunts about it.

I get it, it's just I'm doing my best, I never ask for money, and I have my own apartment. I was an idiot when I was younger but I'm working on building my credit which I know is pretty shitty. I'm happy my job pays well and if I get laid off due to corona I get some good unemployment, but anything I tell my dad about, he thinks it's stupid or gay. We literally have no common interests.

Lain Staley's father beat him all the time as a child

your dad knows you are a retarded pussy and wants to help you change
thats also why you dont have any real friends or a gf

your parents job is to be as harsh as possible to prepare you for what life is really like

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"having their own house" most of them is by loans, maybe payed when they are 85, KEK

I know I sound gay crying on here, I just think it's a common issue I see everwhere, most people I know fight with their dads.


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Lie to a therapist about being sexually abused by him then go to the cops. I made my stepdaughter commit suicide by doing that. Now my mother gets her ass beaten by a drunk Vietnamese lesbian who's like 6 foot tall. It's awesome.

Fuckingrobots everywhere all over the place cowabunga dudes I just smoked ice.

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What if I'm just burnt out by getting fucked over by bad friendships? Why is it so shunned to spend a period alone, same with dating, I'm tired of getting cheated and used at 25. I just want to spend my life being happy and doing productive things, but that makes me a loser.

"Always be nice to your children, because they're the ones who decide which care home you go into."

This. My mom will be paying her house off until she retires, and likely after that still. Who the fuck has a house at 25? I could see some backwoods retard tradie who works 70 hours overtime for a few years buying one in Dothan Alabama or some shit, but no one with a normal job or in a desirable part of the country.

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you know user
my honest opinion is that those kind pf parents are the kind that should not have had children in the first place no offense you cant change it its not directed against you
i know its tough on so many levels
but see it positive you are learning through the hard school and can be a better parent to your children you can make a difference because they treated you this way...
you dont deserve to get put down and you should make this clear
especially as their child no matter "what you may have done" its disrespectful and degrading you are not their property
same thought goes the other way you should treat them with respect because they made you but that does not mean you have to eat every turd they fling at you
sometimes its better to just take a walk instead of escalating situations
try to be a good diplomat

Your dad was right you fucking degenerate. You should have respected the home he provided for you.

Your dad sounds like an idiot OP. Plenty of dumb people have kids, there's no intelligence requirement.
>kicks son out for substance that's fully legal in country now
He must feel like a complete retard, but instead of owning up to his shit-tier parenting he takes it out on you like a coward.

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Faggot if I was your dad I would given you two choices.

Smash your bong yourself

Or I smash your bong and beat you unconscious afterwords for Being dumb enough to fall for the 420 bruh meme

I do agree my dad should of kicked me out cause weed is degenerate, but I've been a man since and lived completely on my own. I pay all my bills, so it's daunting to visit him every couple days and hear him yell at me about how I'm stupid for buying this or that. Like is it normal to get yelled at 25 If you don't live with your parents. He apologizes after everytime but it's exhausting

>about being sexually abused by him then go to the cops. I made my stepdaughter commit suicide by doing that.

what the fuck are you talking about?
this sounds fucking retarded, are you perchance a pedophile?

i mean weed is for fags so i can't fault him for getting upset about it but getting kicked out is a bit much and the rest sounds like typical boomer narcissism, so he probably just used it as an excuse because he wanted to hoard his money for stupid boomer shit instead of supporting his progeny like every other father in his line of descent.
I think we just have to face the fact that most boomers have been turned into horrible people who don't understand how much they received from previous generations and will always refuse to pay it forward.

kek get owned fag. i have great relations with my parents. go SMO

user that does not make you a loser
you have to leave the nest and learn to fly on your own.
get used to being alone
thats baseline
at best move away and focus on what you want to do productive wise ... maybe have a skype call everey three months or so
you are the leader in your life.
the others cant do it for you

Me and my Dad are super close so can't relate a lot to this. But it sounds like he just wants to make sure you don't continue down the wrong path and go back to it. Some people, especially men and fathers are just not good at expressing it. Just speak up about it, next time be like dude why you always gotta put me down? Simple. Be an adult and communicate. Hope the best for you guys, Family should always have each others back and be able to talk openly.

Good album


Smoking weed is as self debasing as being a homosexual getting fucked and eating cum faggot

Home ownership in canada is fucked. Most homes cost 15-20x the national average wage. Ask your father why the fuck his generation sold out ours to the highest bidder, now i have to out bid fucking gooks and jews from the USA when buying a home. Holy FUCK it is so god damn aggravating.

Also ignore your father, he sounds like a bitch. Ask him if he needs mydol because his bitching is getting out of control.

Damn. Sh-shut up, user.

Call him a boomer and explain his generation benefitted greatly from their economic era

Also if he's going in too hard just tell him to fuck off, he would probably respect you for standing up for yourself

This. Only niggers smoke weed. Who wants their house seized by the county sheriff's office because your faggot son wanted to be a nigger?

Boomers failed as parents generally and lack the humility to examine their failures objectively. Some of them raised their kids to be tyrannical brats without boundaries who tear through the lives of others without thinking while others thought that lump sum Disney birthdays could magically balance out engineering their children to be nervous and socially isolated via constant intimidation and obsessing over dominance.

Your da is kind of a faggot.

so when does your strong smart dad along with other parents in your country fix said country so its not a shitskin 3rd world shithole?

>What does everyone believe a man should do about a pushy father?
He's acting like a little bitch, projecting his failures onto you (both his own and his parenting failures).

Sounds like he has narcissist tendencies, user. If so he will never get better and continue to behave in the same way because to do so otherwise would require taking some responsibility and daddies fragile ego couldn't handle that.

Ya dad's weak, lad.

Trust me on this you could do a lot worse.

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Be honest to him, explain how you feel, what you've done. Perceptions will change. Have done it with my parents and the relarionship is better than ever. Was in the same situation, kicked out for having a bong.
They've also realized that my grandparents, their parents have been absolutely shitcunts about everything, and the cause of the family fracturing to begin with.
Always expecting, never content.

>just tell him to fuck off
pretty much the best thing you can do, when a man is acting like a bitch you treat him like one.

Also birtbong is right the boomers fucked every generation after it. Why take his insults to heart? My father worked at a couch factory, he made almost 60k a year in the late 1980s till the mid 2000s when it was shipped off to mexico. Homes in my area in the 80s were 70k for a really nice place. Now its fucking 600k for one in a god damn NIGGER GHETTO. Also wages have decreased significantly, that same fucking sofa job now pays 40k MAXIMUM

this is a data mining thread just in case you retards didnt know...they are looking for people who feel unloved lonely hurt feels abused rejected...these type of people made the best recruits to turn into their particular ideas and goals...you will get the short end of the stick user...these people will only use you to their advance then discharge you like everyone else

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>He never says anything positive

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you will probably not be able to reshape that man
try to figure out what sensitive topics you should better avoid so you dont trigger his boomer brain
try to figure out stuff he is happy and has fun talking about. whatever it is... for a start , people have their own problems you know , maybe he doesnt talk about them to you ... maybe you can encourage him for what he does so he does not feel like a failed parent maybe ? maybe you can prove it to him somehow so you can seed hope without pointing and poking at old wounds !?
maybe he will be able to figure out that you are really not a failure in the end... you have to overcome your parents only you can be smarter ...

PS he's 1973 and I'm 1994 so he's Gen X not a boomer. Thanks everyone for advice. I love the man, I just don't want to spend the rest of my night laying in bed in silence, I have not another soul to speak this to

>I only do it because we are blood and he always took care of me.
Nobody has a right to be in your life.

>he's Gen X
There are many from that generation that beatified from mass importation as well. They got fucked hard with jobs in many areas though. But any Gen Xer that had a home is sitting on fucking gold.

OP has daddy issues lmfao

You're either retarded, a woman, or a boomer
perhaps all 3

move on in live.

Based image

OK leaf, I'll be real with you. My dad was a shithead too BUT in all of the fucking lectures and bitching and complaining about my life that he may have done - there was some truth to what he was saying. Decent parents want to see their kids thrive and have already made all the rookie mistakes. He wants to spare you the hard lessons and all the bullshit that you're probably damn determined to learn on your own.

Hey fren, you are lucky to have dad :)

Sounds like you rely too much on other people to be happy

>your parents job is to be as harsh as possible to prepare you for what life is really like
No its not a parents responsibility is to provide a safe environment from all the harsh realities of the world and to provide a support system to ensure that the child isnt dealing with their issues alone and can reliably ask them for help if need be

The kind of parents who do what youre suggesting drive their kids away and enable their kids to resent them

Grew up on that shit. Mom and dad would hit me. Mom would t encourage me and would make fun. I think she wanted me to be a failure like her. She’s a smart but never made anything of her life. She works at Walmart. I’m in advertising. I had passions and dreams of making music. Won the battle of the bands. Didn’t work out. Went to work in factory and held odds jobs until I found one that pays well.

user, fuck those that put you down. There are resources at your disposal. Help is there. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

>provide a safe environment from all the harsh realities of the world

I don't think that's how strong men are created. Best thing would be to allow them to fail, and create safety nets for them without them knowing. Teach them how harsh the world is. Mollycoddling leads to fucking onions boys and beta faggots who bitch about words on the internet.

stop blaming other for your problems pussboy
now i can see why your dad is like that to you

my country is an ancap paradise, dunno what kind of jew propaganda youve been reading

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>Protect your kid from harsh reality
>Kid grows up and now has to face harsh reality
>Has no fucking clue how to do it
>Ends up a druggie, useless whiny bitch or dead
This is why there needs to be a testosterone test for Voting ID High estrogen pansies should not be in charge of any important decisions. Yea it sounds nice, protect the children never let them get hurt. But that's not reality. Reality is shit and to survive in shit you need to know how to handle shit. Coddling does way more harm then good.

He just wants you to be the best you can be and like most men has trouble expressing his feelings verbally.
You'll say now you'll never be like that with your son but in the end, you will find you are more like your father than you ever knew.

He loves you but is a closed off man and doesn't know how to convey that except to push you to be better. If he didn't care, he'd ignore you and not care that you're not doing better.

suck it up, princess.

Thank you user, I relate with your whole post.

my dad bailed, so
I think the only thing to do with a pushy father is listen to him, especially when you already know he's doing it in your best interest. imagine if you would have listened to him from the beginning you wouldn't have to fix your credit at all, and that I'm sure is his point. be grateful

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Prove him wrong.
Some parents say demotivational things because apparently encouragement got them a weed-smoking burnout.

You sound like you're 16, most people have done the math on this by 25
For making friends all you can do is improve yourself and hope others join you on the ride
Put down the bong pick up a barbell

Your old man could be a dick or he could be genuinely wanting you to be successful but he doesn't know how to correctly communicate that to you
I'm sure the way he talks to you is the way he was talked to so he was probably miserable at some point with this bullshit also
Best move imo is stop talking to them as frequently and fight back when they give you shit
If they continue to give you shit talk to them even less frequently
If their default is to not respect you then you need to respond with the same energy

Op here, I just realized my post number is 1995 and the album Jar of Flies came out in 1994, the year I was born.

>He apologizes after everytime
When it comes to men, no apology is better than repeated apologies for something that will not change. Women often appreciate hollow apologies, but men would rather hear nothing than hollow words.
He seems to want to see you succeed, likely because of his own shortcomings, but is letting his insecurities and anger at himself be projected onto you.
More than likely, he cannot be made happy. Succeeding in one place in life will just lead to more negative reinforcement for another. Either accept it and grow a thick skin, or completely disconnect from his emotional degeneracy.

My dad sometimes says shit like that ‘I had a house at 26’.. blah blah his mortgage was $380 a month in the 70s and his salary then is the same as mine now lmao

Your dad sounds based. Nut up.

Prove him wrong how? You sound like him. What? You want me to be some zillionaire? I'm friendly, I stand my ground, I would full time making military fighter jets for a living and I pay my own rent. What else do you want me to do you fucking waste of air, your black and white of reality makes my blood boil.

> ut he's always putting me down telling me that there's tons of people that have their own houses at 25

lol he's full of shit. In Canada you can't own shit unless you're at least middle class in regards to a house.

Just stop talking to him at least for longer than 10 minutes

Some portions of the story seem textbook derived. You probably have a point. Even day to day advertising fits the description of a psyop, so what you're proposing isn't far fetched.