What makes you lose respect for others?

ITT: post what behaviour/ attitude makes you lose all respect you might have had for a person

for me, it's complaining about how bad the current year is.
>omg 2020 is so bad, like the coronavirus happened and now i cant go on holiday this sucks
>omg 2016 has been the worst year, first [celebrity] died and now trump got elected omfg

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frog posting, but also wojak posting

Talking about politics in public

yeah, i stopped doing this too. i only talk to a select number of people in private about politics, to minimise social consequences

>if someone acts different around different people to try and impress or anything like that.
>telling stupid stories about how badass you are
>joking or shit talking someone close to them behind their back
>bumming money
>telling "feel bad for me stories"
>associating with trash humans or nigs
>acting really arrogant or retarded in public
>not working
>treats animals badly
>bumming anything
My list is longer I'm just drawing a blank

>>treats animals badly
cant be overstated
also, you omitted
>denegrades male friends for female attention

Mean to add
>if the person is a thief. Even if its something small and insignificant they have stolen
>people who treat people in service badly (like waitresses and flight attendants, bartenders ect ect)

People who live in fear. Corona has shown me that 99% of the population are weak willed faggots who live in fear and deserve to be culled.

People who lie.

>i only talk to a select number of people in private about politics, to minimise social consequences
>2 goodboi pence has been added to your account

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thats a bit mean, but i get where youre coming from. the people who cant cope with staying inside a few months are legitimately unfit

im not joking user, voicing "wrong" opinions here has a lot of negative consequences

>men who have tattoos
>men who have piercings
>men who wear any kind of jewelry
>men who use steriods
>men who arent ambitious
>men who aren't loyal
>men who are doughy and don't work out
>men with no big goals
>men who are emotional
>men who wear graphic tees (esp. of bands)

Good answer. I can forgive/excuse almost anything but deceit. Never trust fully one who betrays once.

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>disrespecting service workers
>”I support (insert right) BUT”
>supporting the UN
>citing CNN uncritically
>supporting the use of pronouns other than “he” and “she”
>double standards
>trusting the plan (Q, etc)

why not just violently overthrow your oppressors senpai?

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>When someone gets angry over something small

>When someone refuses to tip at a restaurant and treats service people like shit in general

Oh and
>abuse animals
>male feminists

People who laugh at others over shit they can’t control

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>men who are emotional
in what sense? as in not acting rationally?

Yes that. I could also add
>female single mothers trying to hangout with me. Or females in a relationship that message me (I lose all respect for them right there. I dont date fucking single moms who are looking for a ladder to climb)
>females that are really slutty as soon you start talking. Like sending nudes the 1st or 2nd day you're talking
>females that hangout with tons of guy and try to hide the fact they are whore
>females that mix race

The outrageous collective bullshit we all engage in. There are so many lies wrapped within lies now that people can’t tell up from down.


haha that nigga got SERVED

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I was going to fuck a girl once until literally as we were in her house she started talking about abortion for no reason. She said she believed that even if a baby that was outside her but still attached by an ambilical cord she should be allowed to "crush it's skull". I didn't even bother arguing with her. I was so disgusted by her abject disregard for human life and myself for wanting to fuck her in the first place that I just up and left.


roastie detected

I bet your weight begins with a 2.

>was so disgusted by her abject disregard for human life and myself for wanting to fuck her in the first place that I just up and left.
based and redpilled. had a similar yet less perturbing experience

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this, i legit cant wrap my head around some of the beliefs of my female coleagues
not too late to change that

Lol I don’t tip. Deal with it seething waiter faggot.

>men who aren't asian

>men who wear any kind of jewelry
>men who wear graphic tees

>not wearing religious silver articles and redpills on t-shirts

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right you are

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That's because you failed to voice your opinions.
I don't initiate but when faggots at my work start in, I back them up right away.
I openly talk about black crime rates to blacks, illegal aliens to hispics.
I talk open shit about China directly to your chinese h1b fags, they seethe kek
I've been at my job 7 years, just got a raise in Jan.

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When you get out of the military, stay in Japan. We don’t want you here

Wearing sun glasses is one.

It’s honestly astounding

Nothing. Humans are flawed, to "lose respect"for them is something a bitch would do, and I'm not a bitch, so I respect everyone like a real man

Being black.... I just can't respect that race anymore, I blame world star hip hop....

user... you live in eastern europe, not in western europe. things here arent the same as where you live. they are very different, and i really dont care about how developed your specific country is in relation to the other ee countries.

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I don't know of anything particular that makes me lose respect for someone. Maybe because i am too forgiving. I have seen enough to know. But i have also seen enough to know the bullshit this wordly society is.
I prefer to talk to people with ambitions though.

I don’t understand the shitting on service workers thing. We all fucking hate it when people get mad at work, why would we make a situation worse.

When IQ is below 100

I work a white collar job in business. Fuck entitled waiter faggots, it’s not my responsibility to subsidize your salary faggot. Do you tip your doctor when you visit the office? Do you tip your mailman for delivering your post? Do you tip the register for scanning your groceries? Only failure waiter faggots are entitled enough to believe they deserve people tip them for doing their shitty jobs. You’re the one that agreed to work a shitty job, if you don’t like the salary take it up with your employer or leave.

>having 0 standards for people

Cuck posting.

>people who regurgitate stuff that they read online and try to pass it off as their own.
>when in the wrong, they result to playing the victim instead of admitting that they are wrong
>the use of guilt tripping and other mental manipulation tactics
>actively trying to sabotage someone's success or acting in a vain/jealous because of someone's success

Nothing will make me think less of a person faster if they do anything of these

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recognizing traits I had merely a few years ago
and I hope they can snap out of bad choices too, for a second
but then I realize I was just lucky and they're never gonna get that chance or listen to me. Because I wouldn't had listened, back then.

Standards are more my own ends. I care little if this world is going to burn. And i should know better not to burn under its ashes.
As my mother once said "This is the world of each one save himself."

also, relating to online discussion
>scoring below a 4 in pic rel

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>the people who cant cope with staying inside a few months are legitimately unfit
No, I'm talking about faggots who stay inside