Looking a little nervous there, Nancy


Attached: 800px-Official_photo_of_Speaker_Nancy_Pelosi_in_2019.jpg (800x1000, 155.68K)

Nancy and Hillary are overly joyed to defend Joe who they say is their best friend and a great guy.

She's even wearing the same fucking clothes in every clip wtf

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Progressive satanists in early stage death throes. Enjoy the show!

I don't think I've ever seen her this nervous before.

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Why is she so nervous???

ageing like vinegar.

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Fuckin' dime piece

>Why is she so nervous???
She hasn't had a drink in about an hour so she is probably getting serious withdrawls

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Nice Poltergeist 2 screencap


give 2k a week checks nancy

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That thread is fucking cancer
>#Qsentme with a pepe meme
Kill all qtards

You can have her Joao

you seem angry.
have a hug.

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new evidence shows no one in commiefornia gives af that their lifetime elected officials are batshit crazy and spending their money on retarded shit.

Is the right side of her face really hanging down like that or is this shooped? If she's having strokes she's nearly done, she won't be functional much longer

her brain seems like an old tv you need to hit sometimes to catch back up

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Just stop stealing our memes boomers. It's all we have.

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O god I want it mommy, ohhhhh fuuuuccckkkkk

kek didnt read the text to the video realized slowly what it was about xD
absolutely golden mashup

Nancy just needs a visit

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awwww that deserves another hug

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BUMP. Biden and defenders are so done

>the fact that joe biden is joe biden

So she's basically admitting he has a problem but its normal? Lol boys will be boys right?

I'm kinda tired of just pointing out obvious hypocrisy. These people don't care to be hypocrites and lack shame. As satisfying as it is to see them expose themselves, it does nothing in the end. Until these people are behind bars or executed, I don't really give a shit about these "gotcha!" videos.

Q is easily the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life and whatever happens MUST, I mean MUST be studied. This shit is hilarious, greatest LARP of all time.