What does the Zed in Gen Z stand for?

What does the Zed in Gen Z stand for?

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zoom zoom

The final generation of the old world order.

Free wifi

They are just using the next letter, Generation x, generation y got the special name millennials, generation z.

end of the line
the last generation
death for all

Zilch. As a reference to their ability of independent thought.

Oh shit...

We already named the next set being born.


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Well they named Generation X after Racer X from Speed Racer, and then just started following the alphabet after that but millenials got a different name so who knows or cares

yeah, and?
they'll never live long enough to call themselves whatever this new name is

Zeds dead, baby

The ones to discover the truth about zyklon

Zebra. Race traitors



Nigga Gen Alpha are already 8, a few more years and they will be posting here


lack of creativity. z is after y.

The last.

Why does he do that resting bored face? Are zoomers so desperately afraid of being judged for liking something that they present themselves in the totally opposite way? Maybe social media has made them fear the wrath of social criticism, and it's safer to appear bored and uninterested. So if backpack kid's dance was regarded as cringy by his peers he could use the defense that he was being ironic.

From now on we start using the Chinese alphabet

do angloids really?


woe to the beta generation.

21 y.o reporting:

We are all brainwashed retards. We worship negro music. The Coronavirus recession will be our doom, as the 2008 recession was for the Millenials.

We are fucked. We are also the majority native generation in Europe. We are the scions of the dying age.

Hope that helped.


imagen how happy The Chinese and jew must be reading this.

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if you were an actual american you wouldnt say Zed

you fucking faggot

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Go fucking back.

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But I did say Zed.


The last gen before the new order.

Based. I'm convinced your regional dialects are being overrun with the same globalist nigger-talk as we have here. It's Zed until I'm dead.


thread theme

Its the letter they assign you until your generation develops an identity of it's own.
Gen Z will forever be lacking in unique identity as long as they keep:
1- Mocking, yet cloning the trends of the recent past
2- Not doing something good for the world
3- Trying to change the way the human race works and has worked for thousands of years

The moment your generation has something act as a redeeming factor, you'll get a real name.
But if you keep trying to change the world with no goal, you're gonna autopilot us into a hypothetical wall and likely doom the planet starting with the next generation.

The Z stands for 'Last'
Until you can prove you won't destroy humanity

zeds dead baby, zeds dead.


can someone tell me who generation A was?? where did this alphabet generation come from. Who was generation O?

People started calling Generation Z "Zoomers" in 2016, 4 years later they're all getting educated on Zoom. I haven't finished this thought yet

you have to go back faggot

It's the perfect name for a generation so unoriginal, they just mash up random things from previous generations together and call them unique.
Thank GOD memes were already invented pre GenZ.. Imagine the world we'd live in if these chaotic monsters invented memeology

Ask any zoomer what their favorite ice cream flavor is, and what toppings they like.
Most of the time the answer will be something like Michael Scott on pretzel day
Same thing with any food, drink, fashion, comedy, art... etc etc etc

It's all like pic related.

You get a Z for being a retard.

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I should also mention that this trend of naming generations is retarted and typical of decadent societies, who can no longer find common ground between age groups.

It mainly sprung from Americanism, since they apply the levels of Individualism to a generational setting, meaning every each generation is expected to have different degenerate traits than the last.

It´s literally Americanized garbage that we imported. Ancient civilizations had no need for it. What marked great generations and eras in the past was the overcoming of a great struggle or civilizational obstacle: such as a great battle, famine or crisis. And not the quirks of decadence, which the Americans happilly call cultural and inherent traits in a generation.

Just to remind you that a society in which the old cannibalize the young, and the youth educates itself with no guidance, is not normal or appealing.
Its just more American junk food that we need to get rid of ASAP.