Convince me pizzagate is real. I'm open to changing my mind.

Attached: pizzagate.jpg (474x355, 50.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No one cares whether you believe it or not.

Your belief is completely irrelevant.

Do your own research entitled faggot, nobody owes you anything.

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if the inability to question the holocaust concerns you, pizzagate should do the same. in both cases you're condemned for even suggesting an open discussion

So true I love those tea shirts.

The case was renewed.
It was highly likely that prosecutors were going to win this time, and underage girls servicing on the Lolita-island was confirmed.
Esptein got shoahd in a city renowned for it's beaurocratic safety precautions for prisoners.

Believe me, you can't even imagine the sadistic debauchery the international banking cartels engage in behind closed doors.
The fact that you doubt that they have huge pedo-rings shows your naivety.

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q pizza

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>1 post by this shit eating op

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Hey newfag, if you were around 2016 when shit kicked off then you know it was real. The amount of shiling was unreal. People got death threats for posting Instagram posts

thank you this is a good start for me to research


Required watching first:

Fun fact, the guy got fired when he announced we was doing a part 2.

You're welcome fren.
Have a great day!

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Post a picture of yourself doing the soi mouth open thing so I can then imagine spoon feeding you your information.

thank you i remember this recently and was looking for this one too!

how about fuck you Bitch Ass Nigger, you suck and your thoughts sucks. Nobodys convincing you of shit

sorry i don't keep folders organized with infographics most of the time, i appreciate everyone who dropped something informative in here.

Share it with normies if you know any who would be receptive. Google censorship algorithm changed recently and now for the first time in years you can look this shit up again easily. That plus everyone locked inside and all recent Hollywood pedo rumors makes now a better time than ever to spread this.

Yes, that's a great one.

anyone been paying attention to this film and its reception?

It's good for the normands.
It had over 6 million views in 4 days (not kidding).

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Watch this. It's essential viewing. It's simply a compilation of evidence presented without too many editorial comments by the narrator. Be sure to watch to the end, stick it on a faster playback speed or something.
I've showed this to a number of friends and every single one became instantly convinced.

Op when was the last time you played dominoes on cheese or pasta?

Hey op I’m coming to town, want to demolish a 5 year old pizza together?

Also, the shit storm surrounding Flynn will reveal more about the mossad/cia pedo-rings.
Pic related.

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Hey Op I found a map at your rental property, it may be pizza related. Do you need it or should I destroy it?

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Op I’ve had a stressful week, thinking of sacrificing a chicken in my backyard to moloch, you in?

>caring to educate you normie fags anymore.

You're asleep, you'll wake up on your own, or you won't.

Despite years of being called crazy conspiracy theorists about lolita express, and endless investigations into hollywood pedophile rings, you feel like you need convinced of a topic that has literally mountains more evidence then the ladder?

Hard to bring a case when all your detective keep dropping dead