Yas Forums will unironically defend this

>Yas Forums will unironically defend this
Really makes you think

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Nice thread you’ve got going here, really proves your point eh? Sage

It was really shitty, no doubt. No reason to blindly defend everything. My government has done lots of awful things. That said, the vast majority of natives died by disease before the US was even a country.

The Declaration of Independence literally calls Native Americans savages. Read your history folks.

I support all genocides

Shitskinned males deserve to be killed and their women deserve to be bred by stronger men.
That's why euros are obsessed with the "mutt" meme: they are the descendants of the men who were too weak and stupid to do so.

He was trying to capture the women and children to blackmail the chief into surrender. He had lost an earlier battle in his career until he snatched the women and kids and forced the superior Indian force to surrender. And of course that conquistador guy did the same with that Inca emperor so it was a famed tactic for dealing with American savages.
Finns are the leafs of Europe.

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It's called "conquest" you soft, unnatural, anti-Nature faggot and it's been going on since the first single-celled organisms evolved from dust and slime and oxygen.

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So basically what you're saying is that immigration is a good thing, and if newcomers are capable to annihilate the previous culture, then let it be so?

Native Injuns>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Niggers

Why did white people choose niggers?


PLAYBOY: For years American Indians have played an important — if subordinate — role in your Westerns. Do you feel any empathy with them?
>>WAYNE: I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them, if thats what youre asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.
PLAYBOY: Weren’t the Indians — by virtue of prior possession — the rightful owners of the land?
>>WAYNE: Look, I’m sure there have been inequalities. If those inequalities are presently affecting any of the Indians now alive, they have a right to a court hearing. But what happened 100 years ago in our country can’t be blamed on us today.
PLAYBOY: Indians today are still being dehumanized on reservations.
>>WAYNE: I’m quite sure that the concept of a government-run reservation would have an ill effect on anyone. But that seems to be what the socialists are working for now — to have everyone cared for from cradle to grave.
PLAYBOY: Indians on reservations are more neglected than cared for. Even if you accept the principle of expropriation, dont you think a more humane solution to the Indian problem could have been devised?
>>WAYNE: This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn’t alive when reservations were created — even if I do look that old. I have no idea what the best method of dealing with the Indians in the 1800s would have been. Our forefathers evidently thought they were
doing the right thing.
PLAYBOY: How do you feel about the government grant for a university and cultural center that these Indians [in Alcatraz] have demanded as reparations?
>>WAYNE: What happened between their forefathers and our forefathers is so far back — right, wrong or indifferent — that I dont see why we owe them anything. I don’t know why the government should give them something that it wouldn’t give me.

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So nothing wrong with new migrant waves flooding to the USA and displacing the current people living there?

If the native people don't do anything to defend their homeland, then they deserve to be displaced.

Nope. And nothing wrong with the hoards of niggers that will rape your mother to death either.

but they did. you nigger

Correct and nothing wrong with us fighting it by any means possible. Violence or otherwise. Survival of the fittest.

Photoshopped! Fake and gey

right to conquest. suck a dick

your great grandpa gave them a free ride over here.

Hows that BBC treating you?

If the Europeans weren't met with rifles then they deserved it. Their sin was not being strong enough. Fight or die

>taquesha who just arrived from a boat with 7 babies is might

>I don’t feel we did wrong. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.
So what you are implying is USA and Europe should open their borders? After all, there are more poor people in the world than ever before. They need land, while we are selfishly trying to keep it? Are we the bad guys?

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OP will unironically think that white europeans are the only people who comitted genocide and slavery

And they lost, he is talking about whites here.
might is right, self preservation has no morals.

i live in a community that's 78% white. what is a BBC?

If you aren't willing to send her back or gun her down then I'd say it's pretty mighty yea.

Well, difference here kike is that when you need subversive tribe of pederasts to handhold you through the process you aren't actually conquering shit, you're being used as a biological weapon.

They did the same thing thousands of years before

more than you will ever be desu

Neglects to tell you that 800 white men women and children were slaughtered in just 2 unprovoked raids by native Americans when the white population of North America was still tiny?


Us injuns breed with white women in mass. Just ask the average White woman if she thinks Native men are attractive, most likely she will say we are far more attractive than skinny, pale White men. Remind me again how White girls watched Twilight specifically to rub their clit to the Native American dude?

We've been programmed for 75 years to tolerate these people. If we decided to use our might then we would annihilate them. Sadly the white raced has been cucked.

>some fat negress on welfare is mightier
Stop with the quips and make a quality post.

I farted while reading this. It was juicy.

It was pretty bad but most of the death was from disease rather than ‘genocide’. I think the only situation you can compare it to genocide is the trail of tears

no body defends the freemasonary shit that amerimutt is.

What OP can't comprehend is that it was a war and they just lost. we left them alone for a while and then they attacked us like niggers,


The United States of America is an evil racist country built on the backs of African slaves on land stolen from native Americans

Death to United States of America

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No I don't, but it's the only genocides Yas Forums will defend. Just watch what kind of screeching happens when it gets opposite, like in South Africa for instance, or current waves of immigrants to the Europe and USA.

yes you finally swallowed the last red pill.

>shit in holes in the ground
>never invent the wheel.
>not savages.

the trail o' tears was worse than the holocaust.

Yeah. I don’t think we should try to justify it because in effect it justifies our replacement. All you can do is recognize it happened and move on

Immigration didn't come over here and conquer us but whites did conquer and settle North America, if we stop mass immigration then we win if we don't then we no longer exist. The natives didn't just let it be so they fought back and lost.

The non-genocide of native Americans:
Every border in the world was settled by war. Why are whites singled out as the only baddies?

So does that give others license to do so? Like lets assume holocaust really happened. Then according to you others have right to do same for Germans, am I right?

Natives are probably the only minority group I feel bad for

This is true but we lied and reneged on our deals time and again with many tribes. They got a very raw deal.


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So youre saying if a race war happened and arabs killed us all they'd be justified? Interesting

Yes because krauts aren’t human

What a great argument for a strong border.
Thanks OP!

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Mexicans are half white half native. Native blood is inferior

Look at Europe, being a white woman is a natural provocation to be raped, Indians couldn't resist the pussy attraction

So didn't the natives have legitimacy to defend their ancient homeland? They should just accept the newcomers? I assume same logic works also in modern day UK?

Call me a fed all you want but if you want real progress to happen you have to get normies involved. How do you do that? Get them to make a gun grab. How do you do that? Consistent and regular mass shootings Tarrant style. They have their own people screaming for them to grab guns and they have gun people readying for the gun grab. You trap the into having to take action. Their followers are fanatics. If they don't act their followers will. Gun grab initiated. Boogaloo commences and then you have the chaos needed to enact change. Screenshot this. Its the game plan.

They should have been eradicated.

The red subhuman had no reservations about killing Whites in barbarous ways.

Imagine being so retarded to believe that there were 100 million people in North America, and somehow, a few ships of puritans in funny hats managed to slaughter most of them.
>b..but...they had the undiscovered diseases!
Yeah? So the Viking settlers had them too?
>Well, um..no it was like special umm...Anglo Saxon disease stuff!
Holy fuck you're literally retarded if you believe the narrative you are fed.
>Oh look, a giant Aztec nation with millions of people!
>Oh that Cortez shows up with like 40 dudes, and conquers them. Cuz, reasons.
Like, really? How can anyone be that stupid.
>Oh they had guns!
Mate they were outnumbered like 50,000 to 1. It's not like they had guns with 10,000 round magazines, they had fucking muskets. Good you killed one. The other 49,999 people could beat you to death with rocks.

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>the Black Plague was unleashed to kill the pagans in Europe
What a retard, Europe was essentially 100% Christian by that time.

Thats literally how white people conquered america lol.... there might be one chad native warria so even if he killed 3 white men there would be another 3 behind him

>as opposed to feral africanized serial rapists?

you're a nigger. neck yourself

/polcel/ will literally fap to this

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>So what you are implying is USA and Europe should open their borders?
He didn't say that the Indians should have given up. He said that the motivation for the aggressors actions was expansion, and was therefore justifiable, not demonaic.

>No response

So, how did these things happen? How did colonizers manage to kill 600 millons of humans?

No. Indians are Niggers are the same.

That guy is such a faggotted retard

Read a history book leaf. I'm not gonna correct everything wrong with what you said and they were very outnumbered but they'd enlisted the help of other tribes that hated the aztecs. Guns, horses and steel plate armor carried them the rest of the way

But lautner hit the wall and can't land anymore roles while pattinson is at the top of his game.

>WewLad id
Well, almost

I can't tell if your shitposting or you missed the point he was trying to make.

So then current migrants also have justifiable motives? They want better life, after all.

We would be the bad guys if we failed to serve our interests. People are selfish and ethnocentric because the selfless and humanitarian die out. Letting them into our countries would just result in us committing evolutionary suicide followed by the "new Europeans" returning to ethnic conflict once land becomes scarce again.

Yes yes, Christian man bad. Heard that song and dance from him before.

I've read a porn comic with the same argument, but it was just porn, not propaganda

Show the pics where the natives are burning the faces off little pioneer girls for fun. And read “Empire of the Summer Moon”