We just told you about it in codes so it's not our fault lmao

>we just told you about it in codes so it's not our fault lmao
>what do you mean fight back let me just target you real quick lmao

Attached: A6907831-77FA-4E97-B9FC-DCC788B717FF.jpg (380x512, 54.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we spelled it out explicitly in katy perry videos and vma performances, do we have to fucking spoonfeed you useless eaters?

Dey dindu nuffin' wrong.


If it's made by jews and they don't warn you about it, you can't call it a social credit system. It's called national security or something like that.

the best thing is when they "invite you" but you refuse :-)

They are very cute.

Attached: 1574918022191.png (430x200, 14.85K)

From Ted Gunderson's affidavit.

Attached: 1575007404843.png (496x364, 173.03K)

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take your meds

even if you're flesh and blood you are functionally equivalent to a bot

shoo, polboy

G is for Goy Masonry

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>even if you're flesh and blood
i am a secret space lizard agent in charge of infiltrating Yas Forumsacks because you are threatening our world domination .. you got me bro

Attached: u dropped this.png (840x859, 530.89K)

In the end you’ll be just as dead as the fools you think are fools.

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Close, you are jewish and butthurt.

>he thinks masons "infiltrated" the CIA
ffs masonry IS the fucking CIA, you retard. every national agency in every country is a cover op for freemasonry. in your country it's SNI (National Information Service)

space lizards are flesh and blood too, earthist. The alternative is that you're a python program that scans for keywords from a list and responds with "take your meds", but perhaps that's just how your mind works

do you have any proof for existance of these space lizards? you know i can write shit like that too

>oh hey did you know there are magical unicorns poisoning our atmosphere with gasses from their asshole? that's why people get cancer!!

Ohh you're not a bot, you're just autistic

so tell me something interesting. i'm into conspiracy theories but i like to keep it on a rational level

CIA was Catholics in Action originally. Then it became Masons vs. Jesuits. Plus whatever the Jews get up to.

The word "earthist" should have tipped you off that I don't genuinely believe in space lizards
What kind of rational conspiracy theories are you into?

no it wasnt retard, it was a renaming of the OSS aka federally funded "nazi hunters" of ww2

And FBI, DHS, military, Five Eyes, DIA, ODNI...

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back.
You are known to the unknown.
You have been deemed harmless and irrelevant.

How dramatic, kike.

OK, buttblasted abo. Yes, the OSS was its predecessor; but the CIA has been jokingly called "Catholics in Action" in the past, due to Bill Donovan and his Catholic crowd. Untwist your underwear and look it up.

Can I be a mason and national socialist at the same time?

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take your meds

Yes. When Masonry is completely taken over by kikes, they will destroy it. That's what the protocols states.

That means it is currently in an influence-able state.

>What kind of rational conspiracy theories are you into?
i'm into concave earth and mud flood theory

Attached: concave earth Agartha hidden worlds.jpg (800x530, 84.46K)

Absolutely not. You have to be brothers with niggers, spics and Jews.

Masonry is a wholly Jewish run organization.