What's your honest opinion on capitalism?

What's your honest opinion on capitalism?

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necessary evil. socialism is dumb but worshiping money is evil. Put the white community first imo

Not that great, but overall better than socialism so meh


Single greatest system for lifting people out of actual poverty, if you're willing to work....

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good if it doesnt go too far

literally the best thing ever

It just werks.

It provides lots of coffee.

Best option doesn't mean without flaws

False dichotomy. Marx invented the word "capitalism" as a strawman

i like coffee and i like tea but i don't like communist kikes. sage

It leads to degeneracy, breaks up families, and enriches bankers. And all it took was for them to repackage the goys' Christfag story and say that God was The Market and The Invisible Hand instead of Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. They bought it hook, line, and sinker like good goys. So much so that:
This circumcised faggotburger is ready to die for Israel.

Almost as retarded as democracy

>doesn't like government coercion
>wants to give all power to the government

Least Corruptable system that is still highly corruptable.

Show me a system that is less corruptable.

ill work, just not for profiteering kikes

Free market capitalism is the only system of trade that doesn't use violence or coercion to take what other people have and redistribute it to other people, any moral person would support it. 99% of the complaints against "capitalism" are actually complaints against crony capitalism.

It's such a thin and useless question to ask about capitalism only. The interesting things are tax law, labour unions, regulations etc.

>Believes in libertarianism, a degenerate kiddie diddler ideology

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Better than anything else.

>believes in socialism
>system invented by jews to control goyim

Just as evil as communism.
All the posts you see defending it are done by shills so people think this is some pro-capitalist board. It's not.

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Bottom up self organization wins over top down micromanagement every day.

It's ok as long as economic and political powers have a clear separation and don't interact.

Its doomed to fail. People with capital can use it to generate more for themselves. This will inevitably lead to ever worsening wealth concentration until the system collapses. We are seeing this happen right now.

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'Imma plunder the country, exploit the people, and then buy a house on an island far away'
'K. Meet Igor. He's my executioner.'

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We aren't extreme with it enough. I want MAXIMUM CAPITALISM.

It’s the most effective financial system but only when those that practice it also have morals and ethics. When those at the top reflect on how their decisions effect those below them, it’s incredibly powerful to build society and lift all out of poverty. When those same people care only about themselves and how much money they can make, it’s cruel and lead to people think socialism is an option. It’s not.

It's fine as long jews don't print money

Calm down, Schlomo. Your matzo could start rising.

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Sufficient accumulation of capital in few hands always necessarily leads to the capture of the state. Crony capitalism is a redundant phrase in the long run. It needs to be heavily moderated to ensure it serves the interests of the nation rather than just itself.

When combined with kikes, fractional reserve banking, planned obsolescence and globalism, it's doomed for failure in the long term. These attributes all need reigned in.

I'm not really educated enough to form a proper opinion

I do think capitalism has come up with more human technological advancements than socialism or communism though, so that should count for something

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capitalism blows