Is liking big asses a sign of high test?

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Yes, but also of stress.

No, it's a sign of coffer being good for you

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It's a sign of fertility and cellulite health.

no but's it a sign you might be a nigger

I’m definitely into big asses but I work out all the time

The simplest way to find out is to inject a gram of test a week and note how your sexual proclivities change.

Liking big bobs is a bigger sign of high test

Its a sign of normal levels of testosterone.

Tits>Ass all day.

>big asses
neither are political, sliding faggot Sage

that's cause your white
non whites prefer ass everytime

>not choosing both
If your woman doesn’t have BOTH big tits and a big ass you’ve failed at life.

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If you don't want to savagely take a PAWG you're extremely test deficient brah. Lift heavy as fuck, take d3 and zinc (preferably a ZMA complex) and get more sleep. You'll start appreciating thick white booty.

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Liking big boobs means you're a faggot. Small boobs are better.

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and how your balls size changes with them
everyone knows liking legs and hips is the way of culture

>Big boobs & ass
All of which will be hanging around her knees in 30 years

based spaghettinigger

>committing to a woman for that long


The ideal woman is more than ample in ass and breasts, fit for breeding strong sons and beautiful daughters

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that's just a fat arse. not a fit, shapely one.

>be me
>have big tittied braphog GF
>slightly prettier version of lady gaga
>less toned tho
>would tell me to smell her hair and then fart
>one day we're under covers
>does this
>i shove my finger in her asshole
>she braps anyway

curvier as is shown to be more attractive and appealing to men because it highlights the
sexual reproduction region, im pretty sure ive seen studies of men who like curvier woman (not fat, big ass n big tits) are seen to hold higher levels of testosterone, while the opposite for preferred slimmer builds, if you want your chest and ass to be bigger than your woman, than thats a sign of the big gay to me

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Unironically yes, my gf's ass is so wide she needs to go into her kitchenette sideways yet she's as White as virgin snow.

that crust feet is a turn off

Are you unironically a faggot who want women to look like preteen boys?
Big bobs are rare whereas any woman can get a nice ass by working out for a while

Asses and breasts,are universal female fertility symbols, yes.

There is a thin line between a nice juicy ass and a fat disgusting ass. Fatty chasers have always been a thing especially for the nigs, but now it’s become trendy to chase fat chicks. I see it more of being npc rather than high test.


Post your gfs ass

The reason nigger prefer asses is because they have higher testosterone

shut the fuck up you autistic virigin

Bro she is disgusting. I like a woman having a nice big ass too but what you just shared is a fucking nigger ass. AMD nigger ass is disgusting. Shes a fat fucking pig like all nigger women.


Nope it’s a sign of infantility, you want to suck on tits like you did on Mommy when you were a baby.

post brapper user


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it's a sign of a negrified mind.

Can back this up. I started lifting heavy early this year before the virus and after a few days I found myself wanting to bang girls I had no interest in before. They all had one thing in common: nice big butts

an obese pig
>muh pawg take that white boy

It's a sign you don't get laid

where does his neck start and where does the skull start kek
literal gorilla nigger


Liking big asses is a sign of being brain washed.
They, the elite and beauty companies, are trying to destroy the concept of natural real beauty to obtainable traits. Any shitskin can get a big ass and tits if you have the money for it. Look at Brazil.

Or you want your children to have a better chance of milk

depends on the size
super big = you're a nigger
an ass that proportionate to thighs = high test

>this is the faggot who doesn't like ass on Yas Forums

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pics or it didn't happen

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I see nigger culture has truly impacted our youth.

good head of hair desu

Unironically this.


no, it means you're close to participating in gay orgies. liking tits = hetero. liking ass = homo. why do you think so many black men like ass?

They have higher estrogen though.

HEY MOD THESE ARE THE TYPES OF THREADS THAT STAY UP FOR HOURS BUT other threads of important gets deleted after 5-10 minutes...please move delete this thread

no, it is a sign of nigger mentality
white high iq men like young girls (around 10 yo is prime pussy)

Shut up you mutt and go play in traffic

Yes mommy, I want milky

Dumpster in the front
Dumpster in the back
A living breathing trashbag

Burn in hell fornicating pieces of shit I hope you do especially YOU know who the fuck I'm talking to lmaoooo

what are you sliding, kike?

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Asses are important for sodomites that like to have anal intercourse, in the meantime, the best attribute to an enjoyable practice of sexual activities is big titties, as not only they provide with pleasure during the sexual act, but as a mean to have strong and healthy children

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but at the end of the day
titties > toned thighs > wide hip bone (usually a woman will have a nice butt if like this. not wide because of fat surrounding hips) > hairy bush

>asks why I think I'm allowed to stick my finger in her ass whenever I want to
>i smell her hair
>she giggles
>tells me to wash my hands
>cat comes up on bed and licks brap finger
>she freaks out
>cat doesnt seem to mind
>all three cats continue to go into bathroom when she's pooping and she continues to sing to them
>one of them has licked the stink tho

Your mother's cunt

Is this real?!

Nigger if you saw me youd kill yourself. I'm a solid 8 out of 10. That pic is probably of your rotten nigger loving ass lol

Who do you think is deleting the important threads?

What the fuck