Yas Forums must reflect on this

"Black people get executed by police for just existing, while white people dressed like militia members carrying assault weapons are allowed to threaten State Legislators and staff.

How is it not white privallege that white men can just storm random government buildings armed to the teeth while if minorities simply protest about their right to live and right for freedom then they get shot? What the fuck is this hypocrisy and how can you honestly come up with a defense for this?

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why doesn’t my dog have to wear pants?
there’s your answer, stupid faggot op

what is the relation between what you said to what I am saying

Its not a white or black thing retard, tell the niggers to join in and uphold the constitution not go to the capital trying to sling crack

Are you seriously going to ignore the hideous amounts of white cop on black citizen violence?

You're a faggot.

Maybe they weren't shot because the state doesn't want to suffer the consequences.

>white people dressed like militia members
it's almost like it's protected by the constitution

"Privallege"-OP the Enduring Faggot

Have you just tried not being a nigger?

CRY nigger.
might makes right.

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot, the second the police state stops enforcing the law your nigger boyfriends will kill you and fuck your daughters.

White on white cop violence is higher, now shut up with your victim complex you law breaking retard.

>white cop on black citizen violence?
its a cop problem, thats why no one gave a fuck about BLM when they tried to make it racist, Niggers dont want to hear 13% 50% , but da more whit pepol
yea and in total numbers cops kill more white than nogs
have a seat nigger

Because fuck niggers. They need to be oppressed and shot.

also get out of their country then if you want bettter treatment go back to your shit country.

you cant expect to be treated the same as a foreigner.

thats fucking ridiculous

inject bleach boot licker

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>now look at these two isolated incidents

How about militarized cops are shit and actually kill more whites than blacks, but we don’t chimp out, so their crimes go without notice. When you make it a black thing, nigger fatigue sets in and we can’t hear you.

hi, what's it like to be programmed and have your opinions dictated to you by the media?

It's almost like forming militias and bearing arms is constitutionally protected and bum rushing cops isn't. Huh.

Kek why are your politicians such kikes going for the muh nigger cattle argument every time?

never relax

White people wont use weapons now that it’s not frontier days. Blacks will shoot anyone over anything. Simple.

>durrrrr i hate da poleece bcuz dey kill niggers!
believe me faggot, the niggers you associate with for brownie points on your tranny discord would be hanging from trees and lamps countrywide if the police werent here to protect them.
you would just be killed before that is all.

You want to see police violence, visit Nigeria or Uganda where the police are pretty much a criminal gang that protects you from other criminal gangs except them of course.

I can't believe how much blacks are pampered, protected and worshipped in america. I thought you guys were all based tough guys?

Because if you and one hundred of your buddies in plate carriers with AR15s show up to a place with 5 cops with handguns you now have the monopoly on violence, not the police

Das Rite! Your forest elves be tellin us we cant chop da wood. So we seized da KANG! Then we dun forced him to sign da MAGNA CARTA! Now dis dun be our American common law. Sheeit, can't yall be readin?

Attached: Forest Wardens.jpg (638x640, 72.9K)

>would be hanging from trees and lamps countrywide
Fuck off pig, I can keep my own street clean

Niggers literally shut down L.A. and scared all the cops out of town. WTF are you talking about?

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Police dont protect anyone. They cowered like little bitches outside parkland.

because whites can handle firearms, as demonstrated by FBI crime stats

White people announce their intent and have legal licenses to their firearms and don't intentionally threaten and raise weapons at officers.

It's that easy. Learn how to do it sometime and you don't get shot.

Did groups like the black panthers used to get away with doing shit like this decades ago because of the 2nd amendment?

It's so small as to be statistically insignificant. You're being gaslit by edge cases, and subsequently must be very stupid.

>pointing guns at police after a drive by is totally the same as standing up for your fundamental rights

They are holding guns, that's why.. Gun laws are not fucked. Your mindset is fucked.