Does the cosa nostra mafia still exist? Any italian anons know if they still have power in italy?
Does the cosa nostra mafia still exist? Any italian anons know if they still have power in italy?
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cosa nostra has power in Sicily but is just the shadow of its former glory, they fucked up in the 90s.
lmao is there a single non-slide thread left on pol?
interesting so are there a lot of them in your area or do they focus more on tourist cities?
I'm from the north, cosa nostra mostly care about political corruption in Sicily
Also how do they operate now? I'm assuming the government cracked down hard on them so it's harder to do business out in the open. Do you guys know when you see a mafioso just by looking at them?
>Do you guys know when you see a mafioso just by looking at them?
The n’dragnega or whatever it’s called in calabria Naples is a mafia by another name... they make $60 BILLION a year
They’re ruthless and untouchable
he asked about cosa nostra
they operate like they did in the 1800s, they go to people that owns shops or companies and they say "if you want protection you pay", ofc protection is mostly fictional, its "being protected by us". it's called pizzo.
blackmailing basically
Ah ok grazie amico' So these guys are just like a cartel now?
mafia = cartel, there's no difference, there's never been a difference.
What's the difference between the cosa nostra and other mafias?
I'm a godfather in the Italian Mafia and I literally wear nice suits, go to my daughters weddings, eat orange slices and get comfy. It's easy peasy. If anyone doesn't like it I'll whack them
Simple as mate.
Has a long tradition since Rome
Not that violent... as a Colombian Cartel.
They are also spreaded to Spain.
Hey bud, if your going to speak spanish at least spell "Amigo" right
geography and history, cosa nostra is in sicily, onorata società is in calabria and sistema is in campania, there's also sacra corona unita in puglia. They meddle in different buisness: cosa nostra fucked up in the 90s and is left with little (corruption and pizzo), sistema (camorra) is very disorganized and warband like, while ndrangheta is the most powerfull and the most "eosteric" with ancient and creepy ranks that basically control european drug dealing.
>they operate like they did in the 1800s, they go to people that owns shops or companies and they say "if you want protection you pay", ofc protection is mostly fictional, its "being protected by us". it's called pizzo.
So just like the government then
I honestly don't know which branch is it, but lately they're making some moves in the South, basically substituting the government by giving away food and enforcing a semblance of order.
We're gonna witness an Escobar situation, soon enough.
kek here comes the lolbertarian
I've heard of the Mala Del Brenta... Venetian Mafia? Are they still a thing?
So they just extort, I see. hey have you ever heard of sinaloa cartel?
No it was a band of the 70s, but it was fun because the chief of the Mala was found playing footbal with the decapitated head of a cop kek
"esoteric" how? the name of the organizations sounds like the name of some dark elf or something so whats weird and creepy about them?
Haha I like it. Venetians are based
I heard of them years ago.
>while ndrangheta is the most powerfull and the most "eosteric" with ancient and creepy ranks that basically control european drug dealing.
I heard kikes run the mafia or something, true?
So, I've watched La Piovra > great and Gomorrah > a piece of shit, do you have more of these?
If you spend enough time on Yas Forums you will hear that jews control everything that ever existed
They have initiation rituals with blood gospels and oaths and things like that. Also cosa nostra has them but ndrangheta is very secretive and exclusive and most importantly they have a respected hierarchy wich grants them success most of the time while cosa nostra often fall into civil wars. I don't remember much about their internal ranks but they were creepy, there's a lot of masonic roots behind them.
Oh cmnon
its like the biggest mafia out there, I wouldn't be surprised if theyre pulling the strings over there in your country.
like said its sounds sort of what el chapo does to gain power, feed and clothe the people and they flock to protect you and call you good.
They made a fortune smuggling negroes into Italy during the migrant crisis.
No idea about what piovra is, recently the commie kike Saviano has done some documentaries about important families but dunno if you can find them in English.
there are various theories about the origin of the name.
Many of them claim that the word come from ancient greek.
Ndrangheta is based nearly completely on blood, where the 'families' are real families, and there isn't a real central figure, there is an article that says that the antimafia said that it's structured like al qaeda
Are Sicilians even white?
>Oh cmnon
>Source: "somebody told me"
There's lower and upper families though
Antimafia? what is that
>No idea about what piovra is,
It is the best mafia series made there, it has 10 seasons, Morricone did the soundtrack ....
> Antimafia (excuse me what?)
> Al - Qaeda
> Blood magic
Italy really has more to it than great cuisine
The Direzione Investigativa Antimafia ('Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate'), also known as DIA, is an Italian multi-force investigation body under the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior. Its main task is the fight against the mafia-related organized crime in Italy.
DIA was established with the law decree n. 345 of 29 October 1991, following the intensification of the fight against the Sicilian Mafia in Italy, just before the killing of magistrate Giovanni Falcone.
it can mean many thing. in this case i was meaning the parliamentary anti mafia commission.
but there is also the DIA (antimafia investigation directorate), a directorate made up by all the law enfo agencies that investigate mafias
the boy is too young...
>Italy really has more to it than great cuisine
lol kill yourself cumskin
Source: just trust me dude