Does everyone want society to collapse?

That's the general feeling I get from most people. May sound weird, but I think most people sort of have a desire to see society go to shit and for things to get "interesting", almost like people are too bored. People in general seem to love bad news or a sign that the apocalypse is coming. I wonder if human beings have an innate need to see some kind of "reset" or to feel like they live in the end of times. What do you think?

It's why people always come to the strongest reactions in news. Like during the hong kong protests everyone was saying "its gonna be another tienanmen!" and when they were announcing corona everyone was immediately prepared to go full lockdown, almost like they were excited about a pandemic

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Yeah. There is no growth without suffering, and the stagnation is palpable. Most people feel they would be successful in a world in which survival was the chief responsibility. I asked God today to take me back home. I feel I’ve outlived my usefulness.

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Yes, they all are. Society failed everyone and now, deep down, everyone would prefer an epidemic than...whatever hell we live in right now

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Human beings are not meant to live the way we do now. We're not supposed to be in boxes doing mind-numbing "jobs", we're not supposed to live out lives for the sake of earning some retarded paper money. We're meant to move around, fight, explore, create and destroy. We've been robbed of our natural state of being: free. There's restrictions on everything, rules to prevent freedom. Deep down in our primal hearts, we all hope it gets worse so we can go back to our natural state of existence. Similarly, government was never meant to be an elite class of rulers, they were supposed to enforce certain laws to keep a society relatively civil and in living conditions, AKA not let people go fucking nuts on each other. They have lost their purpose too.

>human beings have an innate need ... to feel like they live in the end of times
It's certainly a part of Abrahamic religions that's for sure, and I mean if you are a weird prepper and then suddenly the flood does come ... you are certainly going to feel vindicated and special

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I only want the american society to collapse

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i personally do not want my society to collapse. its sort of just an observation about the world i guess. or maybe im biased because in my country when you drive in rural areas you see billboards like "the end is coming!". but i think a feeling (desire) of impending doom is common among all people

>I despise others’ success, especially if I have failed.

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fuck society

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Yeah partly true, but the main factor is that 95% of people are retarded idiots that will believe everything their TV tells them. And the media loves to stir up some good old fear.

>I'm dumb fucking bong who watches his daughter get raped and does nothing.
>I believe in the dinosaur science taught to me by the same people imported my daughter's rapist
make sure to take bill gates' digital tattoo retard

"globalization" sending manufacturing overseas and turning all jobs into service industry jokes, decades of relentless fed interventionist policies to transfer the benefits of all middle-class wealth and opportunity to the already filthy rich through asset price inflation and stagnant wages, degenerate media constantly attacking straight white people, and a western world all too full of its own "success" even as china infiltrates every aspect of our society.

We all secretly hope something, anything, will burn it all to the ground.

let's have some fun

I referred to
>need ... to feel like they live in the end of times
>[as] part of Abrahamic religions
which is a reference to that the preparation aspect conditions individuals for delayed gratification ... which is one of the aspects of a functioning society

Furthermore, I also referred to
>you are certainly going to feel vindicated and special
which is a reference to that the underpinning rationale is secondary, if the behaviour is manifested in a times of crisis

to which you replied, with
>bill gates' digital tattoo
Now if you could elaborate how you make these connections I maybe can learn something. As it is certainly not obvious to me.

We at least want the opportunity to try, and fail, a far better thing than this bare-subsistence, safety obsessed, risk-free, debt-fuelled pathetic zoo-like imitation of living.

The elites have replaced the core concept of the dignity of pursuing the American dream, with a relentless suffocating quicksand. The only people who want to save this society are the scum who drew the lottery tickets that vaulted them into the moneyed class.

tfw when we never went to the moon and America looses its status because of this.

I want everyone I have ever known and loved to die of starvation bc I'm foreveralone and women don't pay attention to me!!!!!

If a plurality of people want to see it end, what does that tell you about the society in which they exist?

I don't want society to collapse. I just want a revolution so we can set ourselves back on the right path to technological and cultural success.

In this book Evola says that war wasn't always seen as a horrible evil. It was considered a break from ordinary life and a chance to distinguish yourself. I am not saying I totally agree but it's an interesting thought.

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Most of us do. Fuck the government and fuck the kikes. They started this shit from the get-go. 110th exiled coming soon.

Yas Forums wants society to collapse because they are edgy
Reddit wants society to collapse so they can blame Trump

I don’t think it’s all just edginess. Most of our lives are comfortable swamp of vanity and vacuity. Once one sees through the vanity—uselessness—of it, there’s no going back. You can’t take joy in a distraction once you understand that it’s a distraction from some thing, even if you don’t full understand what the “thing” is. In an attempt to reify this thing, we want to do away with the swamp and its distractions.

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society a shit

Firstly, because everything operates on differences. You won't be able to see piece of paper on a white wall if there is no shade, slightly different color or whatever that indicates some difference, be it position in space, material or whatever. Same applies to perception of good, bad and everything, really. Your scale of good and bad is defined by your experiences and difference between them. Without experiencing pain, evil and bad, comfort, good etc can't exist. If you lack big harships in life, small hardships will be hell on your shitty, short scale.
Secondly, because it doesn't live up to the expectations. It's shit wrapped in pretty paper and amazing advertisement syndrome. You're told from young age that this shit if for good, your benefit etc so you should obey authority, yet politicians fail you every fucking time, break their promises and everyone are slowly putting bigger and bigger pressure on everyone else, be it walking on eggshells because of muh politeness, be it political correctness, be it more taxes or any other form of pressure. You've been fed idealized images all your life while reality is that it's also full of problems and corruption, the only difference is IQ and other characteristics of average man in a country that help maintain working system so unlike niggers we have working traffic lights and don't starve on the streets. It's all so tiresome.

In post apocalyptic Minecraft I will impregnate as many White females as possible and carve my name into history as the next Genghis Khan.
Who wouldn't want to rape, pillage, and live a life conquering this entire continent from sea to sea building mountains of skulls out of the cities that refuse to surrender?

In order to reset we need to hit rock bottom

I know I do, user.

I would want society to collapse not "for fun", I want it to collapse to enable us to rebuild it but better by deleting the errors we made these last decades.

Ah yes, agent Smith's quote from the Matrix, good movie.

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