This is what you guys look like when you say “Reopen America” when America isn’t ready to be open

This is what you guys look like when you say “Reopen America” when America isn’t ready to be open.

We should be waiting for the vaccine then we can reopen. This is common sense. You Trumpsters don’t have any. You just want people to die for the economy. We don’t. Period.

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>This is what you guys look like when you say “Reopen America” when America isn’t ready to be open.
>We should be waiting for the vaccine then we can reopen. This is common sense. You Trumpsters don’t have any. You just want people to die for the economy. We don’t. Period.

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very cool of you

You can still be a worthless neet without a lockdown don't worry OP. Just stay home live in fear and jerk off to anime like you've been doing all along.

"w-w-we should wait for Bill Gates' vaccine goys!!!!"

>bro, let's just keep things on lockdown until the AIDS vaccine comes out

>people to die to save the economy

That's just a slick way to say:

>I don't care if your business goes into bankruptcy or you starve to death from being unemployed, us millionaires/billionaires can stay in lockdown as long as necessary so we don't risk getting the coof

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>being pro-quarantine
why are you being antisemitic?

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Nothing wrong with PBR, you onions filled bitch.

>We should be waiting for the vaccine then we can reopen

there is no cure for the common cold or flu. what's the big deal. a vaccine is 18 months out if ever. im not waiting that long.

>when America isn’t ready to be open.
Except when it comes to third world immigration, eh?

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This it literally you

>This it literally you

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Literally nothing wrong with any of that except the incest quote

>You just want people to die for the economy.
It's not like it's even going to save the economy anyway. Y'all can reopen any damn thing that you want, you can't make their customer's patronize them. I ain't going to Golden Corral, I ain't going to AMC theaters, and I ain't going to my barber for a trim, until such time as Captain Trips isn't fucking killing motherfuckers.

And most people feel the same way. You tell most people "Shit, there's a fucking plague, go home and go into isolation!" most people have the common sense to respond "Did you say it's the goddamn plague? Do I have time to swing by the gun store and stock up at the last minute?" And you'll be like "Yes, but only just, go buy out their stock of bullets then head straight home!", and they're like "Okay, got it, getting ammo and then I'm heading back to the crib!".

The dumbasses calling for everything to reopen represent a very small, heavily astroturfed movement, they're busing these idiots to their protests like you dickwads accused Soros of doing with antifa. You can't maintain a service economy when only like 20% of boomers specifically are willing to engage in it. I presume they'll die soon enough. Open up whatever the fuck you want, I ain't going to Books-A-Million, I ain't going to the gym, I sure as hell ain't going to Disney World, I am saving my fucking money so I can buy some new guns when all this bullshit is over. I assume rather a lot of boomers are going to die and they're should be some good deals on Smith and Wesson magnum revolvers and used AR 15s when their kids sell their shit.

a reasonable poster, in my Yas Forums?

If the lockdown continues indefinitely, the economy will collapse, food supply chains will break down, and people will go without food. The resulting famine, looting, and rioting would kill way more people than the virus ever could.

People need to go back work eventually. Government gibs won't do any good when no one's producing and there's nothing to buy.

Sheltered NEETs and commietards don't know what real struggle looks like. Continue this for much longer and you will.

>I don't care if your business goes into bankruptcy or you starve to death from being unemployed,
I don't care about that, I'm not gonna patronize your business during the fuck-mothering plague. We got this axe-throwing place in town, me and one of my buddies from work were talking about joining up and heading there on one of our days off to check it out, it's a shame we didn't, they're probably going to go under because of the pandemic. That's sucks for them, but we're not gonna go give them business during the fucking plague.

Jesus Christ, dude. You didn't have to tell it like it is...

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the joke is that people who want to reopen america are stereotypical redneck republicans, this is true satire

Holy fuck Bill and Melinda Gaytes Foundation wagecucks must be doing some serious overtime WFH. I hope Bill's 30 silver was enough for selling your soul to the devil. Just kidding it's obvious cunts like you are soulless faggots

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>Y'all can reopen any damn thing that you want
>Open up whatever the fuck you want
so you're anti-lockdown

Fuck off Bill

Friendly reminder that this kind of stereotyping is how Trump got into office.
Yet you still poke the bear.

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How long do you expect to hold out mate

You probably didn't go to any of those places before the lockdown either. Quit trying to act like such a normie.

But muh righterinos op! We are not a free country unless I have the freedom to take a shit right on your head.


>animay!! lolz.

Yeah, let's wait for a cure to the common cold before we can leave house jail. Gtfoh

We don't have any recurring, common sicknesses that we have no vaccines for.
Not one.
7% worldwide kill rate at last count

Alarmist starter kit essentials: #1 be wrong every single time

Even worse, nobody said these idiots can't self-quarantine on their own. Asking for everbody else to be quarantined with them is the most retarded fucking thing ever. I saw a cunt on reddit today say that going out means you're unknowingly murdering people. I don't know if they're Bill Gaytes vaccines shills or these dumbfucks actually believe that shit, but either way I can't help but wish bad things for them

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You will never see a Covid-19 vaccine just like you will never have a common cold vaccine. Hell, the yearly flu vaccines are less than 60% effective.


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>1 post
Damn they have been pumping these out hard lately. Perhaps a sign they are getting desperate?

Yup I own a small business.

There’s no flip to switch that will just bring business back over night.

But rent will be due which is crippling.

Open the economy retards are trying to bring on a massacre of small business people.

It’s a selfish lie too. If they really wanted to help us they’d be arguing for us to receive stimulus like the too big to fail businesses have gotten over the year. But they are dishonest so they’ll continue with this “open the economy” retard tier nonsense.