Europeans of /pol

Europeans of /pol
What is your honest opinion of the US/America?
I am ripped between America being a kiked, horrible nigger infested shithole destroying Europe through their meddling in our affairs more than once, with 0 culture aside from consumerism and America being a new homeland for the European Race and People. It's kind of like love or hate it in my head, and I'm not sure what to think of it.
Let's do a case that everyone has to answer too;
>you get a full 10/10 trad wife, but she's american and you have to move to America with her. Your children will grow up in a culture so kiked that cities literally are built around McDonalds restaurants. What do?
Americans are invited but let's keep it civilized - there is no denying your country is a shithole in many aspects.

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I imagine most cities to be kiked and negrofied but living on the countryside is probably beautiful.
Think of having a nice wife, kids and a farm where your niggers can do the plantation work.

americans kikistarter degeneracy, drug abuse, orgies and faggotry on the 1960s, america should be nuked

jews and niggermania

but also, guns and wide open space.

america is the pinnacle of degeneracy, and the Nation of Satan that will spread all of this disease to the world

>Think of having a nice wife, kids and a farm where your niggers can do the plantation work.
you have to keep it realistic though. Otherwise we can go on with the whole imagine the us bein a natsoc german speaking paradise bullshit.
Present day america, no nigger slaves, no plantation, just suburb life with a trad wife in an American town.

Yes it is swarmed by satanist jews, but they are fighting back, every God Given Day"!!!""#

Okay, maybe not niggers but underpaid spics. Same thing though

The urban areas are total shit, yes. Get away from the major population centers, though, and you’ll find a country worth fighting for.

USA is among the greatest countries ever existed. Top of the world in terms of technology, innovations, art...Without them Europe will probably be some failed commie shithole.

Honestly I think they are fat fucking losers who think are better than they are. They say they have guns but haven't seen the millions of full auto akm's and RPG's from past revolutions in Eastern Europe. And to make things worse almost every man knows how to use the damn thing cuz we had mandatory military conscription before 2005 (give or take)
Also we have a fuck ton more history than you. Do you know how it feels to walk and live on street older then your continent?
Also free healthcare is fucking amazing. I can go into a hospital get everything i need and still pay less than 20€ while an US ambulance will send Elon Musk to going bankrupt.

mwell what would life be like today if americans just *POOF* like vanished
what would life be like if it had happened in the past at some point, like say during the cold war, or during ww2, or ww1
the america of today isn't really the america of the history books tbqh, the american left lives with this idea that the american right are slave owning nazies, where as the american right lives with the idea that the american left are black cock sucking communists
where as in reality things aren't quite as extreme, in some ways they are to the right of europe, in others they are to the left
>you get a full 10/10 trad wife, but she's american and you have to move to America with her. Your children will grow up in a culture so kiked that cities literally are built around McDonalds restaurants. What do?
hard to say, you might be over valuing 10/10 trad wife (or should i say the difficulty of finding one),maybe if you threw in a decent sum of money i prob would
if i had it my way i'd be flying in space, so where i build my spaceships is largely secondary

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How schizo are you? That's not even what I asked about

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You eurofags think those of us who are aware of reality like being controlled by (((them)))? You think we like living like this, a people who've lost their way with their culture stripped down to nothing but degeneracy and consumerism over the decades by Mr Shekelstein. Just like the people in your countries who are too stupid to realize that flooding their homeland with muslims and africans is not a good idea, we have the same issue over here. Anyone from the city is legitimately retarded, most people in the sticks are either liberal white flight suburbanites with white guilt or MAGA supporting christcucks who support the Chosen People because the bible says so. We're all equally fucked unless we literally have the second coming of Uncle Adolf and he manages to not get assassinated within 30 seconds. I wake up every day like the rest of you and see coal burning single mothers with mulatto babies, Jews, illegals stealing our jobs, and politicians telling us it's all okay and to trust the plan. Those of us that are too stupid to realize what's up are the lucky ones, ignorance is bliss. The rest of us are all to aware of our status as #1 Asshole on the planet, greatest golem of israel, and ruination of man. Every day I wake up and wait for death.

Merkel fucked Germany on her own and so did the Wahmen's rights fapping SJWs that control Sweden's parliament, and Macron is a globalist shill diehard. Britain essentially goes far more extreme actually imprisoning people for hate speech.

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Nobody here cares what subhumans think, kindly refrain from posting.

This presupposition gets all the more ridiculous when you realize Europe is to the LEFT politically of the United States.

Third world country with lots of rich people

Christianity there is more of a cult with made up rules (wtf is with your devil fetish) and even yoghurt has more culture. Educational system, health system and overall maintenance are a joke (fix your roads, they're in a terrible condition), they like to either live big or fail so hard that even their grandsons can tell stories about it.

Beside of being really superficial, they're also really friendly, hilarious, entertaining as hell and I bet a lot of them would make great friends. They're special in their own way and I cannot help but to appreciate that, kinda like a kid in school that looks up to that cool kid who always does cool stuff, but you wouldn't want to live in their household.

It's this situation that I really like them but at the same time don't feel sorry at all that they're fucking themselves up so bad. "I like you but you really deserve everything you go through atm." It's weird.

>trad wife 10/10 but Id have to live in america
guess Ill stay alone then. I'd consider going there for vacation, but nobody can bring me to live there, not as it is right now.

I hope you guys can fix your shit in the next 20,30 years, unironically best wishes

pic rel
I would give up all the current technology right away if people could live the ideal biblical life
technology is good as long as it exists for pure reason of serving human and it doesn't affect us in a bad way

forgot picrel

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It's a mutt country filled with rejects and criminals, but also with protestant zealots who fled there for religious reasons. On average Americans are worse than Europeans, and a lot shorter too, lel, but there are still good Americans, like Ron Paul or William Luther Pierce.

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Danke mehrmals, Austria Friendo.
These are the kind of answers I am looking for.

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Death to America.

americans are good people ,i do believe that but the problem is that they've been kiked at a point where we can wonder if they will recover

You do realize Germany was Christian at the time and the SS Waffen regarded the SS as "school-boys playing soldier" right?

>americans are good people
Not really.

>but also with protestant zealots who fled there for religious reasons
I need to clarify that this is the only thing about America I respect. In some American insular communities a girl will not have sex before marriage well into her mid 20s, while in major western European cities a girl has taken double digit cocks by that time.
People went to America for various reasons, only the religious fanatics had a good one. On average Americans are sub-par, and in comparison you will always find them uglier and dumber than Europeans.

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Man, it's disheartening to see how many Europeans have a skewed view of America thanks to the internet. We're far from perfect but mother of christ there are 330 million of us. Please stop judging us by our trash TV and photos of fat scooter riders at walmart

Ironically, many of you simultaneously screech about NO CULTURE and then complain about how much American culture is invading your country. I don't like traveling everywhere and seeing coca cola mc donalds everywhere either, but we're not forcing everyone to watch our shitty movies and buy our shit

I think you've pretty much got it right Österanon. I swear to Kek New England is different than the other 44 states. It's institutional as well as cultural. We have no county governments and towns are contiguous here. The contiguous towns have the powers of counties and cities combined, and are run by direct democracy in town meetings kind of like the Swiss do. Because of this, we participate more in government in local affairs. The very physical shape of our towns is different. We're well aware of all of our nation's problems. And they'd be a lot worse if it weren't for us.

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Their are communities that have good looking people. Coastal City niggers and whitoids look like that, but it's always city niggers. Their full of half-breeds so everyone looks offputting, and they don't eat right or force their kids to eat right. The problem in the country is they get even less exercise and eat more.

North Dakota.

Attached: Miss North Dakota Lizzie Jensen places a ring on the head of Ethan Geffre while at Sunrise Elementary in Bismarck on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 18. Looking on are students, from left, Ashlynn Kautzman, Aiden Trotter, Seth Buchholtz and Jack Julson.jpg (1140x712, 150.93K)

Like sisyphus rolling the rock uphill, it is our lot in life to drag the south forward kicking and screaming.

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>we're not forcing everyone to watch our shitty movies and buy our shit
Then who pays for the advertisements of your garbage in our countries? We ourselves?

Trust me from one who is stuck here (temporarily). Your former description is the correct one, this land and people have no soul, culture, morals, dignity, goals, education, future or honor left. You want to do good for yourself, you find a nice, traditional wife of your culture (you just need to look, there is always a based village in the countryside) buy a nice rural house and start popping out children. There is no "new" European homeland, just the one you are in that is unfortunately occupied at the moment. But look at history this never lasts

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Please for the love of god.. you have to believe me. Ignore all American posters and listen here: it’s even worse than the euro posters say it is. If only you knew how bad things really are..

Don’t believe their copes. We have become delusional from trying to defend this god forsaken place

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>NO CULTURE and then complain about how much American culture is invading your country.
honestly, that just shows hot big of a leap there is between kiked US culture and genuine European culture because believe me, the former is strangeling the latter and it is not a joke. Are you proud of that, considering you bring it up?

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