He saved Europe

He saved Europe.

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He saved millions, and doomed hundreds of millions.

BY giving it to commies? wtf man

Better to be under communism than national socialism desu.

Exactly how much did he drink every day?

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Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood". Churchill was a rat traitor that is burning in hell for his crimes against humanity.

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War hungry toad. I'd love to take a big steaming shit,on his grave.

He only survived because Hitler was already a total mental wreck and a methhead. Have he attacked England instead of going suicidal attacking USSR, England would have smashed in a matter of weeks.


Chamberlain was the good Prime Minister. Churchill was the choice of the warring clique.

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This fat piece of shit sold 1/3 of Europe to commies you massive fucking faggot
>in all fields

No America saved Europe

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He tried and failed. As Goring said, the war was lost when they lost the Battle of Britain.

America swooped in and saved all of Europe, winning both World Wars and giving you the internet. Facts. Checkmate.

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From the good guys

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Nice try shill

actually started ww2

Yep Europe sure looks saved right now lmao. If its Muzzies who get rid of Jews from Europe then they unironically deserved to keep Europe for themselves.

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Yeah ok bro

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This is now an America thread.

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>actually started ww2

Slavniggers started WW2. This is why Churchill threw them to the wolves after he saved the real Europe. They had it coming.

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stfu czechoslovakia

He saved it for the Indians and muzzies

Hitler loved muslims.


U S A U S A!

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He doomed it.

He'd need a navy to do that, Igor.

He sold his empire to the americans LOOOOOOL

Ok kike.

You're the kike, kike.

>the war was lost when they lost the Battle of Britain

Well they should have unleashed the same amount of force on Britain they unleashed on USSR. Then Britain would have been defeated fast. Nazis just didn't try hard enough, damn Hitler was in love with brits, and it was his terminal flaw.

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>Then Britain would have been defeated fast

Brits were MUCH better strategists and fighters than nazis.


Typical British suppression politics.Well I hope they enjoy muslimraped London and whatever.

Well, having in mind the amount of resources and devotion he spent on USSR, he could have as well built it, if only the fuck was sane)

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Get a load of this faggot.We are all pozzed one way or another.True freedom is bought.

>better to be under communism
This is kike the post.
Communists don't care about anything but
>muh workers
They will trample everything that you love just to make everyone equal.
Tell me kike, what's so bad about national socialism? It lifted Germany out of a depression and made them prideful of their country.
Or are you just a kike.

Churchill a last true right politic in EU.

And Dunkirk was one of the great examples of their brilliance, right? Brits won't stand a chance if Nazis really wanted to smash them.

150% Based Bro

True freedom comes from the land of freedom, AMERICA AKA FREEDOMLAND

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That was the fault of the French.

Don't forget about your meeting with Mr. Sekelstein in the morning.He said he needs his 27th yacht for this year.