Meanwhile, in Romania
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God bless our brothers and sis from romania
Poos are a nasty group of people.
Didnt Romania used to be non sand nigger like... 20 years ago?
indians are aryans
What a sausage fest.
>literal discount niggers
this is the whitest music I've ever heard in my life
Looks like any other shitskin mudslime party
why do you hate aryan people?
I loved growing up in the 1980's because none of these Yuropean countries you fags post about were habitable, they all looked like literal fucking wastelands because of communist Russia raping the shit out of them but now magically in the 21st century these shitholes are now considered "white" utopias from a bunch of faggot children who have no idea what hardship is
romanians are cool
fuck brexit
so this is what romanians look like... neither roman nor white
I bet you're fun at parties
How did these people descend from north Indians
They look happy and carefree.
Good for them.
are gypsies just like jews but not successful?
Those are gypsies, not Arabs.
nature found a way.
racist romanians are harassing them during the quarantine/
Im with the gypsies on this one.
Props to them for rebelling against the bullshit measures.
that's right.
If there is one chad country left in Europe its definitely Romania.
Or maybe Albania.
I want to become friends with a REAL gypsy. I don't care if it tries to steal my bucket.
I'm friends with a Zoomer Gypsy in America but that's not the same, he was adopted from Romania in the late 90's. He looks just like these people but behaves like a white person. Not entertaining,
Youre not friends, he is your toy
I was in the military with few real ass, ghetto living gypsies and they all were entertaining as fuck
He is my friend. He sometimes reads Yas Forums so I am poking fun at him.
this is /comfy/ OP, but tell me: why are all Euroguys faggots?
how easy are gypsy girls to fuck
pretty hard
Dude don't film gypsies. They curse anyone who captures them on camera.
wtf I thought Romanians were European, they look like indians or pakistanis or something
I was expecting a gypsies beatdown video, was disappointed.
they are