Why is immigration bad?

"Redpill" me on why immigration, legal or illegal, is a destructive thing?

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>Redpill me on adding dog shit to your ice cream makes it less tasty

Lived in Southern California and watched it turn into a third world shithole over the last decades and only faggot retards think all the illegals had nothing to do with it

subhumans diluting the population is bad user. their country is shitty because they as a people couldn’t make a non shitty nation. why would those individuals be desired

>why is flooding a country with a non native population faster than the native population can breed a bad thing?
OP, look, I'm gonna be honest. I think you're Jewish

Immigration is you're right.
Don't forget what happened after they didn't let the Jews in before the wwii..

It's not and is a process that has occurred as long as there have been people. Even Europeans aren't from Europe originally they migrated there about 6000 BCE.

The US, nor Australia for that matter would exist without immigration.

Instead of threatening to deport immigrants, trying to scare them and making them unwelcome we need to appeal to them. No wonder they vote for the left constantly because they are the only people who aren't calling for them to be kicked out.

Because Mexicans and niggers are fucking disgusting and I don't want them in my fucking country. IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND YOU SHILL FUCK

It is not immigration, its population replacement, thats the big difference.

What is your opinion on mixed race globalism? If you dont like it, then the problem with immigration is not that hard to grasp.

immigration is a communist tactic to destroy the middle class

the US is majority nonwhite regardless of immigration

to maintain its power it should import high iq pajeets and chinese so it can maintain its hegemony

they may prove an ally to whites in preventing their daughters from being blacked

Kek, fpbp. If you really need arguments against mass immigration from shitholes to first world then refrain from posting and lurk more.

If they're shit in their country why do we want them here? Tons of illegal shitskins were instantly arrested when they were deported to their home country because they were wanted fugitives there. I can't wait for you to die of wuflu OP.

If every single human being on Earth had skills, were entrepreneurial, and were productive - then immigration would be great.

These three things create wealth - but immigrants today are different from American immigrants in the past (European) - this is what liberals don't get. Immigrants from Europe all held similar beliefs on politics, religion, the law, and economics. They were entrepreneurial and weren't looking for gibs.

Niggers, sandniggers, poos, and spics don't seem to have any good traits apart from being cheap labor for Mr Shekelstein

It is meant to pull on the heartstrings of bleeding heart liberals who will cut off their dick if enough people call it problematic. In reality politicians who support easing immigration are doing so to fire the native workers and hire third world former child soldiers who think a sweatshop is the palace at Versailles. Immigration as a whole typically only takes place and is encouraged to exploit people directly or bully the native population into accepting the same pennies they pay the migrant workers

Your assumption seems to be all peoples are equal.

Whites make, nonwhites take
>also it's literally a punishment from God as defined in the Scripture

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What is ridiculous is that refugees have the same level of rights as legal citizens, they should be restricted regardless of what nation they come from. For example if a refugee commits any violent offense its a ticket straight to home and ban from immigrating to this nation for 1 year as in 12 months after we start the ban.

They dont like brown people. They think they are ugly and good for nothing. Personally, in not for illegal immigration I think it should be required they follow the rule of law like everyone else

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Because people migrate for their own benefit, not the benefit of the community they want to join.
That's why it was perfectly normal to screen everyone for the value that they bring into a society.
Nowadays, people seem to think that a stable society is just a fact of nature and only linked to geography, so naturally everyone should be allowed to go to the best societies.

>"From the nature and purpose of civil institutions, all the lands within the limits which any particular society has circumscribed around itself are assumed by that society, and subject to their allotment only." - Jefferson

Because them lands is for our heirs and assigns forevera negga.

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I remember years ago I thought this image was a joke, but then I learned how psycho blacks were.

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The only faggots supporting mass immigration are corporations wanting cheap labor and those on the political Left who want a flood of non-whites from the 3rd world

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Mass Immigration made by satanist, only dead spirits believe in it.

Go fuck yourselves liberal fruitcakes.

Corporations what cheap brown and black labor and those on the political Left want a non-white invasion. Mass immigration achieves both goals

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>One does not simply forget 6.........

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ew, no. im making a long video on the holocaust rn. you will see it on youtube, but it will probably get banned.

> we need to appeal to them
Do you know how retarded you sound? They live in ethnic enclaves because they view you as “other.” When they look kind of like you, you can breed that feeling out of them over generations (to a degree, not 100%). When they look different, they’ll just live in parallel societies until the end of time. That’s no way to build a country.

>Never forget

are you seriously comparing other human beings to dog shit?

The eternal Germanotard

Kys kike

I am constantly teeter-tottering. More on the mixed-race part. Globalist capitalism is fucked and mixed racialism is it's newfound gem. But is race mixing good? I have not concluded my stance yet.

That's quite an oxymoron, isnt it? Communism doesn't want to destroy the middle class retard. Immigration is a function of capitalism via cheap labor if anything

You mean the folks who have been kicked out of every other society? Huh.

Ok, but I guess im looking for more arguments you can use in the real world without looking like a "racist" retard. The "shithole to first world" doesnt go far in this day and age, even if it is valid.

Idk why people in this thread are assuming im pro-immigration... Im not, at all.

>you already have many non-americans
>to maintain control, import more non-americans

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>redpill me on X

good point.

Just look at Jersey Shore guidos, aka the collision of Italian and American culture. You don’t actually get “the best” aspects of things when you combine them. Immigration is the death of culture.

my question was literally free of assumption retard

what is the scripture?

lol this is hilarious