Trump confirms lab theory

> Trump just told reporters he has a high degree of confidence that the virus originated in the Wuhan Institue for Virology. Blue pilled reporters are dumbfounded

>A report on the origin of the virus will be coming out sometime in the future

One reporter asked trump how he knows, trump replied he is not allowed to divulge this information.

information is currently being scrubbed about the research being conducted at the WHI, i am finding many articles being rewritten

Here is a look at the wuhan institute's research

The story of the virus has a lot to do with WHI Doctor Shi Zhengli

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Other urls found in this thread:

"In 2005, Shi Zhengli and colleagues found that bats are the natural reservoir of SARS-like coronaviruses. She led a research team that studied how SARS-coronaviruses from bats could infect the human ACE2 receptor, where she gained this function via combining novel SARS-CoV viruses from bats with human immunodeficiency virus-based (HIV) pseudovirus systems to facilitate hACE2 as a receptor for cell entry and subsequent infection."

"Whether it is possible to construct an ACE2-binding SL-CoV S protein by replacing the RBD with that from SARS-CoV S proteins is also unknown. In this study, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-based pseudovirus system was employed to address these issues."

Covid 19 has HIV gene inserts in it similar to the one that WHI created specifically to infect humans. WHI has also just patented HIV drug remdisvir for commercial use in china.

TLDR: The Wuhan institute of virology engineered a virus similar to covid 19 trump is about to blow the whistle on it

for some reason the website thinks the links i am trying to share are spam

How would Blooopf know though! HOW WOULD HE KNOW!

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Mansplain this

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No one believes the lab theory is actually real expect him.

i mean its pretty much all out there at this point

if you europeans could actually read you would find that WHI created this virus ten years ago

Oh fuck.

>expect him
to rail the Chinese and globalism at the same time?

looks like the dems were praying for this

Isn't saying this incredibly risky? What the fuck is he doing? Don't confirm anything until you know beyond a reasonable doubt it's true.

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in the conference he sounded convinced. My guess it the information will remain classified until the report is released. If I was him I would let the report speak for itself. The media will have to backtrack their entire story back to day 1 to fix this mess. The reporters in the room looked like they knew the jig is up.

Drink bleach
but the fact that he left out lieberman confirms what people are finally really learning about this kike

>One reporter asked trump how he knows, trump replied he is not allowed to divulge this information.
literally my uncle works at nintendo tier

Link to him saying this?
> The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded bat-coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to the tune of US$3.7 million, despite in Oct. 2014, a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research – altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious – as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by an accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.
> Dr Anthony Fauci – the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force – outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving US government funding.

They will deny it

Yes, the president of the us is the same as random internet faggot

video of the press conference?

im trying to get it the press conference was on fox, but is not yet on youtube

Can't wait till we sacrifice the zoomers to slay the yellow menace.

The free-flow of information outside prescribed media channels is fucking up their plans rapidly

anyone who isn't a blue-pilled faggot has known this since january

>high degree of confidence
So he heard that on Fox, right?

It does appear to be real, as mentioned in this feed

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probably Yas Forums

apparently there is classified information being condensed into a report that will be released telling the story of what the hell happened.

American virus.

Why can't you mutts own up to it? You are No.1 at getting and dying from it after all.

Kek. It was probably sourced from Yas Forums

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He wouldn't bring it up if it hadn't already been vetted. The guy has at least a few dozen advisors for this crap that all had to be vetted themselves.

Yeah it seems certain that it was the lab now. USA was funding the research so hopefully it makes war less likely. To summarize:

>outbreak occurred close to Wuhan Institute of Virology
>It was one of the world centers of research into bat coronavirus
>the closest known relative virus ratg13 was actually on file at that lab in Wuhan, although they collected it from a bat 1000 miles away in a cave. It was collected in 2013 but they never published it until 2020 after the outbreak. This is suspicious as ratg13 is substantially unique compared to other bat coronavirus. It and sars-cov-2 form their own branch on the phylogenetic tree. If they analyzed it in 2013 why was it never published?
>USA NIH was funding some of this research in Wuhan from 2014 to 2019, in 2019 the second phase was to begin including gain of function research
>gain of function research is modifying viruses to make them stronger or able to infect humans, to "learn how to prevent pandemics"
>the gain of function research could be done with direct manipulation but also could be done by simply passing the virus through different hosts to see how it mutates. They (not at Wuhan though, Americans I think) did this with bird flu years ago and got it to infect human cells by passing the virus through ferrets. This was very controversial at the time since thru resulting virus could've killed millions if it got out

So yeah it be interesting to see if USA releases a report with their findings but the stuff we already know tells the story well enough.

Yes, in democrat hell hole new york, where filthy and communist degeneracy is the norm. Everywhere else in the U.S. is fine.


Jan 14, WHO declared no evidence of human-to-human transmission of virus.
- Jan 21, Dr. Fauci makes this statement about the Coronavirus: "“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,”
- Jan 23, At an emergency committee convened by the World Health Organization, the WHO says that the Wuhan coronavirus does not yet constitute a public health emergency of international concern.
- Jan 28, Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom in Beijing. At the meeting, Xi and the WHO agree to send a team of international experts, including US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention staff, to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.
- Jan 29, The White House announces the formation of a new task force that will help monitor and contain the spread of the virus.
- Jan 31, Trump bans travel from Wuhan, press cites "experts" claiming it is counterproductive.
- Feb 1, Florence holds "Hug a Chinese Person Day".
- Feb 4, President Trump dedicates part of State of the Union Address to the Coronavirus issue. Nancy Pelosi tore up her copy of this address on national television.
- Feb 9, NYC holds Chinatown parade with assurances of no danger from the mayor
- Feb 23, 1st evidence of community transfer within U.S.
- Feb 24, Pelosi says to shop more: "‘Come to Chinatown ... come join us"
- Feb 25, Mardi Gras was held with few people sounding warnings
- Feb 26, Pence takes over task force, daily briefings begin.
- March 1, just 42 confirmed cases in U.S.
- March 3, NYC mayor encourages New Yorkers to go to the movies.
- March 5, NYC mayor rides the subway to assure people it is safe to do so.
- March 11, WHO acknowledged a pandemic scale virus on March 11

New York is like 60% Democrats and 40% Republicans.

Pretty damning for the Obama admin holdovers.

I am waiting on the media to start completely torching this story. Mark my words, if a report comes out incriminating China and the money can be connected to democrats, this whole thing will become ancient history.


paging chinese batman; where are you?

try going to the city tell me what you see

Fauci. Remdesivir. Fuck. The Chinese were trying to patent Remdesivir and The Lancet publication came out with a study, done in China, that Rem. didn't help. Fauci is saying that there is evidence that Rem. lessens the length of the disease.

or much more likely no one had a clue (((the elite))) restarted funds and slipped it into some bill because both parties were ass deep in high stakes political maneuvering and trump has been sabotaged by these types of agencies since the start so he has no fucking idea what’s going on in them.

Fauci is balls deep in this bullshit. When the U.S. listens to the experts we are months behind in the narrative. When we listen to trump we get a garbled version of what is actually going on.

And now he's trying to cover his tracks.