UK vs Sweden COVID-19 responce

daily reminder that lockdown is retarded

Attached: lockdown1.png (948x659, 189.64K)

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Some of us were saying it’s just a flu for a while.

Swedes have
>Higher IQ than Brits, better at washing hands, taking precautions
>More land areal per person
>Don't come close to each other normally because of autism
>They also didn't give a fuck about what the government said and self-quaranteened like hell
>Only people who didn't quaranteene was the nignogs in the no-go-zones
>and these "people" made up most of the cases

The fourth point is the most important though. Swedes probably had more of a lock-down than Britain did, it just didn't come from the incompetent anti-Swedish feminists in the government but on the initiative of the regular Swede

Attached: feels.jpg (488x397, 55K)

The UK followed Sweden's route until the government received letters by experts showcasing the millions of people who'd end up dead by that approach. So they switched to a lockdown, and saved lives. But the measures were installed too late, sadly. Your graph and theory doesn't validate your stance, quite the contrary.


>Higher IQ than Brits
>Lets in even more shitskins that Britain does
Choose only one.


Why aren't you comparing Sweden to a country with a similar population density, similar population pyramid, similar occupancy, similar GDP per capita, similar climate, like every single one of its neighbours?

>he’s still scared of memeflu
It’s time to grow up, cvgger

Sweden also has more Muslims and lower population density. Yeah, they're real brilliant and we should totally imitate them.

And pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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>Sweden also has more Muslims
They actually don't. They rank after France and the UK.
Israel is doing the best

because i'm from the UK (hence my interest in UK) and i keep hearing about Sweden being horrible for not imposing an authoritarian lockdown (hence my interest in Sweden)

Can't be asked seeing companies having to shutdown and start bleeding because everybody ends up falling sick. Hospitals won't be able to treat the millions of sick individuals, leading to unnecessary deaths. That's what you're suggesting. Luckily most world leaders are rejecting that irresponsible and inhumane stance, besides reprehensible Sweden who'll be severely reprimanded and held accountable for their traitorous actions taken throughout this outbreak.

Sweden has Taqiyya.

>received letters by experts

Attached: 1583509772708.png (749x434, 54.26K)

so your solution is... every stay at home forever? fuck that

Damn, what the fuck Europe?

based Sweden
Who the fuck thought we'd ever say that?


I think the per capita muslim population in Belgium and the Netherlands is higher than Sweden also but France has the most per capita.

Their situation isn't relevant for everyone. They also have more deaths than their neighboring countries who are on lockdown.

Attached: 2020-04-30.jpg (1427x493, 155.07K)

hows iceland for muzzies?

lockdown? we just call it FUCKDOWN if u know wot i mean m8 ;)

cope faggot, how about Japan that had no lockdown? Or Taiwan?

Sweden has 3 times the cases of norway and 4 times the cases of finland.
It also has over 10 times the deaths of both.

Attached: kekrona.png (582x722, 95.75K)

Maybe herd immunity is the way to go, but stop using stupid comparisons

Attached: sweden.png (723x495, 38.44K)

> retard doesnt know the meaning of gene ACE2 expression in the alleles

Sweden did lock down, just voluntarily. They understood that they need to stay inside for the time being. America and Britain would never do that voluntarily

>a lock down is retarded I want to go out partying and consuming again! Muh economy! I need to make money for my rich Jewish CEO!

Fucking off.
Lock down has been comfy as fuck.

And Australia has pretty much eradicated the virus because we took strict measures pretty quickly.

It's maybe 2 months of your life that's interrupted. You can't handle it?