Will Salvini come back to power?

Italibros, will Savlini make it back into the goverment? Lega is leading in the polls, but the next Italian general election is only in May 2023.

I miss him :(

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no, in the polls he and the governor of lombardy (whose actions he defended) are going down, only the Venetian governor is gaining approval.

After Corona, when unemployement becomes the main issue, do you think the Lega will rise again?

Or will Italians go for Cinque Stelle?

Salvini was one of the best things that could happen for Europe. I was happy that he was in the Italian government, until this coup occured.

unlikely, he burned himself out when he went all in last year. in 8 months he lost 10% in the polls.
Not all is bad though. In actuality all his voters just migrated to the other far right party FdI and so the equilibrium of power between left-right is always the same.
The thing is only that it's unlikely he will be again the one man army he was before, and since now votes are split between different far right parties it's possible in the next month the leftist party will be again the first one in the country.

5stars burned themselves just as much as Lega if not more.
It's a complicated issue, he was not perfect. Also it was obvious the NWO would have not allowed him to take power.
He was stupid to think otherwise and many people resent him alot for this. Because of him and the risk he took now we are stuck with this government 3 more years, they will also elect the next president of the republic which is just terrible. He overplayed his hand and in doing so he really damaged us severely, that's why people don't trust him anymore and are migrating to FdI en masse.

so red pill me on this party? What are the main goals? Do they want to leave the EU? Do they have charismatic leaders?

>next month the leftist party will be again the first one in the country.

make a fucking coalition then for fucks sake

I sincerely hope not. And given the circumstances, I don't think I have much to worry about. He's a fucking idiot and a turncoat, absolutely incapable of doing anything other than sperging and sending tweets. I swear of all the people that could lead the right, they took the more mentally challenged

Salvini is charismatic because he always carries with him the simplest solution, the one that people would like to use immediately, even if it is often the wrong one. he is the right person to do the electoral rallies, but now we have to be governed by a scientific committee and not by emotions...

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so what's the altvernative?

Leader is Giorgia Meloni, in my opinion it's even a better party than lega. During the government days Lega accepted alot of things that went against its ideology. Salvini agreed with humanitarian routes and hotspots in Africa and other shit. Whether or not because of propaganda we cannot know.
FdI however is uncomprimising and they take pride in that. Their ideology and values are basically the same as Lega, anti globalist nationalist conservative christian party. The difference is that they never wanted to ally themselves with others as lega did, they always portrayed themselves as unwilling to compromise on anything, it is an extremely nationalist party that was born out of a neofascist party.
This is a video of Giorgia if you want to see it, I think it summarises her thought and the thought of the party quite well.

>I sincerely hope not.
>He's a fucking idiot
Terroni detected

>The difference is that they never wanted to ally themselves with others as lega did, they always portrayed themselves as unwilling to compromise on anything
So what's their route to power? I guess it's highly unlikely that they gain 50%

fuck zionvini, traitor of Christ.

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This are latest aggregate polls. Salvini's voters are all migrating towards FdI. How much this will continue is impossible to say but I must say Salvini is really making an ass of himself these days. Ideologically nothing changed in Italy though. Voting blocks are always the same with the far right / right having the majourity

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italians are not that retarded, you remained too long in the basement

redpill me about 5stars

They don't need to, the right is in a coalition, Salvini and Meloni have always collaborated and always will. If FdI is the main party though is even better in my opinion. The real problem is berlusconi and his boomer conservative party. He has 6% but those are all lost votes that could go to the far right.
However the right coalition is fare ahead, they have ten points on the left, that's why they will never make an election until 3 years in the future, they know they would lose.

he's a dumbass but pretty based compared to other scum in Europe.

I prefer Meloni though, this also weaken the leftit feminist argument

retarded how?

italians that vote someone that says "yes at legal immigration" are retarded the same way amerigoyim are retarded voting trumpstein, basically the same controlled opposition.
You are stuck in 2016, aronne.


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they won the elections because they portrayed themselves as anti globalism, anti eu, anti establishment party. As soon as they got in power they proved themselves uncapable of governing and backtracked on all they said becoming one of the most pozzed parties in europe. That's why they lost 25% of preferences to the right in one year. So when the government fell they allied themselves with the left despite claiming their party supported pefophlia 2 weeks prior. They did it because they know if elections were to be held now their party would disappear.
So all in all cowards, traitors, incompetents and southerners faggots. Glad they're finished.

>all under control goyim

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true, don't trust salvini anymore. He really backtracked too much in the past years.

Salvini Is ultra liberal and pro zionsit. Next prime minster Will be Mario Draghi

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This expression represents the complete political bankrupcy of the "Lega Nord".

Facing the total genocide of the Lombards and their ethnical substitution with Siculo-neapolitans and other invaders the solution found by Salvini was brillant: an unconditional surrender to the Siculo-neapolitan ethnostate called 'it*ly'. And an equally unconditional genuflexion to the Jews.

This honorary Siculo-neapolitan and shabbo goy has to go.

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legoy nord

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at least with him we won't be invaded by migrants

Better frined of jews but with no migrants than friend of Palestine with migrants

>will Savlini make it back into the goverment?
Nope, PD will rule. Even if they go under 1%, they will rule, forever. Because we are a democracy, and in a democracy only the commies have the right to rule.

This is the real redpill about Italy. It doesn't really matter what we vote, our country has been colonised so deeply they will always find a way to make them rule.