Armed gunmen rushing a state house

>armed gunmen rushing a state house
If they weren't white Trump supporters they'd be shot dead on the spot and you know it.

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Good, this country doesn't belong to shitskins and their faggot masters, it belongs to white christians.

Guess its a good time to be a Trump supporter then lolololol


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This is what a city full of #BLM supporters looks like. Can you say the same for a city full of armed white conservatives?

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Yes, as they should be.

The armed revolt against tyrannical government powers is a good thing. Stay mad, horse face.

Good for them. These politicians need to fear the people again.

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But I bet early into your "redpilling" process you were up in your feels when leftists dared to suggest that white privilege is a thing.

>Shills whose panties are wet after protesters stormed the capitol building in Michigan.

>pfft 2nd amendment why are you afraid of your government, what are you going to do shoot a tank

>complaining that white americans won't let you get away with shooting them.
ok tranny

Whataboutism throwback, nice!

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Boogie time innit m8.

I don't really care one way or another. But it's silly to be worried about a bunch of white civnats. They never do shit. They like to prance around for a bit, and then they go home. Blacks don't exactly have a good record on that point - they are more apt to riot and cause general disorder and violence.

>tranny whos panties are wet from fear. Go dock your switch faggot.

White people can do this shit without fear of getting shot, black people can't.

One group pays taxes, the other doesn't. Easy choice for the government, whose only source of revenue is taxes

Thats funny cause during the LA riots niggers forced the cops out of town. Whites actually need to take some lessons from niggers on how to chimp out.

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Don't act like niggers. That is the difference.

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I've shit talked Ronald Reagan's treatment of the Black Panthers longer than you've been alive OP.

Blacks and whites behave differently.

>No looting, fast movements, fires or assaults from what i can see.
How is this even remotely similar to BLM or Antifa gatherings?
Being armed is not violence in itself.

I know nothing ever happens, but there's a small part of me that really, REALLY wishes Americans would find their balls and start slottin' these traitorous fucks.

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>force people into lockdown and create mass unemployment never seen in this country
>omg why are people upset

Liberals will never get it. Day of the rope when?

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did they firebomb the place or start shooting cops yet?

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There's a difference between holding a gun in a protest that hurts nobody and rushing out to loot sneakers and trash people's property. This apparently needs to be explained to people.

that's what america is about, commie

IDK man, these people didn't get shot.

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Also, AOC needs the BWC. She'll stop this stupid shit and become a good little right wing bitch

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Fucking CCP asset trying to divide the American people in the middle of a pandemic. Go back to your Confucius institute AOC, Agent of China.

what pill did you take to be as dumb as to choose a fucking memeflag, come on Yas Forums and post dumb ass shit thinking anyone cares about your opinion?

vae victis. julius caesar didn't ask permission to cross the rubicon. talk is cheap

So send in the blacks.

>think of how distresses my poor pets were by the peasant rabble!

Jews get the same treatment. Are MAGAtards jews? In all seriousness the black Panthers did the same shit way back in the day

Note how she makes no mention of children

But it's perfectly okay when his psychopath sow wife orders the government's hired thugs to bust down peoples' doors at 2 AM in a no knock raid and imprison them for decades for tax evasion.

>If they weren't white Trump supporters they'd be shot dead on the spot and you know it

And that's a good thing.

>If they weren't white Trump supporters they'd be shot dead on the spot and you know it.
Hopefully you're right memeflaggot

Remember when there were multiple BLM shooters who ambushed police and killed multiple officers?

Compare that to these peaceful demonstrators expressing their political complaints and using their god given rights to do so.


Not the heckin petarinos!

You shouldn't be afraid of citizens with guns unless you know you've done something they would shoot you for

Didn't the black panthers exist in a time when white cops could kill nigs with impunity?

if you cant tell the difference between a rioting nigger mob and armed patriots demanding change you are lost. get fucked commie scum.

>a man who uses a gun to commit a crime or terrorist act.
good ol lefties using words they don't know

Why are you posting this completely irrelevant accusation of me holding some sort of hidden emotional intent?