I hate that porn is pushed through every single outlet. I hate that whores are treated with respect. I hate that it has destroyed morality. Lets post our redpills
Anti porn thread
Bump. I don't want to go back to porn.
Well... Go fuck yourself.
>we need to solve dopamine addctions
>I need more dopmaine, give me (You)'s
Just dont look at it?????
Stop fapping.
>daily reminder that these christcuck fundies are pulling the same shit the commies/radfems pulled to coopt movements over the last decade
What country rabbi?
>reminde that liberty is a meaningless concept without values
>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
yep Porn and Masturbation is based
lol this
I mean just don't fucking look at it if it bothers you that much
The lie:
>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
The truth:
>makes women more whorish and makes many men scared of them and actual interaction with them
>a waste of time where you trick your brain into thinking you have sex when you dont
>completely degenerate
>warps and ruins your mind and soul
>makes men spend even more on roasties, roasties they don't even get to have physical contact with
>makes you feel content with having nothing, getting nothing, being nothing
Porn is a psyhcological weapon. Stop, or at the very least - cut back on it.
Would porn be okay if it were produced and distributed by Aryans? Would it at least be better?
>naked 10/10s
I have seen exactly ONE 10/10 do porn in over 20 years of cooming, and that was soft porn.
>would judaism be ok if Aryans practiced it?
Imagine a cross between the worm from Dune, a crocodile, a mosquito and then add about ten thousand more teeth than you're thinking and that is a vision of what I saw with its nasty bug siphon tube down my dick hole while I was extremely extremely high. Porn is very, very bad. That thing was real, I invoked the power of Christ and I saw it destroyed, but know this... Demons are real, and you can create them, and they will destroy you. Be very careful with your precious essences, stay away from demented people and demented activity. Ask God for forgiveness and beg him to cleanse your soul and make you strong.
>t. projecting faggot
You again, I see you on every anti porn thread. What is your intention?
ok based but why the memeflag
Then get the fuck off Yas Forums
Everytime I relapse on nofap it's because one of the fucking thousands of non-related porn threads on here daily. Thumbnails of big asses, that you then hover over for a HD webm.
There's always people on Yas Forums trying to get you to stop discussion and jack off instead. They're either legit faggots (they want the group to jack off with them, when have you ever been inspired to do that) or it's (((people))) wanting to distract and placate you
>please point on the chart where the man touched you
It's also overly fake gay n gonzo now, I litteraly cant watch that trash for more then a few minutes before I get disgusted . These Boomer boomers spend hours dabing and jacking off to kike ran BBC, Tranny Jew Porn.
Holy fuck you're a massive faggot. How about you make an actual argument in the first place you retard
Someone told me yesterday that he is a confirmed PornHub shill. I didn't get any evidence for it though. Whatever his motive, he's obviously a autistic chronic masturbator who needs love. If posting webms of girls he will never get with make him happy, I say more power to him.
exactly this, so much cumbrain bullshit on this site
Just fap to lolis problem solved.
1. You can't let them chase you away with it, be it Yas Forums or anywhere.
2. The material is EVERYWHERE online.
Learn to toughen through it and look at it as the mental warfare material for what it is.
I did, the point was that addiction regardless of form is still addiction. Now that you feel offended by the implication ... I don't know, where does this leave us now? More name calling?
I've go on Yas Forums daily and laugh at these weak attempts to break me
t. Weak faggot