Lol just a taste

Lol just a taste...

You really don’t want White people to get organized you really don’t... they literally could have executed everyone in their if that was their plan... when lefties scream “eat the rich” they forget you have to slaughter a pig before you eat it...

Hopefully this shows ass celebs & politicians that their over reach has consequences and they aren’t untouchable like they think they are

They need to reopen America for THEIR safety not ours

People with nothing to lose are the most dangerous

Please avoid violence and Open America TODAY

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Other urls found in this thread:

leftists always screech the loudest while the right just get shit done.

>while the right just get shit done.
This is playing into a trap, but you would have realized that if your IQ was above 9.

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The people in power know how drastically we outnumber them. Thats why they use terrorist tactics to keep us living in fear.

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...ooooh football, minimum wage and the new blacked is back!

Americans won’t do shit. The average burger loves to LARP with no action.

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>Retards use communication networks set up and controlled by the elites
>Retards listen to news 24x7 setup and controlled by the elites
>Retards use infrastructure built and controled by the elites
>The elites fear us user
Retards be retards.

I'm pretty sure it's been the opposite for the past 70 years


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Im expecting someone to open up on Cops and some low-level politician soon.

you're just salty because we even do degeneracy better than you maple niggers

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Wurr my niggas at?

Glow harder

Go ahead, We're waiting

The militia is there asshole

some dude in a skull mask saying yes sir thankyou sir

>You really don’t want White people to get organized you really don’t

LEL tough guy talks shit on the net

What can happen, rabbi corn?

I’m saying open up America and let freedom breathe asshole I’m saying avoid violence

Healthy people are being stopped from making money asshole

Not tough talk at all you need to learn how to read
Suck my dick


Good luck muricah I still believe in u

>We'll do it! I SWEAR!!! We'll 1176 again!!
Alright Ill believe it when I see it

You should do nothing goy just be good little sheep

Ok Mr. chinksect

This is white people under democrat tyranny.

This felt good to see. Politicians need to fear the people again.

finally the fud boomers are putting their rights to use

Based Leaf

>nah we don't fear you
>setup a vast surveillance and control network because you fear the people will get out of line
Okay, fren.

>setup a vast surveillance and control network because you fear the people will get out of line
That is precisely why they don't fear us. They know what we're up to. Now, only sheer incompetence on the part of the elites will turn the tables.

This is exactly the psychological propaganda they shove down your throats to stop you doing anything. They want hammer it into you that it's impossible because they KNOW it's possible and they DON'T want you to know that. If the situation was hopeless, the paid shills, mass censorship and propaganda would not be necessary. Simply ignore them and they lose all their power.

Tacitus' accounts of the Ancient Germans, Watch from 36:45 for 10 minutes

Daily reminder that everything you learn about Vikings is mostly cherrypicked atrocities by cultural marxist to obscurantise the plethora of historical accounts on their and the Germanic peoples noble nature, matching descriptions of other early Indo European peoples. The reason they want Vikings and the rest depicted as simply edgy snowniggers, especially by the Asians and other "tribesmen" on this board projecting their own low empathy neurogenetics
which the Vikings DID NOT POSSESS, onto Western and Northern Europeans, is because they don't want you noticing the Noble Savage concept being seen amongst all early Indo European societies, the high morality of the Aryan race. Whenever there is human domestication (urbanism), corruption and cosmopolitanism, Semitic/Arabic DNA and cultural memetics begin to grow and dominate. Wherever in Europe there is human independence, frugalism and nationalism, Indo European DNA and cultural memetics begin to prosper and dominate. In this era of globalism corporatism and Great Replacement, it is more prescient than ever for Whites to return to our roots and prop up our own kinfolk.

Video related, just a TASTE of the things we can achieve when we unite.

Fuck off faggot

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This was also America in the age of King George the Third.