All of these people are happier than you and enjoy their lives more than you enjoy yours...

All of these people are happier than you and enjoy their lives more than you enjoy yours. All you can do is call them names because you're upset.

Attached: 1588256888834.jpg (3000x2625, 1.02M)

First of all they aren’t happier. Why do you think they play games all day long? Also what’s with this idea that you have to be happy at every moment of your life. Do heroine at every waking moment of your life and you’ll never not be happy. But to function and better yourself you need to feel unhappy to make a change or to keep advancing yourself. There is nothing wrong with being unhappy sometimes.

As long as they are not hurting anyone, who cares

I just gave these "men" an ocular testosterone patdown. They all failed.

Attached: VTKXAqR.png (1000x628, 505.35K)

If they're relying on video games for their happiness, they're not happy.

Is this why they are always talking about "muh depression" ?

Them not hurting anyone is the problem. These are not men, they're children, and they're contributing to the downfall of their society.

Look into their eyes. They're not happy

they literally play nintendo because it brings them back to the only happy moments of their life, parts of their childhood. they have to escape the existential misery they otherwise feel every moment of their life caused by denying their Father and submitting to a roastie, that they otherwise blame on Orange Man/Christians/Conservatives etc.

also they aren't smiling in those photos, its a submissive grimace.

Attached: feargrimace.jpg (624x351, 25.41K)

Keep these onions boy jabronis out of the bar

the best part is that you're so full of ugly hate you probably can't enjoy anything and spend your days spreading vitriol. when was the last time you were happy, truly happy?

Bring in only the oiliest of beefcakes

>muh gaymes

Attached: 8DB6F7C7-CB4F-4480-9C51-984A5E4CFCA9.png (860x875, 893.82K)

One of these pics is fake so the whole post is fake and gay

Is this the dead walking?

listen to them on twitter when they are not consooming and all it is, is misery and seething.

I used to do drugs
I fucked
I went to cool parties
had lots of friends
was cool
had status
i dont look down on these guys, not really anyways.
they can do what they want
do i want them to do better?
yes of course
I want everybody to do better, but maybe they need to be man babies for a while?
Who knows.
Im not going to judge these young men on their inability to cope with a sick and twisted society they have to deal with while they were lied to their whole life.

Yesterday i had a conversation with my dad and told him "you, me, the entirety of society owes it's existence to violence past, present and future"
He vehemently disagreed and even became angry.
Weird huh?
He tried to use anger and a show of dominance to be "right" and win the conversation.
When i pointed this out he sperged a bit and then i sperged a bit but eventually i wasnt convinced by his view because i also have the ability to be violent.
i dont have to fear him because he knows i too can apply violence
this mutual understanding makes it so we dont constantly try to murder each other that and more things like love and empathy, but without the threat of violence he could step over that line just like many people in society do anyways.
Cops, criminals, countries etc. all use violence to survive in this world.
you owe your existence to it .

>they're contributing to the downfall of their society
please elaborate

>you owe your existence to it .
yes, but violence without a purpose is just barbarism
>live by the sword, die by the sword

Imagine being a room filled with them and holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Attached: LibRemover.jpg (1280x905, 111.38K)

Disgustingly good bait.

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men have social role to fullfill they arent filling


>1 post by this tranny cocksucker

>browses reddit for things to hate and bring back to Yas Forums/pol

Don't worry you will always have your collection of trap porn, discord bros, and the hottest new Nintendo systems bought for you by your wife's boyfriend. i mean it won't make up for how much you hate your dad but at least it'll take the pain away a bit.

You might have some anger issues. I hate them too, but I never would fucking smash their heads for being disgusting. Same reason you dont set rat traps somewhere on garbage dump. You just let them be.
Sociopathic fuck.

killing them is overboard but i think a beating and harsh training after would make the men out of them

why its always white people

>Posting gay pictures of what you've consoomed on social media for attention means you enjoy your life
If you say so OP

What if I'm completely ambivalent about the existence of the onions but have an unbelievably powerful compulsion to call OP a faggot?

When the full mouth is open and the teeh are bared to the gum-line, that is a 'Fear Smile'. Dogs, cats, all animals all have the same fear reaction - bare all teeth up to gum line.
>wild eyes
>gumline exposed
>'pls dont attack, look at my teeth, oh god pls dont kill me'
It's literally a fear expression you stupid faggot. These are men who can't even physically defend themselves. They're basically already dead
look at that fat retard... I would hit boogie so hard that he would go in a coma and never wake up.
These aren't people. They're literally debt-nipples. The government pinches them and rubs them a little bit and they squirt out money milk) into mk ultra corporations. Literal walking breathing nipples. that is what these stupid faggots are, but don't take it from me. See how the world itself will deal with them

that just means your tribalism level isnt high enough to care about society deeply

that they certainly do, but it's about risk & rewards ... and you will always have individuals who take the easy way. Everything starts with yourself, be the man that inspires

Attached: CLOWN WORLD manifest.jpg (1242x1161, 117.86K)

>“It's better to be ignorant and live in bliss than know the truth and live in agony.”
The redpill’s burden is great but I would rather see things as they truly are and live in misery then prance as an open mouthed blue pill.


Sven in the top right

>All of these people are supposed to be happier than you and enjoy their lives more than you enjoy yours but they are not , they are on antidepressants. All you hace to do is to don't give a fuck and let them die with their cuckface on.

We live by the sword all our lives.
The threat of it is what keeps our borders as they are and makes trade easier and economies stable.
It's only once economies get fucked that our violent nature becomes apparent.
But its always there.
We have 3 (or 4) letter agencies who continuously fight wars.
The violence is and always will be there.
The rest of us are just retarded sheep blind to what goes on.

I have a wife and three kids. Happiness you get from toys and cars and electronics and shit just isn't as deep as the happiness you get from raising a family. The man children are short changing themselves and it IS bad for society. Because for everyone of these guys who stays a man child theres a woman they could have settled down with and now shes a wine aunt somewhere, pushing diversity at her work place and pushing tranny story time at her library. The whole societal ecosystem is affected.

>The violence is and always will be there.
agreed, but as you say, it matters how that manifest. Violence that is not mediated by intelligence becomes self-destructive

yep this is the maxim i live by too
lead by example and if you want to change anything you better make sure you represent that change yourself