>illinois former chairman of board of investment says "bankruptcy is a gift" for state >right after illinois accepts federal loans i really don't know what i expected
Between this gem and that little outburst at the North Korea summit when Trump was trying to settle things down, I'm sure there's a strike three in there somewhere; Acosta shouldn't even have a press pass. He's not a journalist, he's a raging jackass.
It is pretty amazing how Johnson impacted 2016, when you compare it to previous elections when he only got a few thousand votes in each state. Johnson vote totals PA 150k votes(Trump wins by 44k) Michigan-172k votes(Trump 10k win) Wisconsin-106k(Trump 22k win) NH-30k votes(Trump lost by 3k) Nevada -37k votes(25k trump loss) Minn-112k votes (40k Trump loss) NM-74k votes(60k Trump loss) Maine-38k votes(Trump loss by 20k)
And that is before you count McMuffin.
What are we expecting from those voters this year?
William Gomez
Easton Sanchez
states that trumps lies >yeah well well instead of making an argument we get liar for 4 more years huh uh what do you think of that powerful cope
I think Trump deliberately allows him to make CNN look bad. Better to say "well CNN wouldn't rein him in so we're revoking their whole status as a credentialed organization."
Thomas King
Where's the link bros
Jaxon Moore
>What happen They asked about Biden's allegations. Trump said Biden should address. Then brought up Kav and false allegations. Homerun.
Evan Fisher
Illinois is a corrupt shithole but at least they let the company I work for open up Monday. Chicago politics ruin the whole fucking state.
I like Joe, he might have killed someone but who gives a fuck lol maybe she deserved it.. Maybe it's just a rumor. I know I have people out there bashing me saying I'm a pedophile like I fuck kids.. That's fucked up! I have never fucked a kid and I'm not in the KKK.. This is bullshit!! I LIKE Joe, he plays shitty guitar just like me! Almost as shitty as a guitarist as me lol which is a pretty tough feat! Did he really kill Lorri!?
Third party vote will still be up big from pre 2016 but it wont be as high as 2016 to be sure. Amash is a trash candidate, a total loser, and trump has gained ground with romney - Johnson voters.
>All of them place the U.S. total above 5 million tests — the figures range between 5.59 and 5.7 million. And it is correct that no other country has run so many diagnostic tests.
>A White House report on global testing — which sources its numbers from Our World in Data — notes that the United States has done more testing than the combined totals of Australia, Austria, Canada, France, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom. (That addition checks out.)
>But those are hardly all the world’s "major countries"
lmao i actually dont think you read anything after the "pants on fire" part
>Gimme da QRD plz. Asked about Biden rape allegations Trump says he needs to answer, but they may be false...Trump goes into how the same people lied about Kavanaugh