Trump and Jeffrey Epstein

Attached: Donald Trump pictured with Jeffrey Epstein.png (600x600, 123.65K)

now show me where on epstein's lolita express flight logs trump flew with epstein to the child rape island, or show me the times trump stayed at epstein's estate

Jeffrey got baby teeth?

The Jewish man Epstein had a private island where him and other people, mostly Jews, raped goyim children.

Lot's of famous people have been on that island, not Trump, but lot's of people including Bill Clinton.

What form of execution should we use for each and every person who has ever stepped foot on that island?

Follow-up, once we've executed those people, what should we do with Trump for knowing this man?

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A kike and kike puppet being "friends", nothing new.

Thank god trump arrested him

>what should we do with Trump for knowing this man?
Who cooperated with law enforcement?

Trump helped authorities with info on epsteins arrest for sexual assault of person at his Mar A Lago property. Whew

Knew each other for 15 years, mustve had lots of info

OP seems to have a problem with Trump obviously. So my question for him is, after we execute the Jewish child rapists and those that colluded with them like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, what exactly does "he" think we should do with Trump.

Just trying to get inside this person's thoughts and reasoning for posting that picture. Not sure why he didn't post a pic of the flight logs where these grown Jewish men took goyim children to an island to viciously rape them. Seems peculiar, but he must have some reason and I'd like to hear it.

Trump loved to hangout with pedophiles

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>Seems peculiar, but he must have some reason and I'd like to hear it.
Orange man bad.

Famous people like to hang out with Billionaires.

Please respond. I'd like to know more, if you would. A little more than Epstein - an intelligence asset who groomed wealthy people for blackmail - being seen around wealthy people.

Yet it is pedophiles that Trump is around

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I heard that white nigger turned on the Jews and wrote about their kikery in a song. He was actually protecting those children from the Jewish child rapists in hollywood. Once he turned on his Jew masters though, they scorched him alive and then had one of their many Jewish doctors murder him.

Attached: (((murder_of_millions))).png (837x1557, 1.11M)

it takes five seconds to google Trump Epstein flight logs

That's a very anti-semitic statement to make.

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Simpleton. Trump owns hotels. By your failed reasoning Rosa Parks is a pedo.

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>literally 100s of anons discussing things in other threads t hat are being blocked from the catalog
>op thinks he's making a difference in whether we talk or not


I grew up listening to MJ on AM radio. He never had a normal life. He did turn on the hollywood jews and yes, his doctor did murder him.

Nice VPN, Utard.

Why does it look like Epstein's head is built on another larger, non-human scale?

I've seen people with big heads. Me, my mother snd brother are all fatheads. None of us have faces on the same scale as our skulls - our faces are small like Trump's, but our skulls are large like Epstein's.

Archaic humans had much larger skulls which were indeed built on a larger scale. Not just Neanderthals, but Cro Magnon had very large heads and faces.

Epstein looks like he retains archaic fearures. Admixed of course with modern human features.

His smallish, normal sized teeth are in a very big skull.

Attached: IMG_1043.jpg (1294x738, 96.63K)

Trump owns his own jet, he doesn't need to fly on the Lolita Express yet he still did.

Attached: trump epstein flight logs.jpg (1300x650, 114.17K)

Also Trump was in Epsteins black book 27 times.

Attached: trump epstein.jpg (330x384, 32.32K)

They also raped a 13 year old girl together

Attached: trump epstein.jpg (1000x1381, 261.64K)

snopes much?

>this is peak comedy for MIGAboomers. A Jewish actress laughing

Michael Jackson was not a pedophile.

You know any plaintiff can make up anything they want, right? There are plaintiff reports of people colluding with aliens, but that isn't proof. If that story had any traction - at all - it would have taken off. However, the viciously anti-Trump media didn't even touch it because the witness was highly dubious and lacked credibility and the case was dropped.

Epstein's black book contained contact information of hundreds of people who did not fly or do business with him. It was a contact ledger. What part of Epstein was an intelligence asset do you not understand?

And then in 2010 Trump helped out in the case against Epstein and in 2016 called Epstein a pedo on national TV. Next.

Trump was aspirantional for everyone in the 80s and 90s. Just saying the name meant $$$

The pedos on here are too young to remember that era. Trump was first on Saturday night live as host 40 years ago.

Sure you can ignore the evidence and believe w/e you want. DESU if a billionaire with ties to the elites raped someone I knew, I'd probably tell them to start seeing a therapist and forget it ever happened because people like Trump have teams of lawyers that will destroy whoever they are pointed at.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” ... “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes . beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

they raped kids together

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