I’m going to Demonstrate my constitutionally protected rights tomorrow and peacefully protest with fellow patriots anyone else going?
Peaceful demonstrations are the backbone of our nation!
I’m going to Demonstrate my constitutionally protected rights tomorrow and peacefully protest with fellow patriots anyone else going?
Peaceful demonstrations are the backbone of our nation!
ahaha gathering to protest laws against gatherings? stupid hypocrite conservatives
Reminder Gavin Newsom was first in the country to let fags marry
It’s called civil disobedience. Your nigger king did it a few times.
If he is shutting down that beach to cancel the protest that is a problem, but in general I'm on board with this.
Don't shut down the whole state, but if there truly is a problem area (like the NYC Jews) crack down on that specific problem area.
Beaches are temporarily shut down all the time for health and safety reasons. No one cares normally, because it's reasonable. Unlike shutting down all beaches.
could be worse, democrats in maryland dc and virgina are protesting outside of prisons to the tune of hundreds of people demanding everyone in the prison be released but it isn't getting as much coverage for the same reason they never ask democrats hard questions or call them out when thy lie in interview
Peaceful protests are gay
Martin Luther King jr preached this shit
Suck my dick
stay the fuck home inland trash
go home
locals only
OC sucks though so hahaha
Faggot, if I wasn't working all day I'd go
Yeah, because it's not like we have a right to peaceful assembly in our constitution.
What do you really even give a fuck about if you're willing to trade liberty for a modicum of nebulous safety? All of life is risk. Allow people to make their own choices regarding it.
Well at least that actually makes some kind of sense. Governnors trying to keep their ENTIRE state shutdown because one or two cities are suffering are insane.
this, the country should reopen and we should just keep the nog-infected places like Detroit and coastal cities on lockdown.
>peacefully protest
Make sure to take your tampons
Fucking stupid. There nothing healthier for you than going outside to a fucking beach. Get some sun get some fresh air, strengthen your immune system.
just feels like a power trip at this point
"you can go outside, but only where i say"
I’ll just take your moms after I’m done gagging her with my cock
He’s only doing it for Orange County because some photos made rounds in the press of the beaches being overcrowded last weekend. Rest of the state is actually behaving.
Gav will back down, all the governors will within two weeks.
This was the worst powergrab in human history and it's failing, it had nothing to do with a virus, and the truth will come out soon about the coordinated POLITICAL effort between blue-state dem governors to fuck the economy to harm Trump.
Martin Luther King, Jr. also literally sucked dick.
He’s doing it in OC because he’s a bitch and knows Huntington Beach is republican and he hates it
There is no scientific explanation to shut the beaches down fuck him
Things conservative red necks don’t protest-
Huge growing income inequality resulting in stagnant wages for the middle and lower class over the last 40 years and explosion of wealth for the foreign 1% class.
On track for complete and utter demographic replacement. Lineages destroyed.
Billions of dollars sent to Israel every year while Americans suffer.
But they protest to take the scraps from out Goldstein’s while the Goldstein’s will stay home and safe. Not the rest.
>Trump isn't in on the hoax
>all the governors will within two weeks
you underestimate the boner the Dem governors are getting by fulfilling their fascist dreams.
You're not going to get the "chosen one" special treatment with the media labeling your government Nazis for telling you to fuck off, sadly.
This is easy
1. Activate the county militia
2. Deploy 100 to guard the beaches
3. Announce the beaches are open, and the militia are there to protect citizens from being harassed by the police.
OC beaches are nicer desu, it's time I went back.
Your side literally doesn’t know if bleach is safe or not to drink. I drop any delusions of taking over you blithering retard lmao
not gonna happen
all these governors just got the opportunity to live their dream; being a proto-communist dictator
no fucking way they will give that up without a fight, and they have 95 percent of their docile flouridated population backing them up
point to the book where this law is written commie faggot 1 post nigger.
t. LGay
The OC is the only nice part of SoCal, it's also the only White Republican part.