>blacks in italy are less than the 2% and make up the absolute lowest class
of course netflix should put in a fucking nigger in one of the few italian show that are in the catalog
>blacks in italy are less than the 2% and make up the absolute lowest class
of course netflix should put in a fucking nigger in one of the few italian show that are in the catalog
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I knew this would happen when obama got put in the netflix board
never watched normflix in my life
>that thing could get a white chad in Italy
Isn’t it true that most of your escorts are Nigerian? Men really like that in Italy?
Italians are 99% blacks...
>REEEEEEEE my show has a black this is white genocide
why do white people get so buttmad lol
Are you really that surprised?
Homosexuals apparently make like 2,3% of population yet they are in basically every modern hollywood movie and a netflix show.
most whores are rumenian I think
she's ugly
Exactly, straight from africa
We’ve been dealing with this shit for years. Get used to it.
the only acceptable niggers are somalian boomers that still remember the italian civilization back when they were our colony
fite me
sorry our people is not cucked.
Big no, I don't pay for watching nigger vision
We are a devout country
Black people are common in Italy.
>get used to it
That's why you have been dealing with it for years, you accepted it.
we aren't white you fucking nigger
Why are you surprised? Netflix for years has been targeting a niche market which happens to be the trans and gay community. Having interracial couples is part of the package. Dont worry my Italian friend, they have lost millions of subscribers over the years because of it.
>the male protagonist is blonde with blue eyes
>the judeoamerican post that movie part anyway
sei un povero negro.
nigger detected
che schifo i negri
che schifo gli americani
seethe harder copelett
lol no I see them only in the station
Especially black women. Italian men and black women have a thing for eachother.
how do you say BLACKED in italian?
you are overstimating it but I accept it, mating with black women does not undermine the sexual strength of italic men.
Keep insulting the n*rdic underequipped bois, please
making a family with an educated, religious black woman is god tier. You will have strong kids. Marrying a literal fem nigger and your life will suck than marrying a white roastie. Thank god most fem nigs are racist as fuck.
You think we asked for it or were somehow given an option not to have it? Fight it all you want, it’s coming your way. The international media interests will ensure it.