This is your “above average” nigger’s brain on affirmative action.
This is your “above average” nigger’s brain on affirmative action
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How much of that list are you on par with user?
This is just called being white. Most people I know have this.
were they distinction, merit or pass gradings though?
Why are you obsessing over people on twitter?
Good for him, this is what all black males need to aspire to be
Yet he's still on twitter
Yeah pretty much, this guys black but somehow he is not a nigger
Yeah but he probably doesn't hate himself and didn't burn half his brain out on drugs....I'm just assuming here.
>I'm the prize now!!!
What a privilege it is to be the prized slave in a system built to exploit you
As a white person, I think this twitter post is pathetic, but what hate can I give him for being above average? Good job on that part at least
True, they deserve positions of power in our multi-racial society.
I hope they treat us well and definitely don't harbor any kind of racial revenge in their hearts over things like slavery
I think black peoples' views on slavery change based on how recent the subjugation is. A jew is going to have a hard time convincing blacks that white slavers in the 1800s are worse than Jewish slavers today in the 2000s
>no wife
>no kids
At least he didn't abandon any niggerspawn.
More important, what subject was it in? Grievances, business, English, something STEM?
Most people you know have 2 degrees?
So he's going to have to settle for a single mom with herpes or try to date a 16 year old, right?
He was smart enough to take advantage of a lowered bar. Problem is most blacks arn't smart enough for even that, so they have to drop the bar even lower.
I'd like to know what 2 degrees he has. I have a feeling I'd laugh.
Why would you think that?
Was everything from Jim Crow to the flaming crosses done by Jews?
They definitely hate us and they talk about it openly and constantly. Only a naive fool would want them to have more education and more wealth and more power in our society.
>They definitely hate us and they talk about it openly and constantly
Everyone hates everyone, open and constantly, I am not worried about "hate". I am worried about "intent", and so are blacks. You tell a group of blacks that these Orthodox fuckers think they are cattle? They will start a mass guerilla campaign of violence and make them pay. Black people do not fuck around when it comes to people "getting what is coming to them", that is why they are so Christian
> 2 degrees
Music management
If you recognize that racial division and hatred is there, then I don't know how you can jump to the conclusion that it's a smart idea to have anyone but your own group in power.
>niggers think they're special because they behave in a responsible manner like whites do everyday
>no mention of a job
>then I don't know how you can jump to the conclusion that it's a smart idea to have anyone but your own group in power
I don't want anyone but my own group in power, the issue is, the people hijacking the non-racism movement are jews, so if you choose anything other than extreme white nationalism, you're basically helping jews maintain the status quo. We have a pretty fair, if ambivalent, system in place, so if we had that system minus Jews I would be happy.
Then we agree.
Most blacks will end up in prison anyway so they aren't really a major threat.
Things would go back to traditional white culture eventually if Jews were destroyed, as whites always seem to create a very leave-it-to-beaver and beach boys kind of environment. It's just a reflection of the white soul.
Chris Rock had a comedy bit about that years ago.
>"Niggers always be wantin' credit for something they're supposed to do. They say things like 'I ain't never been to jail!' YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO GO TO JAIL YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT YOU WANT A COOKIE?"
>Most blacks will end up in prison anyway so they aren't really a major threat.
I don't think the idea of a major "group threat" from black people towards whites is very feasible. The communities are separate, and even in today's environment they're not mixed like Marxists assumed they would in the early 20th century. Part of the worldview I've gleaned from Christians includes a pretty substantial amount of good-will I have in place for blacks to improve themselves and their situation, and I think we'd be selling them all short if we assumed they're all useless and unable to succeed. Does this mean I love them? Not really. I just want better for them. Baltimore sucks.
Two types of African Americans in this world, Niggers and Black men. This guy is a black man with a bright future.
He beat a system that wants him to fail. Why should he not be proud. It's perfectly fine to brag a little bit especially after making an accomplishment like graduating.
People just want to hold you back, although he could have enjoyed his successes without trying to floss, the fact he did shouldnt discredit his accomplishments
I'm not the type to throw every single one of my accomplishments out there but, congrats to this guy. Keep winning young KING
Why are twitter niggers so retarded
Most whites are rocking two college degrees?
No because they go on to work jobs and pay taxes, user.
>Was everything done by the jews
Pretty much yes and no. The most wealthy slave owners in America were Jewish. The ones who brought them in the U.S were also Jewish. They were in the business of making money, so if the African-American community wants to point a finger at, it should be pointed at Jews when it comes to slavery which is kind of ironic looking at what happened in Ancient Egypt according to the Bible.
>Only a naive fool would want them to be educated
Educated people are the most fearful of the consequences. When Napoleon Bonaparte came into power, he realized that masses are the most dangerous thing. What keeps masses at bay? The fear to lose what they posses. Rationality can be nurtured so that you can process fear. A rabid animal doesn't know nor care about circumstances but a pet will always know when he's in the wrong.
It applies to you also, behavioral training trough knowledge. But it varies on individuals, we live in interesting times.
Do you not understand how college degrees work? Are you Hispanic or something?
Nice to see young black American people doing great. Who says goverment intervention's bad
The US oligarchs want everyone to be turned into a proletariat. It's not just blacks. Plus blacks have privileges that make it easier for them to succeed because the oligarchs fear blacks less than they fear whites.
All black males aspire to rob his smart ass, and leave a nice bloody hole in his brain.
most blacks are rocking even one degree?
Solid deflection. Minors don't count as degrees dude. So, again; are most whites rocking two college degrees?
Why give someone shit for doing the right thing?
>every nigger should strive for a narcissistic gloating nigger
Nothing has changed
Why brag about doing the right thing?
It's called virtue signaling, newguy.
No we really dont. Our entertainment is against us, our music is against us, the police and government are against us. The only thing not against us is the learning system, but it takes a strong black man with strong mentors to steer towards that path if you're in a poorer neighborhood
I still say that this guy did accomplish something good, but now he has to do the next step which is apply his education and make money. That should be easy for him though