The OQ (OnlyFans Question)

This website has proven conclusively that simps are a huge factor when it comes to the skewing of the sexes. It is well known women have grabbed more power from men over the past decades to the point that they have a lot more say in important matters than they should.

Simps will happily donate money to girls for showing a bit of boob in hopes that they have a chance at getting with her. In reality she sees them as paypigs beta orbiters and just wants to extract wealth. This dynamic causes her to think she is more worth than she actually is and the breakdown in relationships amongsy the sexes happens.

I have seen girls as young as 18 on there, the same day they have their birthday, because they know whoring yourself out is easy money and you won’t have to work. When they get into their 30s and realise looks fade they decide to settle for a beta paypig.

This app needs to be removed for the sake of girls and boys of the future. I am kinda scared for the average looking boys in that age range because they might not have a chance at finding a life long partner in college age. This would be disastrous (and is right now) for whites

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>simps are a huge factor when it comes to the skewing of the sexes
Sorry to break it to you user, but this shit has being going on for a while now ... even before there as electricity

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Shame men who pay for nudes
Shame men who donate to titty streamers

Divorce lawyers love this shit.

>shame incels
>incels keep the whore world spinning with coomerbux
seriously do you even hear yourselves? you'd be the first ones to defend the same women who bait beta paypiggys. this is a neverending boolean gender clusterfuck.

congratulations for missing the complete fucking point user. Shaming other men for their faults is as constructive as jerking off to porn, the only thing you achieve is to make yourself feel better. Meanwhile, if you want to be a good example, and extend a hand to your fellow brother and helping them to see the error of their ways ... who knows how such actions will echo through history.

pic related

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We are not going to hell , we are already there , the temperatur will just keep rising.

>tattoo that's advertising she's a lesbian

>extend a hand to your fellow brother and helping them to see the error of their ways
And I'm sure he will take it 100% constructively instead of just being ashamed... fucking idiot.
>pic related
Pic related is a fucking idiot too. How can you be someone whose attributes are unknown to you? You can't. I dare you to try become a Xaagvath right now.

I had a friend who would pay camwhores upwards of 1k every month until I shamed him relentlessly by posting the type of people who did the same thing and showing him what he could've saved and bought with that money had he not wasted it on ephemeral moments of cooming. Showing him tweets of roastie sluts who now own big houses while he was stuck living in a cuckshed because they post pictures of their tits every other day pissed him off to no end. He no longer does it and thanks me every day as his life is getting back on track now.


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i get free nudes from OF whores

Yep I am planning to go to college get a career. Then in my 30s worry about relationships. Not like I have a choice with below average looks.


Why should women be punished for men's stupidity?
Let the virgins be virgins, they'll die on their own eventually.

you need to worry about locking down a woman before your 30's bro. pregnancy = 9 months basically 1 year.

fertility rapidly decreases in a woman's early to mid 30's and she doesn't recover as fast and the babies aren't as healthy. You need to start pregging her up at 22-23 at the latest.

In a perfect world you're pregging her up starting at 18-19 and you just keep going till you have 9-11 kids. It's based and redpilled you're doin it wrong, JACK

>just being ashamed... fucking idiot.
you don't remedy bad behaviour by social coercion, if that works on you ... well, maybe time to introspect a bit. Furthermore, Even if they don't respond, doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

>He no longer does it and thanks me every day as his life is getting back on track now.
guilt is different from shame, you appealed to his better nature
>showing him what he could've saved
good on you for not giving up on your mate

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You should post them on their twitters.

In fact that's what we should do. One intrepid coomer just post the nudes every where.

That's because civilians are stupid, this is what happens when you give freedom to society, the human is inherently savage, stupid and animalistic.
Freedom leads, inhexorably to collapse and anarchy.

I'll never understand any guy who paid for internet p0rn after the year 2005 or so, by that point there was enough free p0rn on the internet that even if you had 2 monitors going around the clock, 7 days a week, you could never view even 50% of the total porn uploaded on the internet in your lifetime

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imagine thinking there’s going back

Acceleration is the only solution,
let the era reach its conclusion

If I was a hot young girl I'd be on onlyfans in a heartbeat. Flash a titty, buy a house.

It's often a kink that they (both husband & wife) get aroused at the idea of other guys wanking to her.

& him having to do fuck all while she literally wanks herself on camera for dollaryoos isn't hard....


Why not just go and fuck a whore

The answer is natural selection. Simps will not reproduce. Ewhores will reproduce substantially less.
There is not way to save them because the market forces are too powerful. Our best hope is that the next generation of women will see the consequences visited on the last generation of ewhores and make better choices, but probably not.

lol enjoy cancer bitch.

It's really loneliness.
They believe supporting some whore is actually akin to a relationship.
Something similar is people paying money to twitch streamers.
Whores don't pretend they care about you.

I was laughing about simps the other day and one of my friends started saying how it's not a bad thing and then just made a cuck of himself by talking about womens rights or whatever
I laughed at him and reminded him his last girlfriend cheated on him and he there was nothing wrong with it
He is 5'8" so I guess he has to simp for any action

Imagine divorcing an OnlyFans thot and taking half of those simps' money.

I can't speak for all porn but as an Asian specialist I'm sadly confident I've seen nearly all free Asian porn that is on the internet

"Saturday night, I'm on the internet, trying to find somethign to jerk off to..

I've seen all this porn before,
is it even possible for one man, to have seen,
all the porn in the world?
Cause' it seems I have!"

As other anons have mentioned, they aren't paying for porn they are paying for a personal connection. These e-girls string guys along and pretend they are their friends.
Yes it's stupid but a lot of these guys are mentally ill themselves or crippled by loneliness and social anxiety. They convince themselves that these girls really care about them and they have some sort of a relationship with each other.

Why doesn’t someone on Yas Forums set up an only fans? I would legit donate twenty dollars to one of you faggots dropping live redpills or just going on Terry Davis tier rants.

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That's how thots get stalked and murdered. Self correcting problem.

You might be tempting me....hmmmm.

Is there any more of this on this subject? It reminds me of that WeWork company that astroturfed the fuck out of itself and went bankrupt almost instantly, leaving loads of people who naively bought into the snake-oil pitch out of pocket and without an office.

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One step away....but that number of reviews.

Should I do it Yas Forums?