How come there's a cult surrounding Trump and there weren't any around Obama, Dubya and Clinton?

How come there's a cult surrounding Trump and there weren't any around Obama, Dubya and Clinton?

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Cuz tRump only attracts really stupid people.

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There was an Obama cult. Trump won because he rode the wave created by Obama.

Yeah idk why leftists formed a hate cult around him. Strangely bizarre. They spend 13 hours a day screaming at the sky about orange man
Why would lefties do this?

He is the King of Israel.

Bow before your King.

>no cult around obama
come on now

>there weren't any around Obama

Weird then, how when I was in europe I would have random fucking people come up to me and talk about how much they love Obama. Fucking propaganda-swilling morons.

>there weren't any around Obama,
You funny guy

There's STILL a fucking cult around Obama you idiot.

its a reaction to the stupidity and innanity of tRumps words and actions.

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How come trump is so competent and obama, dubya, and clinton were such incompetent morons?

>no cult of OBAMA
Seriously, nigger?

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Because people started losing faith in the system and it's a way to make retards think they're winning when they're not.

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Trump is stupid? The man who became a multibillionaire and president is stupid?
Huh. If stupid people are so successful, why are blacks so poor???

>How come trump is so competent

holy shit you cant be this delusional

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Not a factual statement. He inherited a shit ton of money and lost most of it in several bankrupticies...WHy do you think he doesnt want you to see his tax returns? his most sucessful venture was being a carnival barker for a TV show.

try again

Like there aren't dumbfucks with money in positions of power. You're dumber than the senile retard shooting bleach and sticking uv lamps up his ass. I'm gonna go worship at my alter to Obama to cure covid like a SMART person.

He got $413 million from his father.,_loans,_and_other_wealth_from_his_father

Any idiot could have invested that and become a multibillionaire.

>mere seconds before this post was made

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>being born into a rich family makes you smart
When people say "cult" this is what they mean.

Trump is good. Those other faggots were just faggot neocohens.

Based trump won't let anyone cuck him.

Trump, like Reagan, rely on personality and "humor" to get people to fall for their cult of personality

this is a bot replying to itself.

because trump was the only one who inspired

He profited off of the real estate bubble, he was lucky andowned a bunch of property in New York shortly before jews created this massive, fraudulent debt state. He is the epitomal boomer, thinking their massive wealth is due to their hard work when they just happened to be born at the right time.

Except Mallania, but only cuz it's HIS fetish. So it's actually more manly when he calls up Obahma to BLACK that bitch

>there weren't any around Obama,

There was a cult around Obama, still is.

The reason why they were no cults for Dubya and Slick Willy was because they’re milquetoast establishment faggots that suck up to their kike masters.

As for trump, he doesn’t hide his fellating of the juden, plus the white trash underclass here is deathly afraid of everyone who isn’t a straight lilywhite evangelical cuck. Hence why they gravitate to Trump. His public persona stating the reduction of immigration, coupled with evangelical zeal for the Zionist entity leads to the situation we are in today.

If it were up to me, I would hit flyover states with neutron bombs and then go from there, mopping up what little token resistance there would be along the way.

ok skippy


His presidency really opened my eyes to how dumb a lot of my fellow countrymen are.

obviously your gypo faggot ass hasnt heard of the sons of obama. a cia product the sons of obama are all black and believe themselves to be the son of ex president obama. not only was the first black president fatherless but most black men in the military are as well. when presented with fake documents they were indoctrinated into the cult. this all became very public when 1 soldier killed another when he heard the kang of kang must have had another son because another man was talking about being the son of obama and he wanted all the glory for himself . when interrogated he not only confessed to the murder but claimed he had to be released because he was obamas son. when provided with proof he was not he killed himself because apparently in his own words his whole life was a lie if obama wasnt his father despite the fact the lie was only a small portion of 1 year of his own life

Speak for yourself, AVIATOR MAN BAD is where i'm at as a lefty thanks to the libs.

The right propaganda displayed on the right places.

Cambridge Analytica creating some type of linear regresion effect on the hivemind of cognitive bias. Just tell people what they want to hear, before they even kney that's what they wanted.

Imagine posting like this and expecting people to read it

Peak fucking boomer

Fucking idiot take your boomer posts back to Facebook

The only cult I see, is the left.