State Senator made AFRAID by armed men

Oy veh.
Assuming that these protests are real, Michigan state senator Dayna Polehanki was made AFRAID because several protesters had guns in the capital building.
This woman strikes me as a really anti-gun type of Democrat. If more people struck the fear of God into her Godless soul, she might choose to be less open about her treason.

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that's the idea, yeah

Only in America. Pretty fucking based if you ask me

he deserves to be afraid. I hope he gets slotted in the night in his home.

assuming that simply because people have weapons that they're necessarily a threat to you is absurd - you're happy that the guys with badges who are literally at your beck and call have weapons but not that the people who you supposedly "serve" have weapons

not even remotely self-aware

She's threatened because she knows she's a criminal.


These people need to be reminded THEY WORK FOR US.

>it's fine when whites act like niggers waving around their gats demanding they get what they want

Bumping. Hope this spreads to other capital buildings. PEACEFULLY!!! We need a peaceful revolution!

it is incredibly unlikely that that woman considers herself a bad person
hardly anyone does, least of all politicians who tend to psychically subsist on their own self-righteousness

lmao most bullet proof vests arent gonna stop handgun rounds at that range.

I think most anons were seeing things too micro and thought it was all over when the Virginia shit came and left. If anything there's a pressure which is boiling in America and it's building up slowly. This Coronashit will surely push it further. First Virginia, than Kentucky, and now Michigan, who's next? What the fuck is the election gonna be like? we have 2 even more unpopular people and if Biden wins, idk what the hell is gonna happen because you know he's gonna pull Beto style gun laws just to please the liberal base.

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>You're acting like a nigger by acting like white men did when this country was founded!

BTW kentucky was super fucking KINO and filled with /k/ommandos.

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Was the revolutionary war a peaceful revolution?


Also, only retards (you) think that using force to defend your rights is "behaving like niggers"
Infact, I suspect that even you know this and are here because you, like Dayna, are afraid of this eventuality.

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Nah, man, most of this people just use that as a fake personality and know they are actually scum, but that is how they are and that is it.

Unless she’s a sociopath/psychopath, she is probably aware of the growing push back at the current ruling state party’s stand on corona lockdown.
She might think she’s right about her actions, but she isn’t stupid enough to be flabbergasted at WHY there’s armed protestors at her workplace.

>Founding fathers were niggers

pretty gucci if you ask me

The biggest problem with western politics is women. It is always the women who don't have a fucking clue why we have rights and what they are for.

Her subconscious knows better

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Have you ever heard of the 2nd Amendment you fucking shill?

>nigs waving guns to rob people of their belongings
>angry whites waving guns to end overbearing government action "responding" to a "viral pandemic"
Quite obviously the same thing, indeed

>Casting Society of America member.
>Owner of Detroit Casting Company.
>Former Manager of Features Casting at Paramount Pictures.
From her website

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What was the point of them making a display of their guns? Basically, that is what they are doing. I'm just wondering what they are trying to accomplish?

State capitols are really no place to bring a gun, especially not a rifle.

people acting differently in public and in other circumstances doesn't mean people are self-aware
virtually everyone behaves differently in different contexts because different contexts warrant different behaviors - you behave differently at a funeral than you behave watching a sportsball game with friends, and that's not because you're "fake"

the thing is that most people villainize the opposition to make themselves more comfortable in their own positions
that women feels fear because she thinks of those armed men as enemies, and she thinks of them as enemies because if she didn't she might have to contend with what they're saying at that is NOT the path of least resistance for most people - it's far easier for most people to just say "you're evil/stupid" and stop talking to you entirely than to actually grapple with where you're coming from when people have disagreements

Why have weapons if you don't intend to use them? For the record, I am also distrustful of an armed police force. Strutting around the state capitol with weapons is a gesture meant to intimidate, and you know it.

>just wondering what they are trying to accomplish?
They are trying to get this illegal regime of corrupt plutocrats aka the "government" to back the fuck down without violence.
Most people want to resolve problems without violence. But this illegal, illegitimate, psychotic liberal regime refuses to leave people the fuck alone. So conservatives are trying to say "piss the fuck off" in every language on earth to avoid violence.

These psychopaths really ought to listen to these signals because they are not leaving many alternatives to pic related.

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Keep all that anger inside you and express it at the ballot box this november

its pretty awesome that this happens. it is the reason the 2nd amendment exists. so that if the government is not acting in the will of the people, the people can actually do something about it.

that being said, these guys look like larpers and probably just want to take cool pictures of themselves holding their guns.

> omg these armed citizens are threatening to shoot me, a politician, if I dont stop fucking them. Remind me why we allow this
Pretty much the point. Every nation in the world needs to pay attention. You arent government property and your political elites arent gods (most of them are stupid, got by on popularity, and morally bankrupt). If you dont like them, or what they are doing, kill them and pick someone new.

>Angrily votes GOP
That'll show em!

>Why have weapons if you don't intend to use them?
if you make the risk involved for someone who'd want to attack you very high that can dissuade them from attacking you
also rather than "intimidate" the word you'd hear from them is "deter", even though they're not substantively much different in this case

>why is this senator afraid that people who hate her decision have shown up to her workplace armed with deadly weapons, like LMAO
are you guys pretending to be retarded? its not like they showed up with only picket signs. and what do you think this is going to accomplish? "i was on the fence about the whole quarantine thing until a militia of armed men in balaclavas showed screaming up at the capitol"

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They seem like reasonable fellows, unironically. Maybe they just want to be heard and have a serious discussion. No other way to make a point across.

These fucks take money from the scum of the Earth to get elected and they know exactly why they get it and what it's for.

is this still going on? any links to news stories? what are their demands? cant find much with propagandabot search

I'm pretty sure one of the main points of armed protests is to intimidate.. Intimidate the opposition into knowing that they alone do not have a monopoly on violence.

>Only in White America
The exact second Whites are a minority they are changing everything. This is why the immigration act of 1965 happened and is why Europe and all other Whites countries are being overthrown with endless migration of low IQ shitskins.

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makes you think the only thing keeping your government in check is firearms in the publics hands, and whilst in nations like mine, the tyranny prevails

overwatch boys in vehicles with precision rifles didn't get to larp that day

>These fucks take money from the scum of the Earth to get elected and they know exactly why they get it and what it's for
you're giving them far more credit than they're due in terms of conscious guilt - politicians hardly every feel conscious guilt for what they do, because if they did it would be incredibly difficult for them to continue doing what they do
and they typically want to continue doing what they do for more reasons under the sun that can be counted or that they could possibly articulate
most people are not self-reflective - most of their life is like a quasi-autopilot of sequential reactions based on highly unexamined beliefs and attitudes
if you can watch someone like Maxine Waters and believe for a moment that that women has anything approximating strict ethical/philosophical principles you are off your rocker, and so many people (and politicians more commonly) are like that

American civil war and balkanization into WW3. Good God, I love this timeline. How can a single year be so based?