The board is compromised by leftist jannies

Notice how only shill threads for the left stay up all day and night? The second anything goes against the leftist world view it gets taken down, and even if its relevant to released info or politics. Notice how the leftist jannies just leave tits and ass as the main photo with an unrelated social topic where the shills all talk to eachother?
We will keep posting, even though the clowns think they are changing minds by trying to force people into their terrible memes and topics that nobody cares about. Also moooooot was hired by google for undisclosed position in 2014 so I would not be surprised if he either data mines or uses a team with algorithms to editorialize this faggotry that we always see.

Attached: Christopher_Poole_at_XOXO_Festival_September_2012.jpg (340x439, 17.68K)

I made a joke about a tranny while showing a medical image (not porn) of a before and after shot of a "female to male" surgery. Got banned for a week for "posting porn"
Yet a few weeks ago I posted an ex gfs nudes and only got banned for 3 days
This is all the proof I need that pol is compromised, has been for about 9 years

Liberate /pol now!

it's true. Hirojewt has allowed this to happen

Got banned twice now for Mongol posting. Reason cited was replying to off topic garbage. Like 30 threads about injecting bleach need to be up at all times.

Who is that?

All mongol threads also get nuked before 10 replies lol.

I'm tired of them banning entire threads worth of posters for replying to "off topic bullshit" regardless of if they saged or reported the thread. Meanwhile they leave spam and bbc threads alone. The jannies and mods fucking suck right now.

this, fuck jannies and mods. Any user worth his salt knows how to get around their bullshit though lel

Yep, I've been noticing it has been pretty bad for a fewweeks now

This board is literally filled with Nazi threads you fucking retard. I wish they would get rid of all the Nazi bullshit so we can get back to being libertarians who hate niggers and jews.

They always shut down the Apollo Hoax threads right when they start getting good

>only figuring this out in 2020
the site was given to leftshits, police, jews and pakis back in 2014~2015

checked and you're only just noticing this now?

Yeah, I posted something in a greta thunberg thread and the jennies banned me for topic because talking about "being vegan stunting your growth like greta". Im pretty sure banning threads for being off topic should not apply to replies. But whatever leftists retards got through as Jannies. Time to move on, leave this place for the normies.

>time to move on
thats what they want you to do user

You know/pol/ was never designated a right wing haven don't you? You just mad no safe space anymore? Poor little bitch gonna have to retreat to fox news hq the totally not msm propaganda network for retards

This nigger been here longer than for years I see

Who is the guy on the picture?

The jannies and moderators showed their true colors when one of their favorite comedians was being criticized on Yas Forums for posting a pedo themed video. They banned people left and right on pretextual grounds, and deleted any thread which criticized their beloved comedian. Pseudo Intellectual scum.

Yas Forums is a containment site and will always be a cesspool, but the IQ level is markedly lower, for me there is no point staying here when I could be out there searching out the next Yas Forums with greater freedoms and higher barrier to entry.

Morgan Freeman

Yeah, when I shitpost from work at night, I keep getting retarded bans from some cunt mod who has it out for me. 3 in the past 9 days, as soon as I’m free, dey put me back in chains again.

>This reply brought to you by tranny discord!

Banning people in the thread who were funposting or just stating their opinion was rare on fucking 7chan, and even then they were usually 20 second bans that the mod used to have fun with. If you haven't been banned from 7chan for being a little shit you never posted.

This is flat out one or two absolutely butt blasted mods.

I got unfairly banned for a week attempting to post 1 billions NIGGERS back in february

Did any of you fags complaining even bother to fill out janitor applications a few weeks ago when they were open for the first time in several years?
Have you ever been to the mod IRC or gone to you /qa/ to discuss the state of things?

Did it not already come to light that Both Yas Forums and some boards on Reddit are owned and controlled by third parties?

Memory holed like the Bush Administration.

Wtf is this post?

Attached: ee3bae29f332b0cd8ab0b6dc84c7b2ea.jpg (1000x1000, 68.63K)

fuck you faggot

Yeah but shills delete their own threads when they get irrecoverably btfo

>poor little bitch gonna

>why aren't you doing it for free?
>I b-bet you've never been a mod! You dont know how hard it is!

First off. I have been a mod in many irc's. As long as someone isnt spamming gore or walls of text like twitch chat retards you can generally ignore all the white noise and let people do what they want. The only time a report is properly used on Yas Forums is when someone is reporting CP or illegal content that the purpose of getting the FBI to raid everyone and shut down the chat/site.

Jannies are the shills. Once I btfo one of them in a thread they delete that thread and every other thread I posted in that's still up.

its just confirms that faggotism can only exist under heavy moderation

I think banning a few countries would solve a lot of Yas Forums's problems. There is a reason 2ch banned everyone outside of Japan.

NO you fucktard. The board is compromised by the stupidity of the vast majority of the posters.

It's not just Yas Forums. It's all of Yas Forums. This place is a gulag.

Its Yas Forums I've never seen people getting site wide bans for shitposting in a satire board.

I want to stick my BBC in his tight white boipussy

the first to be banned should be america

>Jannies are the shills.
Just thought about what would happen if CCP shills made Janitor applications. That shit is worrying.

Attached: muhban.png (929x187, 18.58K)

Yep. It’s a place for normal and rational people to exchange ideas and discourse, but the tranny faggot jannies and mods are so stuck up globohomokike ass they can’t see the light of gay.

>As long as someone isnt spamming gore or walls of text
That's the pre-Facebook internet. Now everyone is pro censorship and at the same time they wonder why things aren't like they used to be. Anyone who talks about more censorship and bans is an absolutely braindead retard destroying everything good in this world.

Justice bump.Two days ago there was a fagguete trying to justify being a pedo and how kids are built for stuff and.The thread has been up for hour but a Hitler thread got shoa'd in 5 minutes.

See I think you're on to something. Mongolians have eternally btfo China so many times I think seeing them posted makes them froth at the mouth.

Mongolian posters and threads survive maybe a few minutes.

it's not just pol that has been infected by leftist jannies, but gif as well

now the top 10 threads are "blacked", "bbc fucking sissies", "post gifs that make you wanna {{super gay shit}}", "traps", "traps", "traps", etc

i've decided to go no fap, porn is degenerate and now gayest shit is getting shoved down everyone's throats

Tell me this, nigger tranny, do you regret cutting your cock off?

Trannies probably infiltrated the Jannies. Or CCP. I've noticed a massive slide since January of everyone unanimously agreeing to lynch China because of the virus and now the board is up to its mantitties in disinformation.

>>I b-bet you've never been a mod! You dont know how hard it is!

That's not what I was saying.
I just thought it seemed like a good opportunity for any board regulars to get into a position where they could delete all the garbage threads themselves instead of relying on pool of jannies which has probably dwindled over the last several years.
There was hardly any discussion on here when the applications were open and I found it very disappointing.

>why aren't you doing it for free?

There's already lots of posters who spend a good deal of time here and complain about the state of the board. If they tried it out and the demands were too great then they could always quit.

I got banned for a month posting wuhan lab employees email passwords. WTF.

THIS. Used to go on /gif/ all the time for chink virus updates maymays and niche obscure porn like 2 white people fucking. Now it's nothing but tranny sissy and blacked threads.

The China hate threads are made by literal bots.I think (((they))) wanted to delay Facci and Gate's spotlight for as long as possible.